《Keeping It Halal》Airplane Rush


It's now Monday and the airport thought it would be better to get the plane to come a day earlier! We were supposed to leave on Tuesday though. I turned my phone on to see that I got an Instagram message from someone. "Hurry up Mariam! Yalla!" Baba called downstairs for me. Yalla means 'Come on in Arabic.' I turned my phone off and made a mental note to check that notification later.

When we got to the airport, I decided to get a pack of chips from the vending machine. I waited a few minutes until my Doritos with nacho cheese came out. They were my favorite type of chips. After I got my chips, I headed towards my family when a tall, white lady headed my way. When she saw me, she said something I never thought anybody would say. "Oh my word! A terrorist! And she's black too! Step away from me you terrorist!" She said it. She said that one word I hated and despised: Terrorist. Just then, May came by my side and grabbed me by the hand. "Nobody calls my sister a terrorist. And racism is not accepted in society. Are you ok sis?" We walked away. I nodded my head. "Don't tell anyone about what just happened though ok? Not even Mama and Baba." I told her. "Ok. Baba told me to come get you. Our plane's going to leave." She told me. "Where were you Mariam? The plane could have left without you." Mama asked me once we arrived in the line where they were standing. "Oh nowhere. Just got some chips. Want some?" She shook her head no.

Playlist: My Airplane ride

Wild Things: Alessia Cara

My Sanity: Thriii

Taking you: Why Don't We

Don't Change: Why Don't We

Brave: Sara Bareilles

We were now on the airplane, Alhamdullallah 'Thank God.' These were the songs that were on my playlist called My Airplane Ride. I wanted to listen to them and then watch a movie or read a book on Wattpad. After I finished my playlist, I turned a movie on the airplane's TV. I loved the airplane because of the TV and food! It was almost as if they were free (well, for me because Baba and Mama are the ones that pay ;) I turned on Wreck It Ralph, the first one. I loved it so much. It was actually one of my favorite movies. "Hello. Would you like a candy?" A Flight Attendant asked me. "Yes please. Thank you so much." I answered. She nodded her head and headed to the back where my mom and Tala were sitting. Mohamed and May were in a seat while Baba and Ahmed were in a seat but I, was sitting with an old man. Looked about 70 years of age. I paused my movie and decided to stir up a conversation with him. I was starting to get bored of the movie. "Hello Sir." I started with a cheery smile on my face. He looked up at me and smiled. "Where are you headed?" I asked him politely. "I don't talk to MuZlims. Especially the ones that are responsible for 9-11. Oh wait- I forgot. They ALL are. Now shut up and leave me alone." He answered and turned around. Well that was a surprise. Before he started talking, he had a smile which now faded into a frown. I didn't expect such a kind looking man to respond to me that way. It was odd. I decided that it really was best I shut up (although I don't use that word). You're so annoying. Why even bother talking to anyone? I thought. Am I serious?! I am thinking negative thoughts! But I mean...It is the truth...


I woke up with a rainy morning to greet me. "Kareem hurry up Habibi! You'll be late for school!" Mama yelled from downstairs. I wanted to just stay in bed all day. I didn't want to face Mariam. Not today. Not ever. I was too guilty and ashamed. What would she think of me? Does she even like me? All of these questions raced my mind. I checked my phone to see if she replied. Nope. She didn't, sadly. Knock, knock, knock, knock. There was someone at my door. I opened the door. It was Baba. "Hi Baba! What's up?!" I hugged him. My dad, Ali went on a business trip and got back today. He's a lawyer. "Habibi ya Kareem (My dear Kareem) I told you, say Salamualakum not hi. You need to improve your Arabic (Arabic). Should we take you to Arabic school?" He asked me. "No Baba I hate it! Well not hate but I am too smart." I joked.

I decided to take the bus to school. Kareema however, walked with Raya and a couple of other popular girls at our school. Not that I cared, but why wasn't Dalia there? Did Kareema hate her as well? I sat beside an old friend of mine. Mohamed texted me yesterday and told me he wasn't able to come to school. We usually rode in his car for school because Mama uses mine for driving lessons. My friend and I chatted about our plans for the weekend when he brought a topic that I was uncomfortable talking about. "So. Do you still like Mariam? If you do why were you so rude to her?" He asked. "Look I can't explain now. But I will ok. Just as soon as everything gets well ok?" I answered and he nodded. I didn't want to talk about it now. I checked my phone once again to see if Mariam replied to my Instagram message. The answer was still the same: No. No. No! I was raging at this point. I tried to calm myself by reading a little Dua, small prayer to Allah: Athu Bi Kalimaat Illahi Altaamaati Min Shari Ma Khalak. The Dua is for whenever you are scared and means that Allah protects you from the things he has created (for example if you are in a forest, wolves and hungry animals and maybe people). I hope my prayers get answered. Wait who am I kidding?! Allah will always answer your prayers. You just have to trust Him and Inshallah, your prayers will be answered. Ameen. Ameen means 'Amen in Arabic but this is just how you pronounce it in Arabic.'


After the long and boring bus ride, I finally got to school, Alhamdulallah. I tried to avoid Kareema and her group of "friends" because we all know that she's just using them to get popular. Astaghfarallah 'I seek refuge from Allah' I shouldn't judge Kareema or anyone as a matter of fact. The Prophet Mohamed, Salah Allahu Alyhi Wa Salam 'Peace And Blessings Be Opon Him' said do not judge anyone for it is a sin. I have noticed that I am getting very close to Allah. I really am. I am trying my best and even more. Just then, my thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Moore. Ugh I didn't finnish my homework! I thought. I'll just have to finnish it in class. At class, I sat in my usual spot in the back near Mariam, but when I got there, she wasn't there. She was usually there first. I saw Dalia sitting beside me instead. "Hey Dalia," I leaned over to her desk. "Where's Mariam?" She shot me an upset look. "You really hurt her, ok? I thought it was Kareema with this and not you. But you did this." She whispered back. "Don't you get it Dalia? Kareema is using me so that she can get popular. I texted Mariam and told her about everything but she didn't even read my message," I started. "Kareema said that if I didn't get her more popular and hurt Mariam, then she would tell the whole school that I like Mariam!" I concluded. Dalia smirked at me. "Ohhhhh somebody's in loveeeee!" She whispered back. "No! I mean yes! Ugh stop it Dalia. My God." I whispered back. Just then, I think Mr. Moore heard us and said, "Hey Kareem. Why don't you tell us what your talking about? Or actually, read us your letter." He said in his thick British accent. I gulped and snatched my letter from my desk. " Ok. Here it is.

Is it her looks or is it her eyes

They're shining through the night

She's a queen and hopefully mine one day and she'll stay

It's like they say it's love at first sight

And I know that's she's just right

and I will fight for her heart in return for

Her love. That's all I got so far." I didn't expect this but, the whole class clapped. Including the teacher. "Is this for a specific person?" He asked. Dalia smiled cheekily at me. "Nope. Just for fun." I replied. I glared at her and smiled a faint smile. I took a seat, after Mr. Moore motioned for me to. I closed my eyes and said, Bismillah Alrahman Alraheem (In The Name Of Allah, The Most Righteous And Merciful).

-Hey y'all! Anyway true facts that happened to me:

1. I sat next to an old man on an airplane (he did NOT say that about me! He was very kind!)

2. The flight assistant DID ask me for candy! Whoever is a flight attendant, ur AWESOME! WE LUV Y'ALL!

3.I watched Wreck It Ralph on the plane!

Also I have a question: how do you think the family reunion will be???? Write in the comments plzzzz! Ily all bebs!

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