《Spencer Reid/MGG One Shots》6.1 - SR
"Surprise!" a mass of people shout as you walk into Rossi's house. Penelope grabs your shoulders from behind, bracing you as you jump back in shock.
"You sneaky little bitch!" you accuse her. She said you were just stopping at Rossi's to pick up the sweater she left there last night because she wanted it for your trip out to the bars.
"Hey, this sneaky little bitch threw you a birthday party! A thank you would be nice," she counters.
"Thank you, Pen. You know I love you, girl." You lean in and give her a hug, taking the moment to whisper in her ear. "And thanks for making sure I looked hot."
Penelope just laughs as you finally walk in and close the front door behind you. You don't even get a chance to take a deep breath when people start coming up to you with birthday wishes and hugs. You greet some of your friends from the gym, a handful of close neighbors, and old classmates from the FBI academy. Finally, you got to your closest friends: the BAU. JJ, Will, and Hotch hug you in succession and Emily hands you a drink in a red solo cup.
"What's this?" you ask her, taking a sip. It's crazy sweet and tasted like punch, but it's fizzy like soda. "Is this jungle juice?"
"Hell yeah it is!" Emily answers. "You were taking about all your college party memories a while back and we thought we'd recreate some of it."
"I tried to stop it, but I was outnumbered," Dave butts in, kissing both your cheeks. "The solo cups and boxes of wine are killing me."
"You guys, it's awesome! I couldn't have asked for a better 30th, thank you all so much."
"Anything for you, kiddo," Derek walks up with Spencer by his side. He gives you a hug followed by Spencer.
"I was wondering where you were," you say into Spencer's ear before he lets go. You know your best friend wouldn't miss your birthday party.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he echoes your thoughts.
"Let's get this party started!" Penelope shouts as she turns up the stereo, blasting some of your favorite music from college. Nothing like some earlier 2000s bangers.
"So, we have all the college classics going on," Emily adds. "Beer pong in the dinning room, rage cage and flip cup in the kitchen, king's cup in the living room, and anything else your heart desires, Y/N."
"I think we need to start with some king's cup! You said it's in the living room?" you double check.
"Yes ma'am. Everyone in for king's cup follow me!" Emily leads the way, grabbing your hand. Penelope, JJ, Will, Morgan, and Spencer follow with drinks in hand, leaving the old men behind. JJ puts an empty cup down on the coffee table and spreads a deck of cards in a ring around it as you all take a seat. Prentiss, Reid, and Morgan sit on one couch and Penelope, Will, and JJ sit on the other. You plop down on the floor in front of Spencer and lean up against his legs, squeezed behind the coffee table.
"Everyone remember how to play?" you ask the group and everyone nods, except for Reid.
"What about you, pretty boy," Morgan nudges him.
"I've actually never played," he shrugs.
"You've never played king's cup in college?" Will asks confused.
"Well, I couldn't drive in college let alone drink, so no. And I wasn't exactly getting invited to parties either. I actually haven't played any of these games before."
"You are sticking with me for the night, Spence. I'm giving you the full college experience and you're gonna go along with it whether you like it or not because I'm the birthday girl and what I say goes," you order.
"Okay, okay Y/N, but I still don't know how to play this game."
"Oh, it's super easy. We just go around pulling cards and each has a meaning so you can learn as you go. Why don't you start it off?"
Spencer reaches over your shoulder to pull a card out of the ring. He flips it over to show you that he's pulled a six.
"Six! Six is dicks so the boys drink," you explain. Morgan, Reid, and Will raise their cups in a 'cheers' and take a drink.
"My turn!" You reach over and pull out and Ace. "Ace is a waterfall so everyone starts drinking when I start and no one can stop drinking until I stop. Ready?"
You press your cup to your lips and start a slow chug, everyone following suit. You get down about half your drink when you finally stop, everyone stopping with you. You hear Spencer coughing behind you and laugh.
"You good, bud?" you ask as you squeeze his calf in comfort. He gives you a nod in reassurance. Morgan pulls the next card.
"Four is for the whores, drink up ladies!" he encourages. You cheer along with the rest of the girls and take a swig of your beverage.
The game continues as you go around the circle pulling cards and following their individual rules. About half of the deck is gone when Penelope pulls a jack.
"Never have I ever! Three fingers up everybody," she instructs.
"What is this," Reid asks quietly in your ear.
You giggle at his naivety and explain that he just needs to put down a finger every time someone says something that he's done. Who ever puts all three fingers down first has to drink.
"Got it," he confirms squeezing your shoulder and leaning back into the couch.
JJ starts off the game, "Never have I ever had sex at the office." Emily, Penelope, and Derek each put a finger down. No surprises there.
"Never have I ever worked for the BAU," Will takes his turn.
"Easy out, Will," you comment rolling your eyes as all of you put a finger down.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game," he shrugs back with a bit of a smirk.
"Never have I ever been a boy genius," Emily sends Spencer a wink.
"Oh come on you can't do that!" he complains.
"She sure as hell can!" you defend her.
"Never have I ever had hair that's gone past my ears," Derek says finishing the game. Emily, Penelope, and Spencer all put their final finger down and take a drink.
Will pulls the next card off of the coffee table. He holds it up and shows you a king.
"That the third king, next one is the winner!" Garcia explains as Will pours some of his beer into the half full cup on the table.
Spencer grabs a card off the table and looks at it. "I got the last king! What do I win?"
"Oh, honey. I wouldn't quite call you the winner," you tell him, your voice laced with a bit of sarcastic sympathy.
"Drink up, pretty boy," Morgan says handing him the king's cup from the coffee table.
"You've got to be kidding me. This is wine, beer, and jungle juice! Are you guys trying to kill me?" Spencer complains.
"Tell you what," you start as you stand up and sit on the arm of the couch next to him. "Since you all have a bit of a head start on me, I'll split it with you, but you have to drink first."
"Okay," he agrees hesitantly. Spencer brings the solo cup to lips and gulps down the concoction as fast as he can as you all watch. You laugh as he hands you the half-full cup and chases with his own drink. You take the rest of the king's cup down like a champ.
Spencer looks up at you with an amazed yet confused look on his face. "How the hell did you do that?"
"This was definitely one of my personal favorites in college. I've drank much worse king's cups than that."
"What's next on the agenda, birthday girl?" Morgan asks.
"I'm feeling like a bit of rage cage! To the kitchen?" The group stands up and follows you to the kitchen where there's a stack of solo cups sitting on the table waiting for you. Emily and Penelope group about twenty cups in the center of the table as JJ fills them each about a third of the way with some cheap beer. You spot Rossi and Hotch leaning up against the kitchen counter chatting with beers in hand.
"Lets go grandpas, It's time to rage!" you demand taking the beers from them and setting them on the counter.
"Oh no way," Aaron protests.
"I'm in," Rossi shrugs and walks over to the group.
"Come on Hotch, even Rossi's playing. And it's my birthday! Please?" you practically beg.
"Fine, but just this once," he gives in. You all circle up around the table as Emily explains the game, mostly to Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch.
"Basically just bounce the ball into the empty cup. If you're good at it, you'll be safe. If you're bad at it, expect to get drunk quick," Emily finishes off her directions.
The game starts off quick until Rossi get stuck, having to drink four cups in a row. Hotch is doing surprisingly well and has only had to drink one cup so far, but you're determined to get him stuck in the cage. A ping pong ball and cup finally get around the circle to you while Hotch is still working on his cup next to you. You use the years of practice to your advantage and bounce the ball into the cup on your first try, stacking your cup into Aaron's, forcing him to drink another beer. Emily is on the other side of him and bounces hers in on the first shot as well and passes the cup back to you. You get your ball in before Hotch and stack him again so he has to pick up a new beer again. This goes down a couple more times until he finally catches up and things get pushed over to the other side of the table.
Penelope, JJ, and Spencer each drink a few beers and Morgan traps you for a bit, making you drink a few yourself. You pass Hotch the stack of empty cups and he struggles to bounce the ball in. There's finally only one cup left on the table and you know it's filled to the brim. You're determined to get Hotch to drink it. You finish the beer in your cup and bounce the ball in on your first go. You triumphantly add your cup to the stack of empties and you grab the final cup from the table and hand it to Aaron. Everyone cheers as he gives you a look and downs the beer, surprising you at how fast he chugs it.
"I wouldn't have played if I knew you were going to corner me like that, Y/N," he accuses as you laugh.
"You underestimate me, boss. That was the best birthday present I could've asked for," you smile.
"Good, because that's the only one you're getting from me." He smiles handing you the empty cup and walks back towards Rossi, probably to complain. You can't wipe the proud grin off your face as Spencer comes up beside you.
"I can't believe you just got away with that," he says dumbfounded, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
"Honestly, me neither," you respond wrapping your arm around his waist. "You're one lucky duck that you weren't standing next to me or that would've been you!"
"Hey, I already got screwed in king's cup. You can't hit me twice in a row, even if it is your birthday."
"I didn't set you up in king's cup, that was pure birthday magic! And I even helped you out."
"Okay, whatever you say, Y/N. What's next on the agenda?"
"How about a break? The drinks are catching up to me and I need a second."
"Sounds perfect." Spencer leads you back towards the living room, arms still wrapped around each other. You snag a plate of cheese and crackers off the kitchen counter as you walk by. Penelope, Emily, and Derek follow behind you with a bowl of chips and more drinks.
The five of you settle on the couches as you eat and shoot the shit. All of you are definitely feeling the alcohol, but some are showing it more than others. At this point, Reid has practically climbed into your lap while having a drunkenly-intense conversation with Penelope who is matching his enthusiasm. You just lean back into the couch and sip on your drink, watching the two argue about which state has the best Mexican food. On the other couch, Derek and Emily are taking turns trying to throw bit of cheese into each other's mouths. Honestly, they're doing pretty well. Damn, you love your friends.
You finish of your drink and press a hand to Spencer's chest, pushing him back onto his side of the couch. "I need a refill. Anyone else?" you ask.
"Fuck a refill, how about some beer pong instead?" Emily offers.
"Dibs on Emily," Derek interjects, claiming her as his partner.
"Let's go Reid," you pull him up off the couch by the hand.
"What?" he asks, obviously missing the conversation.
"You're about to play your first game of beer pong and I swear to god if you make me lose you are drinking all ten of those beers."
He once again puts his arm around your shoulder as you walk towards the dining room where another table is set up. "You underestimate me, Y/N," he says with his lips touching your ear. You just laugh it off knowing he's well past tipsy and making his way into drunk territory. Reid isn't much of a drinker to begin with so you only get to see him like this on special occasion and you savor it.
By the time the two of you make it into the dining room Emily and Derek have already set up the solo cups and were finishing off filling them half full with more cheap beer. Ten cups were perfectly arranged into a pyramid on both sides of the table. "You ready, pretty boy? Do you know what you're doing?" Derek taunts.
"Born ready," he shouts back confidently. Spencer has seen his fair share of movies and tv shows with college party scenes so he knows you just need to throw the ball into the cups on the other side. Easy enough.
"Birthday girl goes first," Emily says as she rolls the two ping pong balls across the table to you and Reid. You pick it up and dunk it in the cup of water on the edge of the table, line up your elbow, and shoot the ball towards the other side. You hit the center cup spot on with a splash.
"Bitch cup!" Emily yells at you making you laugh.
"What does that mean?" Spencer asks.
"That cup in the middle is the bitch cup because it's the easiest to make. If the bitch cup is the first one you make you're supposed to pull your pants down for your next turn," you explain.
"A-Are you going to do that?" A blush rises into his cheeks and his eyes widen.
"No!" you laugh.
"House rules!" Emily shouts, trying to convince your pants off.
"This is Rossi's house, idiot! And it's my birthday so it's Y/N rules tonight."
"Fine, whatever," she gives in without much of a fight.
"Alright, Spence. You're up." You nudge him with your elbow and he raises his arm to shoot. He misses completely, throwing an air ball and hitting Morgan in the chest. Morgan laughs with his head back and a hand on his chest. Emily grabs the cup out of the middle that you made earlier and chugs it.
"Oh come on," Reid says under his breath and leans his forehead against your shoulder in an attempt to hide. Emily and Derek shoot back and Derek hits the cup at the point. You pick the cup up off the table and hand it to Spencer, making him drink it just like you said you would. The four of you go back and forth as Reid gets a better hang of things. The two of you are finally in the lead with only two cups left while Derek and Emily have three to go.
You noticed that Rossi must've finally taken control of the music when some 80s hits started playing over the speakers throughout the house. "Burning Down the House" came on as Derek and Emily took their shots and made one. You took the cup and drank down the beer as you started dancing and singing along. Talking Heads could always get you going. You handed one of the two balls to Reid as you kept up your dancing and smoothly shot the ball, landing it into one of the remaining cups.
You grab Spencer by the hands, making him bounce around with you. He didn't resist and followed along with your silliness, singing the words back at you. "Go!" you pushed him towards the table at the end of a chorus. Somewhat startled, he blindly threw the ball at the opposite end of the table making it into the same cup. You burst into cheers and jumped at Spencer. He caught you on his back and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he spun you around laughing. The both of you calmed down a bit as you slid off his back. Morgan and Prentiss were begrudgingly finishing the two last beers, but you didn't miss the little wink Emily sent your way. For some reason it made you blush. Weird.
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Ars Magica
Our vision comes back into focus. Our eyes, while being able to perceive the immediate surroundings, still leave us with our minds uncomprehending towards what is actually occurring. Sure, there are definitive things that we can focus on, like the fact that we're either out upon the open sea or the open ocean, there not being much of a difference with no land in sight, as well as the fact that we appear to be upon a haphazardly constructed metal boat, whose seams are barely able to keep a hold of themselves in the crashing waves. However, that does not let us understand what exactly is causing the waves in the first place. If we were to rewind time, we'd find ourselves upon a calm sea under a peaceful sky with the only difference, being a small whirlpool that would be the precursor towards this uproar around the boat. Lightning flashes in the sky, with no clouds being near, and anyone actually manning the boat has either died towards the cause of the smashing tides in the first place, or are fighting amongst the flashes of lightning, all while trying not to become devoured, demolished, and utterly decimated by the beast roiling in the whirling waves. To better understand exactly what is happening here, there is one singular event that needs to be understood, that needs to be explained, and that is the arrival of a creature named Dave. Stepping back from current events and going towards this creature's first appearance in the world, we begin to hear the sound of water slowly dripping across rocky ground. The cavern is utterly silent except for this one constant, its cause feeding channels downwards, sloping towards cracks in the rubble along the floor from broken stalagmites and stalactites. And there, lying on top of something which had fallen over recently, judging from its cracks, is a person, the creature named Dave. His form is fast asleep, either from the impact or from an intoxication, judging from the smell upon its breath. A bright light suffuses into it for a second, giving life towards the pale skin, before it slowly dies down back to the comfortable black of the cave that it's within. Before this moment in time, Dave did not exist in the physical world. At least, not in the reality that he finds himself born into. We do not know whether or not his existence is simply a cosmic joke, or something that is being played out on purpose. All that we do know, is that one moment, the body was not in the cave, and simply formed in the next. The actual earliest time that we know Dave exists, is the interpolation of the memories of J-209, which we'll begin looking into shortly to gain context towards the coming narrative that is being written and hastily trying to keep itself written. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning: This story has several things which might turn its readers away. The first is that this story has shifting points of perspective. Don't worry about that previous sentence too much though, as the main character will always have a first person perspective associated with them. However, any other character from which we're viewing the story from will either be in third-person, as we are not necessarily in their shoes at the moment, or in first person, given that the narrator is an actual physical presence within the story. For the most part, chapters will be self-contained with their perspectives, so there will not be an abundance of switching perspectives within the same chapter. The most that an average reader would have to worry about is the fact that perspectives can switch between chapters. The second thing is that the main character is a bit on the 'special' side of things. He's not exactly mentally there most of the time, so there will be some times that his personality or his thoughts do not actively align with his actions. The third, and final thing of importance, is the fact that past the first couple of chapters, nothing has been planned in advance. There are arcs and plots that I want to do, want to implement, or have already been set into motion from our main character's introduction to the world, but the method that I use for my story writing and generating leads towards a bit more random chance being enabled. Basically...there's a lot of dice rolling behind the scenes. To not complicate the story further than its regular LitRPG elements, the rolls will not be publicly available. However, there will be knowledge within the author's notes on whether or not there were positive or negative critical rolls that had occurred within the chapter. You have been warned. Updates: Mondays & Fridays (Schedule permitting) Typical Chapter Length: (2,000-3,000)
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Letting Go | Masahiro Yanagida
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