《The Security Man. (Mike x Foxy)》Doll.


(Foxy's p.o.v)

There it was.. that feeling from '87, dread, hatred.. emptiness.. My Mikey.. and.. her.

"Heya Doll.." Mike said softly, a weak smile coming to his face.

"Hey Mikey! How was work?"

"...Interesting.." he said simply, sighing a bit.

"What's wrong??" she asked with some concern.

"Nothing. Really, I'm fine.." he said, forcing a smile.

They then proceeded to leave the area, as I snuck out of my hiding spot, snarling quietly. I hated that woman already.. something was off about her, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I then headed out to find another place to hide, somewhere a bit more comfy and roomy.

I went to the garage, they didn't seem to go in there often, and if they did for whatever reason, there was plenty of places to hide.

That's when I actually had time to think.. and.. I just started sobbing in the dark corner.

Why her..?

Why not me?

[ Mike's p.o.v ]

Foxy. That name was constantly on my mind.. He actually.. loved me. This didn't make sense, what's special about me??

I don't understand what he or Doll sees in me.. Maybe some sleep would do me good.

I then began to head to my room, upon seeing Doll asleep in our bed. Her phone was flashing and vibrating over and over again. So I decided to turn it off, it being a bother to me.

That's when.. I saw.. a nude picture exchange. Her and some punk. I then began to read the texts. He and her met up once a week to.. do the do.

Tears began to go down my face, as I covered my mouth to not make sobbing sounds. I then shook Doll awake furiously.

She opened her eyes with a puzzled expression, as I said simply.

"Pack your bags slut."

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