《Blue beetle X reader X impulse》The truth finally comes out


(A/n) totally listening to famous last words by My chemical Romance while reading this

8 Flashback 8

"Finally my Sister we are reunited at last..."

8 Present: (y/n) POV 8

I opened my eyes and saw starburst (gold beetle), with his two (e/c) eyes.

"Oh hell to the no, get your unfamiliar hands off of me", I jumped out of his arms and was about to punch him when two blue arms wrapped around my waist, I managed to get loose.

As my fist was about 8 centimeters from his face I was picked up by Nightwing. (Oh god I'm fangirling too hard right now) I kicked Night wing where it hurts, (oh no the future children), I ran to starburst and tackled him. I straddled him and drew my fist back when I was tackled by Nightwing, Jaime, and Bart. (Yeah reader-chans that Bad-*ss)

"(Y/n), calm down, he's your brother!!!!!!!!!", I stopped struggling and and laid there with my mouth gaping open like a fish.

"Yes, it is true, I will explain..."

8 Que long story and explanation 8

"So basically, I'm from Saturn and I have the ability to control all elements, okay I'm going to tell you this once. But is your *** hole jealous from all the sh*t that comes out of your mouth", I smile sarcastically.

"Just kidding, I believe you sort of, I don't believe the whole Saturn thing but, okay I'll try to get along with you. But, the first step to that would be, showing me what you really look like", I stand there with my hands on my hips.

"Deal that is a fair wager, I suppose", I raised an eyebrow and tapped my foot expectantly.

As the suit started to go back into the scarab, I was slightly shocked. He had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin.


"Okay, you've got the looking like me part down pretty well, so why can't I remember anything about my childhood?", he sighed.

"Well our people were being wiped out. Mother and Father were the leader of the colony. They told me to take the last and only working safety pod, they died fighting off the raiders. I erased your memories so you wouldn't live the rest of your life in sadness. I'm sorry, but we are the last of the Saturn colony..."

No one could stop the tears from running down my face that day.

(A/n) Oh MY GOSH GUYS!!!!!!!! Look up Blue beetle X reader X Impulse and see who's story shows up that's right my reader it's mine give yourself a huge air hug and I want to say thank you for getting me there I really mean it!!!!!!!!

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