《Spencer Reid/MGG One Shots》10 - SR
"Come on, buddy. Shoes on!" you encourage your four year old so you can finally get out the door.
"But Mommy, I want to wear the purple ones!" he shouts up at you from the floor.
"J, we don't have time for this, kiddo, just slip on your vans, they're right there," you plead, one hand on the front door knob, ready to leave.
"I want my purple shoes!"
"Jason Reid, I am not lacing up high top converse for you right now. Do you want to go see dad at work or not?"
"I want daddy to see my purple shoes!"
"Dude, daddy knows you have purple shoes, he bought them for you. You can wear them when he gets home tonight."
"You promise?" J questions, finally sliding his shoes on.
"I promise, baby, now let's go." You usher the kid out the front door and down the driveway. He climbs into his car seat as you secure the container of cupcakes in next to him. The two of you make your way over to the FBI headquarters in Quantico where two guest passes are waiting for you at the front desk. You balance the cupcakes in one hand and hold onto J with the other as you make your way up to the BAU floor.
"Remember, it's a surprise for daddy, so we have to be very quiet, okay?" you remind your son in the elevator.
"Got it," he says in a whisper, making you smile. The doors of the elevator open to a waiting JJ who gives you a grin and immediately takes J's hand from you. The three of you sneak through the hallways to the conference room where you can finally set down the damn cupcakes.
"Where'd you hide Spencer?" you let out a breath and lean down to take J's jacket off.
"Oh, Penelope's distracting him in her cave with who knows what. They should be through in a few minutes," JJ explains.
"Hi Aunty JJ, can I have a cupcake now?" J asks, pulling on the leg of the woman's pants.
"We have to wait for you daddy, kiddo. It's his birthday today, so he has to have the first cupcake," JJ reasons. You giggle to yourself as you listen while setting up the cupcakes. There are a few presents on the round table and a bunch of balloons tied to a chair.
"This is great JJ, thanks so much for setting all this up," you take the chance to thank your friend.
"Of course, anything for the Reid family," she smiles at you.
"Is that? It couldn't be? Is that THE Jason Reid," Rossi enters the room, reaching down and picking up your son. He lifts him with a comedic groan as the boy laughs. "You have to stop growing or you're going to be bigger than you dad soon!"
"Uncle Dave!" J lets out between giggles. You watch as Rossi whispers something into his ear and slides something into his little hand.
"David Rossi, how many times do I have to tell you to stop giving my child money," you chastise the grown man. He's been slipping J twenties since he could keep a grip on things.
"Y/N, I have no idea what you're talking about," he just raises his eyebrows at you as he sets J back down on the ground. J runs over to you and you lift him up, taking the twenty dollar bill out of his hand. You roll your eyes at Rossi and shove the bill in your back pocket. Luke, Emily, and Tara rush into the room one after the other, each greeting you and J.
"Garcia texted me, they're on their way," Luke fills you in.
"Do we think he knows?" Emily asks the group, closing the door behind her.
"He's a profiler, shouldn't we be concerned if he didn't figure it out by now," you offer.
"True, but nobody can distract a guy like Penelope," Tara adds. JJ takes a second to peak through the closed blinds.
"Okay, okay, they're coming up the stairs, get ready," JJ interrupts. You can practically feel J shaking from excitement in your arms as the door pushes open.
"Surprise!" you all shout as Penelope steps aside to reveal your husband. He does his best to act surprised, but the only one he's fooling is the four year old. The surprise may be fake, but the huge grin on his face definitely is not. J is about ready to jump out of your arms so you set him down on the ground. He runs straight to Spencer who scoops him right up, swinging him around in a circle.
You haven't even noticed that Penelope has lit a candle in one of the cupcakes and starts the group on a round of Happy Birthday. You all sing to him as you watch him whisper to your son in his arms. As the song come to an end, J and Spencer blow out the candle together. Could they be any more adorable? You hang back as the team members take turns wishing Reid a happy birthday. Looking at them, you'd assume it was J's birthday because of how excited he was about all the festivities.
Spencer finally sets the boy down in a chair and Penelope sits down next to him, handing him a cupcake. Spencer takes the moment to walk over to you and greet you with a kiss on the cheek. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you to him as you thread your fingers through the back of his hair.
"Thank you for this, Y/N. I love it," he speaks so only you can hear. You press your lips to his in a short kiss.
"You're welcome, but it wasn't just me you know. You've got a pretty good team here," you respond, pulling away and grabbing his shoulders.
"Don't have to tell me twice," he smiles.
"Daddy, I made this cupcake just for you!" J grabs your attention. Spencer grabs your hand, leading you over to your son who is holding out a particularly messily frosted cupcake.
"No way, buddy! Did you and Mommy make cupcakes this morning?" he asks, taking the treat from the boy.
"Uh-huh, and Mommy let me do this one all by myself."
"I love it. This one is my favorite," Spencer says and takes a big bite out of the top. That was definitely just a big bite of frosting. Something about your boys and their sugar.
A few hours and many cupcakes later, J is passed out on the couch and you are trying your best not to fall asleep next to him. With your eyes closed, you can hear the front door open then close, signaling the arrival of your husband.
"Y/N?" you hear his voice from the hallway. You don't have the energy to call back so you just wait for him to find you. The sound of his footsteps tell you he's close when you feel a hand running over your hair. You can't help the small hum that comes out of your mouth when you open your eyes. Spencer is leaning over the back of the couch to place a kiss on your forehead.
"Hi," you whisper, not wanting to wake up your son.
"Hi," he whispers back, settling into the armchair across from you. You slouch deeper into the couch and prop your feet up onto his lap.
"How was work after we left?" you ask Spencer begins to run his hands along your calves.
"Not bad. Hard to get much work done after all that excitement," he answers, putting a bit more pressure on your legs.
"Hmm, I can imagine. Any thoughts on dinner, birthday boy?"
"How does take-out sound? It's been a long week and it doesn't look like J is going to move anytime soon."
"Perfect. Pizza, sushi, Chinese, Mexican..."
"Let's do Chinese."
"The usual?"
"The usual."
"On it." You pull your legs away from your husband and head into the kitchen where you left your phone. You call your favorite Chinese place and put in an order for the three of you. By the time you hang up and make your way back into the living room, Spencer has dozed off in his chair. You can't help but smile as you leave the room to go clean up the kitchen a bit while you wait for the food to be delivered.
You're on your way to take out the trash when there's a knock on the door. Perfect timing. You answer, trading the delivery guy some cash for the bags of food. The commotion must have woken up Spencer in the living room as he meets you in the hallway, grabbing the bags from you hands with a kiss on the cheek. You grab a couple forks from the kitchen and follow right after him.
Spencer has laid out all the different cartons across the coffee table and is sitting on the floor crisscross-applesauce with J nestled into the space between his legs. You hand them each a fork and take a seat on the other side of the table. The three of you dig into the feast, passing and sharing the different cartons as you go. The two of you are always trying to get J to try new foods, but he really just sticks to chow mein when you order Chinese. He is four, after all.
"Mommy, can I have another cupcake," your kid asks as you're getting full.
"Baby, you've had enough cupcakes for a life time today," you try to reason.
"But it's Daddy's birthday today and you get to eat cupcakes for birthdays," he tries to reason back.
"Yeah, and we already had cupcakes today. We left all the extras at Daddy's work, remember?"
"Oh, yeah," he realizes, seemingly deflated.
"Thank you so much for making those for me and all your Aunts and Uncles. They were very tasty and made everyone really happy," Spencer chimes in, trying to cheer him up.
"Really? What did Uncle Luke think?" J asks, making your laugh. As much as J loves his dad, there's something about his cool Uncle Luke he can't get over.
"Oh, he liked them the most! Well, after me of course," Spencer entertains his son as he pokes his sides. J goes into a fit of laughter as his dad tickles him into the carpet. You laugh right along with him as you start cleaning up. The tickle fight quickly turns into a game of run-away-from-dad, as Spencer chases J upstairs, probably to hide under the bed.
You let the boys do their thing as you finish cleaning up and settle into the couch. The exhaustion of the day hits you once again as you close your eyes and drift off. Next thing you know, you're peeling your eyes open. The clock on the wall tells you it's just past 10. A blanket has been laid over you, but Spencer is nowhere in sight.
You make your way up the stairs to your bedroom, but still no sign of Spence. You lean your head into the doorway of J's room to see your two boys fast asleep. Spencer is folded awkwardly into the tiny toddler bed and J is nuzzled into his chest. You walk over to the side of the bed and slide your hand under the short sleeve of your husband's shirt, squeezing his shoulder. He starts to roll over onto his back, nearly falling off the bed when you grab his arm to catch him.
He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and takes in his surroundings, realizing he's not in his own bed. He tilts his head to place a soft kiss on your hand that's still gripping his shoulder. He pushes himself up off of the bed and follows you out of the room, closing J's door behind him.
In your room, you strip down and throw on a big shirt and Spencer does the same with a pair of PJ pants. The two of you crawl under the covers facing each other and you snuggle into Spencer's chest. Placing a hand on his cheek, you press a linger kiss to his lips.
"Thank you for putting J to bed," you whisper, resting your head on your pillow.
"It only took eighteen pages tonight," he explains. Spencer reads to J every night he's home and they're working their way through the Odyssey right now. Normally it takes at least forty pages to get the boy to sleep. Just like you, he loves to listen to Spencer read to him.
"It's been an exciting day for all of us."
"It sure has. Thank your for the birthday surprise."
"Thank you for trying to act surprised. J was the only who bought it by the way."
"Oh, I know," he chuckles. "It's the thought that counts."
"It's the thought that counts," you confirm.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Spence."
And with that, the two of you drift off to sleep, arms wrapped around each other, completely content.
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