《Just Another Clichè Love Story》8


A/N: This story is ranked no.1 for the #TaeTee tag. Yaay! I have no idea how the Wattpad ranking algorithm works but I think it has something to do with the reads and votes, for sure. So thank you, loves!

Most of you love this story more so I updated it first. But I do think of my other stories too, and they will be updated soon, I PROMISE. For now, I will focus on finishing this first. As what I have mentioned in one of my A/Ns, this story will be short. I only have 10 chapters in mind so we are almost at the end. 😊


Plopping on my bed, I bury my face on my pillow. Everything that happened felt surreal. I just spent my night at Forth’s house and my entire Saturday with him. I felt my cheeks flush as I recollect the scenes. We were hugging the whole night! It didn’t sink in earlier because I was busy worrying about him being sick. But now that I was alone, all I can think about was us. It was just us, the whole frickin day. We played video games, and we watched a movie.

And the closeness. How could he be so nonchalant when wrapping his arms around me? I know we hugged when we slept but, we were sleeping. It’s what had happened when we were awake. Does he have any idea on what he does to me? It made feel nervous, giddy, and weak on my knees. My toes were literally tingling from all the nearness and physical contact. Hopefully he didn’t notice that I was enjoying the moments so much. I silently scold myself for sleeping through the movie that I wasn’t able to savor the short time that Forth was lying on my lap.

After spending time with him, I’ve felt that we’ve become closer. Never in my life had I imagined becoming friends with him and actually get to know him better. I conclude to myself that we are now friends.


I groan into my pillow. I just can’t help myself. I can’t help but feel all these feelings. I know that all that we can be are just friends, and I’m fine with that. But...

I turn to lie on my back and rubbed my chest, to try to get rid of that heavy feeling. He likes somebody else. And I was really glad that he didn’t talk about it. I also wonder what happened to his confession, if it did go well, he should be dating someone now. But I never noticed anything, the news should have reached the entire school if Forth started dating someone. I shake my head to stop thinking about it. I should stop thinking of things that make me upset. Yes, positive vibes only.

My phone vibrated so I reached for it on my nightstand. Thank God, it still turned on after a few hours.

Forth: Hey, Shorty...

I huge smile formed on my lips as I type my reply.

Yes, I change my contact name for him from Dreamboy to just Forth. I don’t wanna get caught and get tagged as the creepy admirer.

I almost dropped my phone when it started ringing loudly.

He was calling me and I panicked for a couple of seconds.

“H-hello?” I answered.


“Hey, Beam! I-” I can hear him move around.

“I-I was just calling to check if you got home safe,” he said.

I scratch my head at his weird question. I left his house at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The sun was still up and shining when I got home. I even go home so much later than this during school days.

“Yeah, I did. Uhm, thanks?”


We both went quiet. I really don’t know what to say. This is the first time he called me and I just don't know what to do so I coughed to break the awkward silence.

“So,” I said. Should I tell him goodbye? But I don’t wanna hang up yet.

“So… what are you doing?” he asked before I can continue.

“Nothing much, just lying on my bed, about to sleep” I replied.

“Oh, sorry if I disturbed you,”

“No it’s fine, it’s still early anyway, really… it’s okay,” I said trying not to sound desperate and say I want him to stay on the line.

“Great. By the way, I think the wound in my arm is gonna heal soon,”

“Well, that's great," I said. I still felt guilty though, he actually got hurt because of me.

Then he told me he watched the movie again after I left and he shared his review. I was glad he liked it.

We talked some more. No, I mean, a lot. About school, about other movies, and other things that were randomly brought up. He was actually fun to talk to once I got past my shyness and felt comfortable talking. He is pretty funny and sometimes weird. The charming kind of weird. And his voice over the phone is just so sexy.

He was now wheezing loudly while I was laughing my ass off clutching my stomach as he tells me a very funny story about Ming.

"Awww, man," he suddenly groaned.

"What?" I asked.

"My phone's about die! Wait, hold on. Let me get the charger,"

I nodded even though he can't see me. I looked at the time and gasp. We were on the phone for almost an hour. No wonder my phone was super warm. I got out of bed to get my charger as well, then plugged my phone in and placed him on speakerphone.

"Hey! I'm plugged in," he called.

"Me too actually, and you're on speakerphone," I giggled.

"Wow," he chuckled.

"Yeah," I said with a big grin on my face.

"This was the longest time I spoke with someone on the phone," his voice sounded with excitement.

"No joke. Me too,"

We both giggled again.

"You have to sleep now Shorty,"

"Yeah, you have to rest as well," I agreed.

"But wait Shorty. Do you…" he paused.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Do you wanna hang out at my house again? On your free time of course. You know, to watch movies and play games,"

I rolled on my bed and squeezed my mouth shut to prevent a squeal from escaping. Did he just asked me to hang out?

"I uh, yeah… Of course. Yeah… That would be cool," I replied.

"So is next weekend, okay?" he actually sound excited or maybe it was just my imagination.


"Yes," I replied without thinking.

Then I heard a loud bang on the other line and a muffled curse and an owww.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just stubbed my toe on the bed frame,"

That must hurt a lot.

"So…" I trailed off.

"See you at school then," he said softly.

"Yeah. See you,"



"Please stop ignoring me at school," he said.

I stayed quiet.

“I don’t know what I did, but I’m really sorry. I’m not gonna pester you and ask why. But please, Shorty. It’s fine if you don’t tutor me anymore,”

I understand, and there's no point in ignoring him anymore.

"Okay," I smiled and I can hear him take a deep breath.



"Can I have breakfast again? I starved a lot when you stopped," he said it in an aching tone.


I heard him yell a muffled Yes!

"You badly need your breakfast huh?" I joked.

"You heard that?!" he sounded shocked.

"Yeah," I giggled.

"Nooo. That was… embarrassing."

I just chuckled.

"But… they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So I gotta have it. You know that," he explained.

I laughed loudly now.

"Yes. I'll bring your favorite PB&J on Monday," I promised.

I sounded like a wife promising his husband to bring him food at work.

"Yeah!!! Thank you, Shorty. You are the best,"

And there goes me, blushing.

Then we were both quiet again.

"Good night, Shorty," he said with a warm voice and my heart beats faster with delight.

"Good night," I replied.

I waited for him to end the call.

But he didn't. I look at my phone curiously.

Okay. Now what?




That's when we both laughed. Gosh.

"Good night, Forth,"

"Yeah, good night,"

But none of us pressed the end button.

After a while, we started giggling like idiots again.

"End the call, for real. We have to sleep," I said while fighting a snicker.

"No, you end the call," he insisted.

"No, you do it," I rolled my eyes.

He chuckles and my stomach flips. I stared at the phone looking at the increasing minutes.

"Okay, good night," I finally caved.

“Wait, on the count of three,” he said.

“One. Two. Three.”

And we’re both off the phone.

I grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. My smile was unstoppable, lips curved from ear to ear.


Monday morning and we’re back to our daily grind. The weather was surprisingly nice and for the first time, I really looked forward to my classes.

I approached my locker and gasped when I opened it.

Hey there cutie! -C

Written on the familiar yellow note together with a pack of Red Vines.

“Hello, Mr. C,” I said aloud and opened the packet to chew on a piece of licorice.

“Hi!” A voice answered.

I gasped and turned around.

“Oh... Hi, Forth,” I answered. I let the licorice dangle on my mouth as I retrieved the precious sandwich from my bag.

He took the sandwich and pulled the licorice from my mouth as well. He starts chewing on it.

“Isn’t it too early to eat candy?” he asked.

“But I love candy,” I said.

“Really?” he smirked.

I nodded.

“What candy?” he prodded.

“Chocolates, M&Ms, KitKat, Red Vines, Snickers, even choco chip cookies, I know they’re not candies, but I love them too,” I was basically enumerating all the sweets Mr. C has given me.

“Okaaay,” he says and ruffles my hair.

I just smiled at him, pulling another licorice from the pack. But he took it as well.

“I’ll take that,” he said with a grin.

“Thanks for breakfast!” he yelled as he ran to his class.

Well, today’s gonna be good day, I can tell.



Chem class. I was looking at Beam’s direction while grinning the entire time. That was the best weekend ever.

I bury my face in my hands as I fight the urge to scream and pinch Ming beside me.

“Are you okay?” Ming asked.

“Yeaaaah,” I replied.

“Are you drunk? Did you eat something weird for breakfast?” he asked.

“Nope, and nope,”

He eyed me curiously and followed my line of sight, and then grinned.

“Alright, mister lover boy,” Ming teased. "Did you ask him to prom already?"

My jaw dropped open. Shit, I forgot about prom, and it's just two weeks from now.

“Just close your mouth because the teacher is here,” Ming said while shaking his head.

Our Chem teacher marched inside and a tall guy followed.

“Everybody settle down,” our teacher called over the noisy banter. The classroom quieted down and people went to their seats.

“Everyone, you have a new classmate starting today,” he smiled and looked at the guy. “Introduce yourself.”

Everyone turned their attention to the new guy. The girls started talking in hushed tones, suddenly fixing their hair, looking at their reflections on their phones. Some of them even started blushing. The boys just looked at him curiously.

I scoffed. Well, he is good-looking, I admit. Tall, fair skinned, lean body, nice hair, and yes, handsome. But that was it.

“Hi everyone, I’m Phana, nice to meet you. My family just just moved in last week. My dad suddenly got transferred here, and we've only known a very few people so far. So I hope we can be friends,”

Okay, that was a nice intro. He has this confident aura around him. Some of the girls even cheered. I turned to look at Beam and… he was smiling. What the fuck, Shorty.

“Thank you, Phana. Why don’t you sit beside… Beam, over there,” he pointed to the empty seat beside Beam.

What? No.

Beam waved cutely.

I swallowed heavily. What was that?

"Beam, show Phana around on your free time, will you?" our teacher said.

"Yes, sir," Beam answered.

Phana smiled at Beam showing his pearly white teeth, and went to his seat.

To my surprise, they immediately started talking. What is happening here? Beam doesn't even look at anyone in the eye much less talk to them immediately. I've known my Shorty for years and he doesn't warm up to strangers that easily.

A scowl starts to form on my face.

I have a bad feeling about this, and one thing is for sure, I don't like that new guy, Phana.


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