《Just Another Clichè Love Story》6
The sky looks gloomy and I think it’s about to rain so I brisked walked as I reached the school gate. I’m taking the bus again. Wayo only had classes in the morning so he was home early, and I called mom to just go straight home and not pick me up anymore. But now I’m contemplating on calling her as thunder roars from the sky. But then I changed my mind. Mom must be tired from work and it’s just a little rain anyway.
I was halfway to the bus stop when the first drop fell. Great, I forgot my umbrella. I walked faster and was about to start to sprint when I felt two pairs of strong hands grab me by my hair and arms. Before I could shout for help, my mouth was instantly covered and I was dragged into a dark alley. I tried my best to escape their grip but they were too strong.
The alley was dark and rain was now heavily falling. The one holding me slams me to the concrete wall. My knees buckled making me fall to the ground. I looked up at my attackers. These two looked like thugs or maybe gang members, and by the looks of their faces, I can actually feel their malicious intent.
“Ya’ got any money, boy?” one of them snarled.
I shook my head and retreated backwards. I don’t get scared easily and I’m used to people threatening me. But this one’s different, they’re not students, they’re full grown adults who can seriously hurt me. I weighed my options, I could fight them but my wimpy self would just get beaten. I could try to escape but I can’t outrun them, that’s for sure. Last resort would be to just give them what they want.
The taller one hauled me up and I immediately decided with the last option.
The other guy checked my pockets and found my phone and wallet. There goes my week's allowance. He smirked and grabbed me by the collar.
"What else is in your bag?"
"J-Just my books," I stammered as I try to get away from his very tight hold.
The rain was heavily pouring now and I can’t see anything clearly since my glasses were already fogged. But one thing that was clear was the loud yell I heard from the end of the alley.
“Get your hands off him!!!” Forth’s loud and angry voice rang in my ears. And my heart did a somersault.
Undeniable rage can be seen in his eyes as he ran towards my attackers, and then his fist slammed against the face of the man holding me. For a brief instant, nobody moved, until the other guy holding my backpack threw my bag aside, and charged towards Forth.
Fistfight ensues and I stood there paralyzed watching the scene unfold. Forth attacked and even though the two can overpower him, he still has the upper hand. Punch after punch from his tight fist and a few heavy kicks sent the two thugs kneeling on the ground. Forth freaking knows martial arts.
“What the fuck!” One of them yelled and suddenly, out of nowhere, a pocket knife appeared in his hand.
He stood up and charged towards Forth who was busy wrestling the other one on the ground. That’s when I felt my feet move.
“No!” I shout as I ran towards the knife guy. Luckily, Forth saw him coming and deflected the stab with his arms. I kicked the guy’s hand really hard and the knife went flying to the corner.
My eyes narrowed in determination, and threw my body weight on him and then started swinging my fists against his face. I have never punched someone before and I was so surprised when the pain hits me as my fist connected with his jaw. He was clearly bigger and stronger than me but my adrenaline took over and I give all my effort and fight with all I can.
I got lost in the moment until I felt strong hands grabbing me, and calling my name.
“Beam! Let’s get out of here!” Forth yelled through the rain.
I looked around and saw the two thugs lying on the ground. I quickly grabbed my bag, phone, and wallet on the ground. Forth took my hand and we ran as fast as we could.
Looking back, the two guys are now up and were about to chase us, so we ran faster until we reached the open street. We finally lost them so we stopped to catch our breaths.
That’s when I saw the blood on his arms.
“Oh my god, you’re hurt!” I said alarmed.
“It’s fine, just a graze. Let’s just go to my car, it’s parked on the third street,” he winced as he limped. I grabbed his waist and let him lean on me as we approached his car.
“I’ll drive,” I say as I placed him on the passenger seat and buckles his seatbelt.
“You can drive?” he asked.
“Yes, I just don’t have a car,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Okay, I’m fine. Just drive to your house first, then I’ll go home after,” he said.
“What?” I glared at him. “We’re going to your house first. You’re wounded,”
“But it’s fine really. I’m good,” he said and smiled.
I look at his soaking wet body and can clearly see his bloody arm, bloody knuckles, and busted lip. My heart filled with worry. I fight the urge to hug him.
“I don’t believe you,” I looked at him and tried my best puppy face. “Tell me your address please,”
He finally relented and gave me his address.
My mouth gaped openly as I entered Forth’s house. His house is huge.
Before I could comment, I felt Forth wince and groan as we enter the living room.
“My room’s on the second floor far left,” he said.
“Where are your parents? Your wounds need attention,”
He was quiet for a moment. “I’m alone right now,”
I stared at him. What does he mean?
“Parents are on a three-month long business trip in Europe.”
I nodded and we carefully climb the stairs. And just like my reaction earlier, my mouth was again wide open. Forth’s room was just as huge. Twice as big as my own room. A king size bed sat in the middle. Opposite the bed was a huge smart TV together with the latest gaming console, and entertainment systems. On the far right corner looked like a door to a closet, and opposite it was what I guess was the bathroom. Then there is a huge shelf that contains his sports trophies and awards.
After I finished gawking at his bedroom, I sat us down both in his bed.
“We’re both soaking wet,” I said. The fact that we were alone in his bedroom just dawned on me. My stomach started feeling queasy.
He slowly stood and walked to his closet. After a few minutes, he came back and handed me a pair of boxers, a sweatpants, and a shirt.
“You can use it,” he said softly.
“T-thanks,” I said not looking at his face. I am going to wear his clothes, and I feel so happy. My cheeks start to go hot and I began to feel a bit nervous, but it was immediately replaced with worry, when I notice his arm.
“Oh my god, you’re bleeding,” I gasped as I help him undress his shirt. Some of the blood has already dried on his arm.
“First aid is in the bathroom cabinet,” he said.
I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the kit and ran some hot water on a few small towels.
I immediately cleaned the wound and put a thick gauze on it to stop the bleeding. Thankfully the wound wasn’t that deep. Then I wrapped a bandage around his arm, securing the gauze tightly. The entire time, I struggled to not look at his naked upper body, especially his incredibly sexy chest and torso, and just swallowed hard.
Next was his bloody knuckles, after cleaning it, I make sure nothing was split open. Then I paid attention to his face. I cupped his cheeks and checked. He’s got a busted lip and a few scratch marks under his right eye. I let out a sigh of relief to see that there’s no bruise. Nothing should happen to his handsome face.
“Ah!” he flinched as I dabbed the warm wet towel on his lower lip.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I murmured softly as I carefully wiped the blood.
My thumb softly made circles on his cheek as I slowly blew cold air to this lips. Hoping to alleviate the sting.
It's only when I look at him and realized the nearness. Lips on lips were just a few inches away. And when I look at him, our eyes locked and he was giving me a long look. I don't call it staring, since his eyes are not unblinking and there is a soft effect to it. So I look back and tell him through my gaze how my heart really feels.
We were both frozen for what seemed like minutes though they were just seconds. But then thoughts entered my mind. I break the gaze and turn my head away.
"I'm so sorry, you're hurt because of me," I said.
Out of nowhere he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me close. He embraced me tightly and gently rubbed my back. Warmth spread through me even if I was cold and soaking wet. My stomach fluttered at the feeling of his strong body pressed to mine, and I sink into the feeling. I wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could. If this is what it feels like to be in his arms, then I want to stay like this forever.
“I would do anything for you, Beam. I don’t want you to get hurt,” he murmured. Who wouldn’t fall in love with that? He is perfect. He is genuinely kind and protective of his friends.
“Thank you, for saving me. Thank you,” I hid my shame and buried my face on his warm neck. But then my face became warmer when I remembered he was half naked.
“Uhm, I’m... I need to change clothes first,” I said as I slowly untangle myself from his embrace.
I think there was a flash of sadness on his face as I let go, but maybe it’s just me. I went to the bathroom and quickly changed into his clothes. I giggled as I put on his boxers. His sweatpants were kinda longer and his shirt was definitely bigger than my size, so I looked like a kid wearing oversized clothes. But I don’t mind, they are very comfy, and they smell so good. They smell like Forth. It feels like he is still hugging me.
I folded my wet clothes and placed them on the sink, I will get them later when I go home.
I went out of the bathroom and saw that Forth was already dressed in the same sweatpants-shirt combination. He was lying down on his bed, eyes closed. He looked tired.
I walked over to the window and got startled as lightning flashed brightly. It was still raining heavily but it’s kinda late so I need to go. Mom’s gonna be worried.
“Uhm, Forth, I guess I should go home now,” I said as I gathered my things. My phone is not working. I guess because it got wet and got thrown around.
Then I felt his warm hand grasp my wrist.
“Stay,” he says softly, with a pleading look. “There’s a storm outside, and I don’t think I can drive you home.”
“I’ll just take the bus, don’t worry,” I said.
“The bus stop is quite far from here, it’s already dark and raining heavily,” he said while coughing in between.
“I… uhm,” I look at his huge warm bed and I am very exhausted.
“Please,” then thunder rumbled loudly in the background.
“O-okay, but I need to call mom, but my phone’s broken,” I gave in.
He smiled, “Just use mine.”
So I called my mom and told her everything that happened. She sounded very worried but was really relieved when I told her Forth had saved me. She was okay with me staying the night at his house.
Before I locked his phone I noticed my number on his logs. He named me as My Shorty making me smile widely. He really liked calling me that.
I sat down on my side of my bed. Forth has already gone to sleep. I guess I have to sleep as well. I looked around and finally noticed his study table. It was kinda messy, but I definitely saw the binder notes I made him, and then some books and his laptop. He must be studying for the exam. Then scattered all around were the all too familiar post it notes. It was the same paper my special friend uses when leaving notes in my locker. I guess a lot of people like using them. There were a lot in his table actually, some crumpled on the trash bin below, some are just lying around the table. He could have just used his notebook or something.
I stood up to see what he’s been writing but I suddenly hear a loud whimper. I looked down the bed and see Forth shivering. I ran to him and felt his forehead. It was burning. I grabbed the first aid kit and picked the thermometer and placed it in his mouth. I wrapped him with the thick comforter. The thermometer beeped and displayed a very high temperature. I quickly ran to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a couple of Ibuprofen and a glass of water. I hauled him up, leaning his head on my chest, and made him drink the meds.
“You have a very high fever, we need to go to the hospital,” I said worriedly.
“N-no, it’s fine. I just need to sleep. J-just stay with me, please,” he croaked and wrapped his arms on my shoulder as he lies down.
He never let go so I came down with him
"Beam, please stay," he says through his shivers.
"Yes, yes," I whisper.
However, I carefully removed myself and went out of the bed.
"Beam," he cried.
I ran to the light switch and turned it off, and then hurriedly went back to bed while turning on the lampshade.
"Beam," he calls out my name.
"Hey, I'm here," I say softly as I lay beside him.
"Hold me, it's so cold,"
I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around him. Carefully avoiding his wound. He was burning hot and it's making me worried. He is bigger than me but I tried my best to wrap him in my arms. He tucked his arms on my chest and buried his head on my neck. I hooked my legs around his and grabbed the comforter to cover us both.
His shivering seemed to stop and he was now breathing evenly.
His fever is making him delirious, and I prayed that the meds he took earlier can help him get better.
"I'm here Forth, just sleep," I said and rubbed his back.
He was murmuring words I can't really understand. So I held him tighter.
"Beam… you…" I didn't really hear him clearly through his muffled voice.
I ran my fingers through his hair until he calmed down. He became quiet after a while and his words were replaced with soft breathing.
Touching his cheek, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. Closing my eyes, I let my lips linger for a while.
Slowly, I opened them and looked at his sleeping face. I ran my thumbs on his knitted brows until his expression softened. I felt overwhelmed, my chest felt so heavy with emotions that can't be contained. So I uttered the words I cannot say to him in any other way.
"I love you," I whisper softly as I bury my face in his soft hair.
I closed my eyes and synchronized my breathing with his, together with the soft drizzling of the rain outside. Within seconds, I was also consumed with sleep.
A/N: How are you my loves? How do you find the story so far?
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