《Keeping It Halal》Introduction


My name is Mariam. I'm 15 years old turning 16 in 2 weeks. I'm from Sudan and Egypt and live in the United Arab Emirates where all different cultures live together. And since Islam is the biggest religion there, I can wear my Hijab without being bullied and eat and celebrate my two cultures without being bullied and made fun of. But all that changed when we moved to Ontario, Canada. I knew English from before I moved to Canada. But I didn't feel like I belonged. Now I get this question a lot and you shouldn't be surprised because it's not just me but a lot of other Muslim girls get asked this question: "What is that table cloth on your head?!" Well first of all, it's not a table cloth and second of all, it's a part of our religion. We cover up to be modest. I never got asked those questions back in the UAE though. Because a lot of people already wear Hijab. But in Canada, that's where I started getting asked all these offensive questions. My life flipped.

-Hey guys! It's the author here, MuslimPapi! I hope y'all enjoy this book! It is insprired by these two amazing books called, The Halal Way, My Life Under The Hijab, The Perfect Girl and Sadia! (You can read The Halal Way on Wattpad! It's by You can also read My Life Under The Hijab by and also The Perfect Girl by ) Please make sure to vote on my book if you can please and their books! your support means everything to me!

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