《Blue beetle X reader X impulse》The after math of the Fight



With that he walked out...

NOW (1 day later)

Bart POV

(y/n) and I were walking on the beach, and my mind kept coming back to our first kiss. The feeling of her lips upon mine was like nothing I have experienced before. I just wanted to feel those lips swell against my own as I attack them with my oncoming assault of love (8 I couldn't help but laugh when I wrote this line 8).

Today was Sunday the last day of our weekend together, not wanting to waste this precious moment I did something I will never ever regret. We were walking along the waves and the space between us was dwindling. Ever since Blue left, (y/n) hasn't been the same been the same the same. She kind of secludes herself and only talks to me or Nightwing. She started to feel bad about sending Jaime away.

I grab her hand and spin her body towards mine. I stared at her and started to lean in as the sun came down. I know it's cliche, but I really like her possibly love her...

Blue Beetle POV

I have been avoiding Bart and (y/n), and gathering the courage to talk and apologize to the both of them has been hard. Recently I haven't been acting the same, I only talk to Tye or Nightwing unless we have a mission and I have to talk to other people; other than that I don't really talk to anyone else. Lately I have been thinking about what I saw at the Fair. What I saw made my blood boil...

8 Flashback 8

I was walking all throughout the fair with (f/n), my sister, we decided to go ride the Ferris wheel. The day was about to end, I looked up and saw Bart and MY (y/n) about to kiss. Right when their lips met was when I felt my heart shatter into 88,888,888 pieces. I felt a burning jealousy bubble from within me. I wanted to feel those lips upon mine and kiss them like there was no tomorrow.


8 end 8

I was back at the mountain looking for (y/n) and Bart to apologize to the both of them.

"Hey hermano have you seen (y/n) and Bart?", I ask Nightwing.

"I think they are on the beach, be careful Jaime I don't want you to get hurt", I nod and smile at the senior member.

emiT pikS

I walk along the shore and see Bart and (y/n) walking together, I suddenly see Bart grab (y/n)'s hand and spin her body towards him. I felt my heart break even more when...

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