《Keeping up with Kamila》• hiking trails and dog friends •



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Hey Chris what's up?

Thank god for captain America coming to save my ass from boredom

That sounds great , I'll bring pyro too

I'm not joking it's a hike obviously I'll bring my dog

Okie dokie see you in a bit Chris


Are you still bored, I'm bored

Not anymore Chris and I are going on a hike and now I'm inviting you my dear sebby

I feel honoured

Shut up we all know that we'll walk for like thirty minutes and then end up back at one of our houses

Very true, alright send me the location I'll meet you both there


After getting changed and grabbing Pyro's leash I headed up to the trail that Chris had picked coincidently it was only a fifteen minute walk from my house so i got a few extra steps in before meeting the boys.

Chris was sat on a bench with Dodger laying on the floor beside him, Chris looked up and smiled at me standing up as I got closer.

Pyro Didn't take any notice of Chris who tried to pet him, instead shifting all his focus to dodger the two dogs greeted eachother and seemingly because best friends instantly.

Only a few minutes later Sebastian turned up aswell grinning as he kissed my cheek and said hi to Chris. The five of us started walking along the hike trail hardly anyone passing us. Clearly hiking was not what most people in LA wanted to be doing on their Saturday afternoons but we weren't complaining we were just happy kicking stones up at each other or tossing sticks for either of the two dogs which were running around slightly ahead of us both of their leashes enjoying their new found friendship.

Seb shook his head "why did you pick such a steep trail, I'm pretty sure a ladder has more of a gentle slope than this"


I laughed and Seb elbowed me, "aww come on sebby it's not that bad" I mocked him and he scoffed making Chris laugh "sebby"

Sebastian stopped walking and frowned at Chris "don't call me that"

Chris smirked "kam called you that"

Seb carried on walking not looking at Chris as he passed him "she gets special privileges"


: lmao why does Sebastian look so offended

: dodger and pyro now that is a doggy duo we like to see

: I don't know if this makes sense but Chris and dodger just look the same


: no that makes sense because so does Kamila and pyro


: how have I never noticed that before


After about two hours of walking we got to the top which to be honest was extremely underwhelming. We eventually made it back to my place,We had ordered pizza and were all sat out in the yard eating together.

Chris finished his bite before looking at me and Sebastian "are we not going to talk about the fact that you didn't tell me you guys were dating and I had to find out through instagram"

I looked at seb "I thought you told him" Seb shook his head "I thought you were going to"

Chris laughed at us, "it's fine but I will be the best man at your wedding" Seb chocked in his drink and nodded slowly as he went bright red. I laughed at seb as he tried to hide.

Both the dogs had spotted the pizza and came running over to Chris who still had a slice in his hand. Seb laughed "your a dog whisperer"

I laughed and shook my head "no he just has pizza"


: that is such a lie you just had pizza

: that's actually adorable

: I now have an extreme case of dog fever

: the pizza slice is the real dog whisperer here don't ever call yourself a dog whisperer


: you called me it first


: you have no proof


: back me up here you heard it


: I have absolutely no idea what your talking about

: not Sebastian and Kamila exposing Chris


: it's what we were made to do


A/n: sorry it's a short one

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