《Quit Touching Me Under the Table : CBxTS (boy×boy) Wattys 2016》QTMUTT 10



I woke up to faint rays emitting through the curtains shining onto me. I rolled over to look at Chris only to find he wasn't there. I heard soft giggling and turned back around to see two kids. One , a little girl with long ,dark, poofy hair, pretty chocolate brown skin like mine and light brown eyes. The second one was a boy who looked older with tall, curly dark brown hair and I could tell that the top of it had been dyed blonde , gray eyes, and he had the exact same skin tone as Chris.

"Who are you, and why are you in my bedroom?" I questioned sitting up. The little girl giggled.

"Good morning Daddy." She climbed on the bed and sat in my lap placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Daddy?" I mumbled lowly to myself. How long was I sleep? I have kids and I don't even know their names.

"Dad told us to tell you breakfast was ready. C'mon T." The boy said as he motioned for the little girl to come with him.

They left out ,closing the door behind them. I got up did my everyday hygiene and put on some clothes that I guess are mine. I then went downstairs to see Chris and the two kids eating breakfast and engaging in a conversation. It was another girl who looked about the same age as the boy with them also. She looked exactly like Chris. So this is what my life will look like with Chris. They looked up when they noticed me.

"Morning Trey." Chris smiled now looking at me.

"Morning."I said back sitting down to eat my plate.

"Alright Dad we're out." The boy said to Chris as he and the two girls grabbed their backpacks. The older girl gave Chris a kiss on the cheek while the boy dapped him up. The little girl came over to me. She lifted her arms up signaling for to pick her up.


"Bye-Bye Daddy." Then she pecked my cheek and I let her down so she could do the same to Chris.

"Um, Bye." I was still so very confused. Was I sleep for 20 years or something?

"Good news, Trey. The adoption agency called this morning and said we could come and get Josh Wednesday." Chris smiled.

"Who's Josh?"

"The boy we've been trying to adopt since forever."

"I don't even know who those other kids are, I'm so confused right now." I sighed rubbing my temples.

"How did you forget who the kids are? You love them. You okay?" He asked a bit concerned. Does it look like it?

"No, Chris what's going on? Who are those kids and where did they come from? What year is it? How old am I? Wher--"

"Woah , woah, slow down . Trey are you serious right now?" He looked at me like I was crazy.


"Those are our kids, and you're at home. You sure you okay?"

"Our kids?" I questioned raising my eyebrow. Since when did I have a kid?

"Yes. Cassius, Royalty, and Teagan. Remember, Cassius and Royalty are mine and Teagan is yours."Chris said to me as if I were slow.

"How?" I asked. Why does he have two kids and I have one?

"Don't ask that because that always starts arguments between us."

Oh. Teagan must be the little girl I was holding. I figure that because I heard the boy call her T. Cassius must be the boy and Royalty must be the other girl.

"Okay. "I muttered. Now I have one very important question that I'm burning to ask.

"Chris are we married?" I blurt.

"No. Don't bring that up either, that starts fights too."


Well that's enough questions for me, I guess. He's pretty much answered what I needed to know. Chris got up and stood behind me. He leaned down to my ear and whispered.

"Kids are gone and won't be back for a while." He started to kiss on my neck. I let out a low moan.

"Trey. Trey." I heard someone repeat. I woke up. It was a dream?

"You over there moaning and talking in your sleep and shit, Interrupting a nigga sleep time. Fuck were you dreaming about?" Chris complained. I must have woke him up.

"Nothing." I quickly dismissed. I didn't want him to know because it really was nothing.

"Liar. Probably thinking about me." He said cockily and rolled over to go back to sleep.

"You wish." I chuckled before drifting back off to sleep.


Chapter was boring, but make sure you pay very close attention to it. It's important. There will be many more chapters when they have dreams and every dream plays a important part to the story.



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