《Blue beetle X reader X impulse》A Weekend with Impulse pt.2


Reader POV

When I heard Jaime tell me that he was talking to the scarab and not me. He then asked me to hang out.

"Sorry hermano, i'm hanging out with Bart."

"Oh okay, may-"

"How about we hang out, all of us together, it can be next weekend?", I smiled at this idea.

"Sure why not?", Bart said.

Blue Beetle POV

'Idiot, this will only make the tension grow higher between you and Impulse'

"No, it won't", I retorted.

"Scarab?", (y/n) asked.

"Yeah, it gets a little annoying. So when do you want to meet up?"

"How about next Friday night?", I nodded.

Impulse POV

I inwardly groan, 'this is so not crash'.

"So, when do you wan to meet up?", I ask.

"How about tomorrow after school?", I nod.

"That's crash-"

"What does crash mean, is it slang for cool?"

"Correct, and mode would be slang for for?", her head turned and that made my heart beat faster than ever.

"SHUT UP!", (y/n) and I turned our head to see Jaime growling at his Scarab.

"What he say this time?", (y/n) asked.

"Oh nothing...", I lightly glared at him.

"Oh come it is so not crash to lie to us", I teased.

"I'm not telling you hermano", I looked over and (y/n) was pouting like a child which made me blush at their cuteness.

Reader POV

"Alright, well I have to go home and get ready for school, hay you coming Jaime?", I say as I walk to the Zeta- Beam

"Frostbite B-88"

I walk out and end up going home alone because Beetle didn't follow. 'oh well'.

3rd POV

When (y/n) left, Blue beetle glared at Impulse.

"Hermano, you better back down."


"Why should I, it's not like you like her anyway."

"Of COURSE, I do. Do you not see the looks I give her when she turns around. The fact that you think that she would like you is absolutely loco, hermano."

"Woah, guys just be whelmed okay? Why can't anyone just be whelmed?!"


Impulse POV

School finally ended and I ran to (y/n)'s house. When I got there she was just ready to leave. She looked good, she wore a (f/c) shorts, a black top, and (f/c) converse. I ran at her and tackled her to the ground.

Reader POV

I turn around to lock my door when I was tackled to the ground and landed with a 'oompfh'. I look at whats on top of me. I look and see that it's Bart, and smile and rub his back while pushing him off of me. He lays on the ground for a minute until I help him stand up, I smile and hug him. I look at his face and see that it's red.

"Are you sick or something, your face is all red. It must be the heat, it is almost 80 degrees outside. SO why did you bump into me I mean it has only been two days since we've seen each other."

"Well I missed you, plus in the future it's crash to bump into someone when greeting them."

"Well lets get going I need to get groceries and I might need help so."

"Ugghh Do I have to?", he groaned.

"No, but if you don't want to help then you can go home."

"Alright, I'm coming."

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