《Keeping It Halal》Good Girl Gone Wrong


She said it. She has a boyfriend. "His name's Nick! Let's call Raya and let her know!" Kareema squealed. Dalia and I just stared at her in confusion and surprise. It's forbiden in Islam to have a boyfriend. Haram! You're either married or your nothing. You can't touch each other unless your married. I was upset at her. She's a Muslim. Why would she do that."Hey guys whatsup?!" Raya exclaimed. "We're great, Alhamdulallah." Dalia replied nervously. "Guys he's so tough too! Here let's text him real quick!" Kareema told us. She showed us how the conversation on her phone looked like:

My Guy

My Guy: hey bae. Whatcha doin? Imysm

Sameee! so...When can we see eachother? It's march break so we wont be able 2 go 2 school!

My Guy: Idk..i gtg. ttyl.

R u serious?! U always brush me off! :(((

My Guy: Srry i told u i gtg! BYE.

Kareema laughed and kissed her screen, lightly. I was shocked at his and her behavior. I could tell Dalia was too. "Does Khalty Jameela- Your mom know?" I asked Kareema, out of the blue. Kareema instantly turned a light shade of red. "Um...No. And don't even think of telling her. Kay?" Kareema told me. Sheesh! She said it pretty harshly. And the thing that ticked me off too was that Raya nodded with a sassy look. I don't know what's going on. But whatever it is, I don't like it. I didn't want this influence. As a Muslim, she should know that this is Haram. She is 15. Just then, there was a knock on Kareema's door. I immediately put my Hijab on and so did Dalia. "Who is it?" Kareema asked. I could tell she was annoyed at whoever was at the door because she quickly hid her phone. "It's me, Kareem. Now, can I please come?" He asked her. "Yes, yes but hurry, ok?!" She answered. Oh she was annoyed. Kareem walked in, showing off his perfect smile and talking to me. Wait WHAT?! Talking to ME?! "Oh sorry, could you please repeat yourself? I wasn't paying attention." I blushed. Dalia elbowed me, playfully and I did the same to her. Kareem put a hand on the back of his neck and oh my God he looked handsome when he did that! His muscles were legit BULGING out! "Mo's here to pick you up." He told me. He ruffled his hair. I wanted to just tangle my fingers in it so badly! But I have to stay modest and be a good Muslimah. To stay true to the one and only Lord, Allah Subhanna Wa Taala. "Ok. Shukran Kareem. I presume you two had a lot of fun?" I asked him. "Yea. Yes actually. We went to DQ for icecream. You guys should have-" "Oh sorry Kareem we were busy talking about our GIRL stuff so shoo! Go on out of here!" Kareema interupted her brother while pushing him out. I rolled my eyes and said my salams before heading out her door. Oh siblings. I thought. They'll always be that way. I made my way downstairs when Auntie Jameela stopped me. "Mariam you seem like a very great girl. I am so glad that Kareema has you as a friend. You bring out the greatness in everybody my dear. Now I have a little something for Mama. I made Basbousa today and I want to give some to your family. Enjoy it and say hi to Mama please." She told me. Basbousa is a delicious desert that many Middle Eastern and African countries eat. It's SO good! "Thank you so much Khalty Jameela. For everything. Salamualakum." I told her. She gave her Salams and I headed out the door. I saw Kareem talking to my brother. How many times do I have to see Kareem in one day! Enough with the embarassment! I walked to the car, nervously. I think Kareem noticed me because he opened the car door for me. "Thank you." I said. He nodded and said, "No problem." Just then, we heard a little voice pop in. "She can do it herself Kareem." We looked up to see Kareema from her bedroom window. She had one hand on her hip. She gave me a stern yet warning look. What was up with her? I didn't do anything wrong. Did I though? You know what, I'm not letting Kareema get to me. "Mind your own buisness, Kareema. I was just being nice ok. Chill." Kareem told her. I loved when he got mad. Ok that just came out wrong! What I mean is that his cheeks get tinted a little pinkish redish color and it just makes me want to laugh. Not because he looks funny, but because he just...I don't even know how to explain it! "Just because you're OLDER doesn't mean you get to boss me around! And I am chill! I am calm!" Kareema sneered at him. Dalia came and gave Kareema an empethetic look. She lead her back inside. Kareem huffed and headed inside. "Hey see you guys around. And I'm so sorry about Kareema. I don't know what's gotten into her." Kareem told us. "Bro it's all good. Anyway, see you around too." Mohamed told him. I waved at Kareem. He probably isn't going to- Oh my God! He waved back! I mentally sqwealed. Mohamed looked at me, smirking while backing out of the drive way. "Oh shut it Mohamed! Keep your eyes on the road. I swear you'll kill us." I joked around with him. He burst out in laughter, mocking me. "It's not like you didn't think Dalia was some...Some..Some GODDESS!" I added. "Haram girl! You know there's only one GOD in Islam! And there is nobody equal to Allah Azza Wa Jal 'Mighty and Magestic'. I slapped him hard on the arm. "Ow! Ok I know you were joking but i'm driving Mariam!" He whinced. He slapped me back. "Hey Mo? Can we eat somewhere? I'm so hungry! I'll pay." I told him giving the him the baby eyes. I knew he definetly couldn't resist. "Oh ok FINE!" He chuckled. I turned the radio on 99.9 Virgin Radio and the song Sunflower by Post Molone came on. I don't like that song. Mohamed loves it though, unlike me. He cranked the volume up from 15 to 39. I guess he really liked the song. My phone beeped. It was a text. A text from Kareema.



Kareema: Hi.

Hi! Wassup?

Kareema: I wanted to let u know abt something.....When u left, Kareem said that he hated u n thinks ur annoying...So srry.

Kareema I don't have time 4 ur lies n pranks kk?!


Im srry Kareema but I. DONT. BELIVE. YOU. BAI.

Kareema: Fine then text him urself n ask him. His numbers 289 337 7798 U can text him or call him 4 all I care k?

k thnx. Ttyl salamzzz

Kareema: Ttyl Salamzzzzzz :3

Me: :333333333

I didn't even know what to think. I got his number. poof done. What if he really does hate me? I thought to myself. You know what? I'm not going to let these thoughts interupt my fun time with my brother! "Ok so where do you want to eat?" He asked me. "Maybe Timmies?" I answered to him. "Maybe Timmies?" Mohamed copied me in his best GIRLY voice. I rolled my eyes. We parked in a driving lot and hopped out of the car. "Hey. It's on me ok?" Mohamed told me. I gave him a hug and we walked into Tim Horton's. Ever since we came to Canada, I've been obsessed with it! It's my favorite place. "Hello welcome to Tim Horton's what can I get for you?" A female worker named Kim asked me. What? I like to read the name tags. I looked at my brother. He motioned for me to order first. "Can I please get a chicken chipottle wrap with an Iced Cap. sized small?" I asked. "Oh sorry we ran out of the chicken chipottle wraps. Can I get you something else?" She asked me. "No thank you. That's enough I think." I answered. I headed to a table while my brother took his order. I turned my phone on and read Kareema's messages that she me earlier. I didn't know what to do. Should I text him? Should I not? I just want to know if he really actually hates me. Just then, Mohamed interupted my thoughts. "Let me guess. You're thinking about Kareem?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. "It's not like you're not thinking about Dalia." I told him in my defense. He rolled his eyes and handed me my Iced Cap. I took a long sip from it before starting to explain what happened. "So Kareema texted me and she said that Kareem said he hates me and he said awful things about me. I don't belive it though. SHe gave me his number but I think it's better not to text him. I don't know." Kareem took a sip from his Iced Coffee. "I honestly think it's just a prank. I know Kareema and her ways because Kareem told me she pranks a lot and stuff. So it's just better not to text him and just live on with your life. I'll call him right now if you want." Mohamed told me while taking his phone out. "Wait what?! No don't call him and-" "Too late!" Mohamed interupted me. I was steaming. The phone rang three times before Kareem picked up. "Hello? Oh Mohamed wassup?!" Kareem said through the speaker. He sounded sleepy. It was only three o'clock! "Hey. So just a very random question. Do you hate my sister?" Mohamed asked Kareem. Kareem chuckled. "No! She's so nice! Why do you ask though?" Kareem asked. Mohamed closed the line. "Hey what you do that for?!" I asked him. "Caring much? Anyway he said no you're really nice. Now hurry up and finnish your Iced Capp. If we go home and May sees I didn't get her one, she'll kill me." Kareem told me. And with that, we got out of our seats and headed towards the parking lot.


-hey guys! Btw those r Kareema, Kanz, Kareem n Khalid's adoptive parents....Not by blood! Srry I didn't mention earlier!!!!

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