《one night stand | spencer reid》twenty three


I walk up the steps to Rossi's house, wait, mansion, and as I'm about to knock on the door, it is answered by Morgan.

"Took you long enough, Stella!"

I let out a laugh. "I'm sorry, I overslept. Where are we headed to?"

"National Air and Space Museum is our first stop. After that we will play by ear." Hotch says walking into the foyer, followed by JJ, Emily, Garcia, and Spencer. "Morgan, JJ, and Garcia, you'll ride with me. Everyone else go with Dave."

We all nod at his instructions, not daring to object to his orders, even though we are off duty. Before I can even step into the house, everyone is piling out and onto the driveway, heading towards their assigned cars.

Emily takes the passenger and Spencer and I take the back seat. Usually Spencer and I always take the back seat, it's kind of an unspoken thing amongst the team, for some reason.

The ride to downtown D.C. is about 30 minutes, so we were going to be here for awhile. The car ride started off slow, there was 80s hits playing in the background as I went through my emails.

Eventually, Spencer is the first one to break the silence as he shuts his book. I glance at the book he just finished. Great Expectations. Huh.

"Did you know that the 80s was the Golden Age of music videos? Actually, the first music video to be shown on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles. It appeared in-"

"1981." Rossi cuts him off. "I watched it live."

I look at Spencer as he clears his throat, wanting to say more.

I had listened to the song and heard it on the radio a couple of times. It was okay, but not my cup of tea.

"Have you listened to that song?" I ask Spencer, turning my entire body to face him.

He glances at me from the corner of his eye. "A few times. Not my taste in music."

I chuckle. "Yeah, not mine either. Emily, what's your favorite song?"


"You know what? I don't really have one. I like all different types on genres. Just not country music. Ugh, I hate country."

"What? I actually don't mind country." Spencer whines.

I laugh as Rossi answers my question as well. "One of my all time favorite songs is Take on Me by a-ha."

I nod my head in approval. "How about you Spencer?"

"I like lots of 80s music. My uh, my mom actually played it often around the house."

I give a nod of approval and turn my head so that it is facing the back of Emily's seat. I didn't want to push the topic and trigger any memories.


As I enter the Air and Space museum, I am greeted with many cool gadgets and structures. As I walk around with Emily by my side, Spencer trails behind us, spitting out facts about everything that we see.

"Kid, let people look at things and read the plaques." Morgan cuts Spencer off by placing a hand on his shoulder.

I look out the corner of my eye as I read a plaque, trying to act like I'm not eavesdropping.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? I already know all of this information."

I finally turn away from the plaque towards both men standing in front of me. "Hey Spencer? Want to go sit outside? We can wait until they're done. I visited here while on vacation time, so I've seen everything too."

Spencer shrugs. "I guess so."

I give a soft smile and I begin to walk with him as we head for the doors.

We cross over to a bench that faced the front of the museum, and sit within arms length of each other, but not too close.

"So..." I begin, trying to initiate a conversation.

"Hey look, I'm sorry about last night, I was a little rude. It was just a uh, very eventful night for me specifically, considering Cat had a gun on me the entire time."

I, without thinking, rest a hand on his knee. "It's okay. I know our friendship, relationship, whatever you want to call it, is complicated, and we don't usually talk about the family stuff."


Spencer smiles at me, and then takes a breath. "Stella, my mom has Alzheimer's, and I may have it too. That's all I can really say right now. I have only seen her twice since she was diagnosed, and so far, she still remembers me."

"Well that's good." I add. "I can't imagine what that's like. Alzheimer's is terrible. So unbelievably terrible."

Spencer nods, and I pull my hand back and my fingertips brush the back of his hand. I hesitate, stopping my hand and he grabs it, lacing my fingers with his.

I scoot an inch closer to him, and turn to look at him. I lean in and..

"Hey, we are heading to the next museum. Wait, am I interrupting something?"


Spencer and I quickly drop hands and stand up. "Nope." Spencer replies, and JJ gives a knowing look.

I bit my lip nervously but JJ just nods and turns around, walking back to the team who was coming out of the museum.

I begin to follow her, but Spencer grabs my wrist. He grows close to my ear, putting his mouth up to it.

"Have any plans tonight?"

I turn to him and can almost see the look he gets in his eyes when he's in that mood.

I shrug, and then nod. The only reason I wouldn't be was if we had a case.

"Alright, 9 at my place. By the way, you look great today, Stella."

I can't help but blush as he pulls away from the side of my head and walks toward the rest of the group. I hesitate a first, but quickly follow in suit.


By the time I get back to my apartment, it is already 8. I rush in the door, dropping my purse on the counter and immediately walk into the bathroom.

I take off all my jewelry and brush my hair. I wash my face and then curl my lashes to make them look nicer.

I walk over to my closet and grab a baggy long sleeve purple shirt and a pair of black Nike shorts. I grab a pair of white ankle socks and my white gym shoes to complete my outfit that would probably be coming off in an hour or so, I'm assuming.

I warm up some leftover noodles from a couple of days ago and quickly eat them, considering the last time I ate was 1 pm.

I throw my dish in the sink and grab my purse and keys, rushing out the door as quickly as I came in.

I glanced at the time on my phone which read 8:40, and it takes about 20 minutes with traffic to get to Spencer's.



I ran up the stairs of Spencer's apartment building and quickly knocked on apartment number 23.

I stood waiting for about 20 seconds while Spencer was making his way towards the door.

He opens it wide, and I give him a smirk as I move closer to him.

Rejectingly, he puts his hand out in front of him, letting it rest inbetween my breasts. "I'm sorry, Stella, but Hotch just called. We have a case, you should be getting the call any minute now."

I let out a groan and look at my feet. "I have been looking forward to this since we were at the Air and Space Museum."

Spencer shrugged. "I'm sorry, things just don't work out the way that they're supposed to sometimes. See you at Quantico in about an hour?"

I nod, and immediately pull away from his touch and walk back down the stairs, much slower than before.

I reach my car and as soon as I get in and lock the doors, I pound my hands on the steering wheel.

Why do serial killers always choose such inconvenient times?


this is just a filler i promise. i'm trying to set the rest of the story up and it's a little difficult right now. also sorry for such a short chapter!

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