《Keeping It Halal》Sweet Home


"Come on kids. Get your bags and find your rooms. Your names are labled on the doors so that you won't get confused. And no fighting!" My mom screamed to us. She screamed because the rain in Canada was pouring so hard that we couldn't hear eachother properly. We lived in London, a city in Ontario. Our neighborhood was called, Erlington and my dad told us that there were a lot of Muslims and Arabs in this neighborhood so we would be able to relate to them more. I looked at the outside of the house. Pretty good I guess...And I get my own room so that's neat! I thought. Just then I got snapped from my daydreaming after dad told us to go inside because we'd get sick. The living room, kitchen, bathrooms and basement looked pretty neat. But I Just really wanted to check my room out mostly because I wanted to sleep. I headed upstairs. I looked for my room and found it. Yes! It's across Mo's and we can toss paper airplanes! I thought. Mo's the nickname I gave Mohamed when we were younger. He hates it when I call him that. I stepped into my room. White walls, carpeted floors, my favorite. I was also surprised to see a bed, night stand and a dresser. My parents probably ordered this all before I thought to myself. Not bad but it will definetly need a makeover. I put my bags on the floor and started unpacking. I came across my snowglobe and put it on my dresser. I remembered that I was supposed to text my aunt. I took my phone out of my pocket and as I was scrolling through my contacts, I saw my aunt's and pressed it. "Mariam. Come downstairs please. We're going to pray Maghrib prayer." My dad told me from down stairs. Maghrib prayer is one of the five prayers we pray everyday. I went to the washroom to wash up before prayer. I wash in this order: hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, hair, ears and then, feet. I head down stairs and slip my thobe 'A garment used to cover up' on. "Allahuakbar." my dad says to start the prayer. Allahhuakbar means 'Allah is great.' After we pray Maghrib, I ask my mom if she needs any help with dinner. "Yes please baby. We are having Baba's favorite, Bamya." My mom tells me. Bamya means 'okra' in Arabic. I mentally cheer. Bamya's my favorite too. "Mama can I please make salad too? And I think we should make rice with the bamya." I told my mom. "Ok I'll make the salad and you'll make the bamya and rice because you gotta learn. marriage can be soooon." She sing songed and teased me. "Mama that isn't going to happen soon." I told her a bit embarassed. She rolled her eyes, playfully. "Mama! What's for dinner today?" May asked, demandingly. "Bamya, rice and salad." I answered. May looked at me with that 'I asked Mama' look. Mama nodded and started to explain to May that she was growning older and should help out more then dad butted in lecturing her too. I finished the food and I left just in time for the lecture before it was my turn. I headed to my room, turned my phone on and decided to go on an app called Wattpad. It has such awesome books! I am almost finished my favorite book, The Halal Way by . I LOVE her! She's my favorite author. After about ten minutes I finished it, happily and I thought to myself, Wow Mashallah 'what Allah has willed'. Amir is such a great person. Inshallah 'if Allah wills it' I hope to find somebody like him... I heard a knock on my door. 'Knock! Knock! Knock!' I went to see who it was. I opened the door and saw Mohamed, standing on the side of my door with a bag of Cheetos. He gave me a few. "Yes Mo what do you want." I asked, annoyed that he came at the wrong time. "Don't call me Mo and I have a radio in my room and I don't really want it. You wanna have it? It works." He said with a shrug. I beamed. "You know I love radios Mo!" I said as I went past him to his room. "Don't call me Mo." He sighed. I looked at the radio in happiness. Tomorrow I could drop by the store to buy some CDs I thought. I took the radio and thanked Mohamed. "Sukran! Shukran Mo!" I screamed across our rooms. Shukran means 'Thank you' in Arabic. "Mariam! Mohamed! May! Tala! Ahmed! Time for dinner!" My mom called. I rushed down the stairs and grabbed a seat by dad and Tala. We ate, silently for five minutes then I remembered something important: When are we going to school? "Baba? Do you know when we're going to school?" I asked him, curious. "In about two days. So the day after tomorrow Inshallah." He answeres. After we have dinner, I head to bed. I'm so excited for school!

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