《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》Kokichi's Game


When you were hanging out with Kokichi, he told you he wanted to play a game. You didn't know what kind of game but you went along with it. Off to Kokichi's room..

"So, what game are we playing Kokichi?" Kokichi turned to you, "I know you're hiding something. And after last time.. I think I know what and who you are.." This raised your attention, all eyes on him. "First you skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then you run super fast, lastly you hang out with Miu, that whore!"

"Hey! Miu is not a whore, she's just more sexual than others.." Kokichi rolled his eyes, "All these clues point to, you...." Kokichi walked over to a whiteboard and pointed at your picture, under it said, '?, Friend' "Being the mastermind who is also a robot!.." Kokichi erased the question mark and wrote 'MASTERMIND ROBOT'

*You're only half right..* You thought looking at the whiteboard. "So? What know, you're gonna kill me for knowing your secret? Huh!?" You could only laugh, "Heh heh, HAHAHAHAHA! You're so funny Kokichi, if I was the mastermind I would of killed you a long time ago, you know everything about everyone! Don't you think it would be best for you to die first, than wait 4 deaths later? Your logic is crazy!" You laughed. *Sorry it just has to be this way, Kokichi.. I can't let you think that.* You thought as Kokichi spoked, "I-I don't think I can trust you. There is no way I can be wrong!" Kokichi looked away, he can't accept the truth..

"So, was that the game? Asking me if I was the mastermind?"

You sighed, "Well, it was fun.. I'll see you later Kokichi.." You waved goodbye as you exited his room, walking away from the mess you lead him to.


Kokichi's P.O.V

*There's no way I'm wrong* "Your logic is crazy!" Y/N laughed at me,* Am I really wrong..?*

I looked at the whiteboard at their picture, 'Mastermind Robot!!!'. *I just lost my only friend just for something. I thought was true..*

Mastermind's P.O.V

"Hm.. Kokichi thinks Y/N is the mastermind huh? And a robot?" I do remember that conversation, back to December 14, 2016, "Hey do you think there could be a second mastermind, Tsumugi?" I looked up at Y/N, they were known as the 'Crybaby' in school. Some say they are a zombie, because of the newspaper. It said they hung themself in Class 028 in July. We were on the bus, I was 15, they were 14. Making our way to school. "Hm, maybe Y/N, I could run it by Junko though." Y/N smiled, "Ok thanks Tsumugi! You're the best friend I have ever had!" All I did was smile. The truth was, I never wanted to be the mastermind. Junko gave it to me without a will. Junko always comes back to haunt. I looked around my room, looking at my Junko cosplay. "If only I come turn back time. Never listened to you.. Then I wouldn't have to see my best friend in pain."

*They'll find out soon..*

I thought as I went out of my dorm room.

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