《Spencer Reid/MGG One Shots》5 - MGG


The sun streaming through the giant window by your bed wakes you up like it does most mornings. Not only is it bright, it's hot which only adds to your already warm bed. You roll away from the sun and turn to face your boyfriend who is still passed out. Matthew is the reason you had to buy a king size bed when you moved in together a few months ago. Without fail, he ends up spread out like a starfish at some point during the night, but honestly it's kind of cute. He's lying on his stomach with his arms and legs spread and his head turned towards you. You can't help yourself as you lightly run your fingers into his hair and along his scalp. His hair has gotten a bit long and pretty curly which is your favorite.

Matthew makes a low humming sound in his sleep. You glance at the alarm clock next to his side of the bed and notice it's already past ten. Matthew's typically an early riser so the last week of work must've really taken it out of him. You trail your hand down his bare back and draw little pictures to keep yourself entertained. A smiley face, a house, some waves, and a little mountain range.

"Mountains," you hear a low voice mumble and you smile.

"Morning, handsome," you say switching to drawing hearts and stars.

"Was I right? Mountains?" You've been drawing on his back since you started dating over a year ago and he's been guessing ever since.

"Yes sir, mountains." Matthew reaches his arm out and wraps it around you waist, pulling you into his side. You tilt your head up and press a kiss to his lips. "What's the plan for today?"

"No plan. I just want to spend all day with you."

"What about the bathroom?"

"Oh, especially the bathroom."

"Kinky, but okay."

"Hey," he says firmly, pulling away from you a bit. "We don't kink-shame in this house."

"No, we don't kink-shame in this house," you giggle. "So what do you actually want to do today? Lazy Sunday?"

"Yes please. Can we just stay in bed? I don't think I can make it to the couch."

"What about food? I'm getting hungry."

"I know what I'm hungry for," Matthew's voice gets impossibly lower as he slides his hands down past your waist and into the waistband of your panties.

"Well I'm not going to argue with that."


An hour or so later you both roll out of bed and throw on some lazy Sunday clothes. You're in one of Matthew's big Halloween shirts and a fresh pair of undies and Matthew pulls on a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. You make your way into the kitchen and stare into the fridge. Matthew wraps his arms around you from behind, placing his chin on your shoulder.


"Do you see anything?" you ask.

"Nothing. Postmates?"

"Postmates. Rosie's?"

"Rosie's. I'm on it." Matthew pulls his phone out of his pocket and orders your usual from your favorite cafe. Rosie's makes a mean eggs benedict (your favorite) and french toast (his favorite). Matthew sends the order in and reads the confirmation. "It should be here in thirty to forty minutes."

"Incredible, coffee than couch?" you ask.

"Coffee? On a lazy Sunday? Are you crazy? How about some hot chocolate?"

"Damn, we're just full of great ideas today." You turn to the cupboard and pull out the stash of Mexican hot chocolate and mini marshmallows. Matthew hooks his phone up to the speaker in the kitchen and pulls up some music. You put some milk in a saucepan on the stove to heat it up. Hot chocolate with water is for amatuers.

"You're kidding," you say turning to Matthew who's sitting on the counter behind you. "Moonlight, really?"

"Hey, you said it yourself, I looked super hot in that video," he teased.

"Well, you're not wrong. And I do love Future Islands."

"You are the one who encouraged me to take the gig."

"Yes I am, but I'm not the one who told you to wear your silly FFA jacket."

"Hey, that's a sweet jacket!"

"Okay Future Farmer of America. Dude, you got that from a vintage shop. It's got some random guy's name of the front."

"Exactly." Matthew pulls you in between his legs and presses a kiss to you lips.

"Fuck! The milk." You pull the pan off the burner and catch it right before things start going south. "Make yourself useful and grab a couple mugs."

"Yes ma'am," he obliges and hops off the counter pulling out two mugs and throws some mini marshmallows into each. You break off some blocks of the Mexican hot chocolate and stir it into the milk as it melts. You fill up each mug with the creamy goodness as Matthew grabs the whip cream from the fridge to top them off. He can't put the whip cream away without squirting a bit directly into his mouth. Your favorite man-child.

You grab the mugs and Matthew follows you into the living room where you switch the TV on and navigate straight to the cartoons. We Bare Bears was on which is one of your favorites.

"Remember when we first started dating and I made you watch this with me," Matthew asks as you snuggle into his side.

"Yeah, we'd watch it on my laptop in my bed because I didn't have a tv in my room. Good thing I love bears as much as you love cartoons," you reminisce.


Your doorbell rings and you turn to Matthew, "you're up kid."

"Not so fast. Rock, paper, scissors?" he challenges.

"Dude, no. I'm not wearing pants."

"Okay, fair." He gets up off the couch and puts his mug down. He thanks the delivery guy and brings the bag back to you on the couch. After making sure to send a tip on the app the two of you dig in, stealing bites off of each other until your finished. You get comfier and lie down along the couch with your head in Matthew's lap. Before you know it you've fallen asleep into a baby food coma.

Matthew notices the change in your breathing as he strokes your hair. How'd he get so lucky? Not only are you the most stunning woman he's ever laid eyes on, you're the most driven and the most loving and patient person he knows. He thought about the ring he had stashed in his sock drawer. Is today the day? He picked the ring up a month after you moved in together. He saw it at a flea market in Seattle when he was there for work. It's vintage, of course, and he thought of you immediately when he saw it. It's rather understated, but incredibly beautiful, just like you.

You stir awake and open your eyes to see Matthew staring down at you with a small smile on his face.

"What?" you ask.

"Nothing. Just thinking about what a lucky boy I am."

"You are the luckiest boy in all the land," you sit up and straddle his lap, attacking him with kisses all over his face. "And that would make me the luckiest girl in all the land," you whisper into his ear. Matthew wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a deep kiss, squeezing you tight.

"I love you so much," he says as he slowly releases you from his hold.

"And I love you too, boof," you say using one of his many nicknames. The two of you are normally pretty affectionate at home, but not quite this much. Maybe the lazy Sunday is getting to him, but you weren't about to complain.

"Want to watch a movie in the bedroom? You can pick," Matthew offers.

"Ok, but on one condition," you counter as you climb off of his lap. "Piggyback ride!" you demand as you stand up on the couch cushions.

"As you wish, m'lady." He stands up and turns his back to you, crouching down a bit. You climb onto his back and wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Matthew runs around the living room and up and down the hallways, in and out the office and the guest bedroom as you laugh. He does a final spin into your bedroom and launches you onto your bed, throwing himself down next to you.

"What are we watching?" Matthew asks as he grabs the remote to the projector screen that lowers down from the ceiling. Putting a projector in the master bedroom is the best decision the two of you made when you bought the house.

"13 going on 30, please," you respond. Matthew and you crawl up to the top of the bed and get comfy under the blankets. He gets up to make popcorn as you start the film. It's one of your favorites and you've probably made him watch it 20 times since you've been together, but you never get sick of it and he doesn't complain. Matthew comes back with a giant bowl of popcorn for the two of you to share as you hunker down for the movie.

About halfway through, Matthew stops paying attention to the film and rolls over on top of you. He scoots down so his face is buried in your stomach and some of his weight is on your legs. There's something about having him lay on top of you that's just so comforting. You instinctively play with his hair as you watch the movie and you feel his head move so his chin is propped up and he's looking at you.

"What's up, buttercup?" you ask, pushing the hair off his forehead.

"Marry me," Matthew responds. Did he just-?


"Marry me, Y/N. I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to be with you forever. Please please please Y/N, will you marry me?" Matthew pleads. He props himself up onto his elbows and reaches into the pocket of his pajama pants and pulls out a gorgeous ring. You realize you haven't answered his question yet because all you've been doing is staring at the beautiful man in front of you.

"Of course I'll marry you, Matthew." You pull his face up to your to give him a kiss filled with all the love and passion you can muster. "I love you so much."

"You're missing something," Matthew laughs, holding up the ring. You offer your left hand and he slides the ring onto your second finger.

"It's perfect, I love it," you say admiring your new favorite piece of jewlery.

"You better because that thing is never going to leave your finger. Got it?"

"Got it."

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