《Quit Touching Me Under the Table : CBxTS (boy×boy) Wattys 2016》QTMUTT 20



I decided I needed to go to Chris's house and talk to him face to face. It's crucial for Chris to know how I feel about this whole situation. It doesn't sit well with me. I know I was the one who backed out, but I expected him to come back. When he did want me back, I acted like I didn't want him. I made everything so damn complicated.

"You can do this Trey. " I coached myself taking a few deep breathes. I was right in front of Chris's doorstep. All I had to do was ring the damn doorbell and I couldn't even do it.

You had one job Trey.

I eventually managed to work up more courage and press the button. Moments later he answered the door with a little girl in his arms. The hell

"Hey Trey. "Chris says ignoring how I'm awkwardly looking at him. He then gestures for me to come inside and I do so.

"Um, hey. "

"Oh my bad. This is my daughter Royalty. Say Hi to Trey ,Ro. "Chris smiles at the little girl who's name I just learned was Royalty.

"Hi. "She waves at me. How cute. He sat her down and she ran off to go play.

"Since when did you have a daughter?" I ask following him into the kitchen.

"Cassidy told me about a week ago. It's crazy ,but I love Royalty already. I'm so attached to her. "He grins. I wish that was our child her was grinning about.

"I just hope you're a good father. Not many men will do what you are. "

"I know. So what did you need? You wanted to talk about 'that' again?" He emphasizes the word that.

"Yeah. Chris I miss you like crazy. I know I was flexin' on you earlier, but I want we had back. That's if you are. "I say as he gets two glasses out of the cabinet and pour lemonade in them. I grab one.


"Trey I don't think it's a good idea for us to be together. And once more; It's only sex for me, no feelings attached. I did feel a way about you but not anymore. At least I don't think so. "Chris said before taking a sip of his lemonade.

"I don't give a fuck about everything else you just said. Why isn't it a good idea for us to be together?" I ask staring into the cold ,yellow drink in my glass.

"I have t--" he stopped talking when a very pregnant Savannah came strolling in.

"Chris I have the names now. And where's my money you owe me?" Savannah says completely ignoring I'm here.

"Congratulations. "I half smile just to be nice.

"Thank you. Chris I want my money. If you would have just left it at fifty ,you wouldn't be paying a hundred. "

"You get on my damn nerves. Here. " he reached into his pocket and pulled out some pennies. Savannah stank faced him.

"What the hell is that?" Savannah nearly yelled.

"A hundred pennies. "

"You cannot be this cheap when we have twins on the way ,Chris. When the hell are you going to set up their nursery? They have to stay with you too ,you know. "

"We?" I interrupted their little altercation.

"Shit. "I heard Chris whisper.

"Yeah. Chris didn't tell you? He and I are expecting twins. Two boys actually." Savannah slightly smiled. Oh hell nah. I guess Chris noticed how I was looking at Savannah because if looks could kill.

"How about you go upstairs in the nursery and call Mila and my dad to come help?" Chris suggested to her. She nodded and did as told.

"Twins? When were you going to tell me you got your half-sister pregnant?" I ask with tears threatening to fall. I refuse to let them though.


"I'm sorry Trey. I meant to tell you earlier, but I was interrupted. And she's not my half sister ,she's my step sister; that still doesn't make it any better though. "

"It's okay. " I nodded my head.

"Trey are you sure? I really didn't intend on hurting your feelings. "

"No more than you already have? It's really okay. You were better as my best friend anyway, I suppose. We ruined our friendship for a failed relationship. Let's just be friends again. That's all I'm asking now. "

"You'll always be my homie. You know confidential shit. " Chris chuckles which helps me feel a little easier.

"I'm glad that's settled. I'll see you later. "I say then escort myself out.

It's settled....


Epilogue next. And yes, I did update twice in one day.



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