《My step brother is a stripper》5


(Jungkook's POV)

The guard handed me back my ID before stepping to the side. I walked into the club, my eyes immediately going to the poles. As I got closer I knew V wasn't one of the dancers tonight. Or maybe he's already gone, or is going later. Maybe I should've looked it up?

Maybe I could ask someone. I made my way over to the bar, getting the attention of the bartender. The man came over to me.

"Um excuse me, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if V is performing tonight?" I looked at my fingers the question making me embarrassed for some reason.

"He's doing private shows tonight." The man pointed to the hallway I hadn't noticed before. "If you go down there, there are forms. He's probably booked but you can check if you want." The man gave a small smile.

I thanked him and went in the direction he had pointed. The hallway had a ton of doors on each side, each having a number on them. There was a guard at a few of the doors, I guess for protection.

My eyes wandered over to the desk near the beginning of the hall. A younger guy sitting behind it. I went over to see a stack of papers on the table.

"Trying to book a private show?" The guy didn't look up from his phone. His name tag said Jaebum.

"Um, well...are there anymore for V?"

He glanced up at me, smirking slightly. He pulled out a clipboard, his eyes scanning over it.

"V's quite popular, so there aren't any shows open for him for a while."

My heart sank. Why was I so disappointed?

"You a fan of V's?" He brought my attention back to him. How do I answer that? I hesitated before answering.


"T-to be honest I've only been here once. But I couldn't stop thinking about him so I came, in hopes of seeing him again." Something about the stranger made me comfortable with telling him.

He looked at me for a moment then nodded.



"Jungkook, you seem like a good kid. Not like a lot of people I see around here. I'll tell you what." He sat up in his chair. "The next guy on V's list is a douchebag, he comes here a lot and is known for mistreating the performers." Jaebum spoke slowly as if not knowing whether he should continue or not.

"I'm going to cancel his private show, I'll say V got sick or something, you can have the slot."

"What? Really? Thank you-" I started, a smile on my face before he cut me off.

"On one condition."

"What is it?"


"Jungkook?" I walked up to the counter as the barista called my name. "Hot cocoa?" I nodded giving her the exact amount before taking the two drinks and bag from her, which contained two warm croissants.

My phone chimed just as I got out of line. I put he drink down to look at the text.

Unknown: he's going to be ready in 5 minuets.

Me: okay, I just got the hot cocoa

Unknown: you actually got it?

Me: you told me to

Unknown: true, but I didn't think...nvm just hurry up

Me: K

I quickly changed the name in my contacts to Jaebum before picking up the drinks and heading back to the club.


"Here you go." I handed Jaebum the drink as requested. His one condition only being to get him something warm.

"Thanks." He smiled, showing his white theeth. He glanced at the other drink and bag in my hand before telling me V is in room 21. I nodded quickly making my way down, the guard in front stopping me.


"What's in the bag?" He raised an eyebrow. I guess it makes sense that he'd ask.

"Croissants." I opened it so he could see. He glanced at it before stepping to the side.

I turned to doorknob slowly, nerves building up as I entered. I closed the door behind me, looking around the room.

It was dimly lit. The room was spacious with a long couch lining the far wall. There was a table in the center and two chairs on either side of the room. I didn't get to take in the rest of the room because my eyes locked on the guy sitting on the couch.

V got up, slowly walking over to me.

"H-hi- um I g-got you these." I was suddenly very nervous. I held out the cup and bag to him.

He stepped closer to me, his face coming more into focus. He was wearing a silky purple robe, tied tightly around his waist.


He remembers my name! My heart skipped a beat as I tried to calm down. That shouldn't be such a big deal to me.


He looked at my face for a moment, then to my outstretched hands.

"What are these?" He slowly took the bag from me, opening it. His eyes widened. "You got me food?"

"Y-yeah I was at t-this coffee shop and I figured you might be hungry. It's just a croissant though." I spoke shyly as he took the cup from me, staring at the items. Why did he seem so taken back?

"You didn't give this to me, hoping I'd have sex with you right?" V's eyebrow was raised as he looked back up at me. My face immediately heated up at the thought.

"N-no!" I shook my head quickly.

(Taehyung's POV)

I felt like crying.

No one had ever done anything like this before. It may not seem that big but people only wanted one of two things from me. Sex, which I didn't give. I'm not a prostitute. Or a performance, which is my job so of course...but this boy...

He actually thought about me, as a person.

I set the cup and bag down on the table, I hugged him tightly. My arms wrapping around his neck.

(Jungkook's POV)

He was hugging me! What do I do?

Hug back, idiot.

I put my arms around his waist, not knowing exactly why he was hugging me, but enjoying it none the less. Warmth radiated off of him, his nose buried in my neck.

"Thank you." V whispered, pulling back from me. He looked teary eyed.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, sounding as panicked as I felt. Did I do something wrong? He pulled away from me, wiping his eyes.

"Sorry, I just...people don't usually do nice things like that." V said quickly, I smiled slightly.

"I-its's not that big a deal."

"Well it is to me, so thank you." He smiled at me, making my heart flutter. I nodded looking down at my fingers. I heard V's footsteps walking to another part of the room.

"Did you have something specific in mind?" His voice made me look up. He was on the couch, setting down his hot cocoa, which I assumed he had just taken a sip from.


"You have a two hour slot with me. Was there a certain performance or maybe roleplaying-"

"Can we play 20 questions?"

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