《King of the magical Britain》Interview


9th, August

Sitting at breakfast Sirius and Remus were looking at their cub/pup and wondering what gave him that mischievous glint in his eyes so early in the morning. They question was answered when Daily News was delivered to them. On the front page was a title in Big letters saying "Lost Childhood of the Chosen-One".


Yes! My readers you read it right.

Our hero, the boy-who-lived, Harry James Potter-Black was abused. How can that be you may ask? I of course investigated and asked him for an interview, to my great shock he agreed.

RS: hello Lord Potter, how are you today?

HP: I'm good, thank you and yourself?

RS: as Well, thank you. So maybe we could begin with the easy question, who do you live with?

HP: well since this summer I live with my godfather's or rather first I lived alone then came my honorary godfather and when my godfather Sirius Black was proven innocent he came to live with us as well, but I'm sure you are more interest who I lived until then. The answer is my mothers adopted magic hating muggle sister. I was left on her doorstep on a November morning in a basket with just a letter.

RS: what do you mean Magic hating Lord Potter? And who leaves a 15 month old baby on a doorstep in November?

HP: from what I gathered and understand, the Headmaster was responsible for my placement, for some reason. Thinking that my mothers sister would welcome me and it would be a safe place for me especially with wards keyed to my mothers family blood, I'm sure he did not know she was adopted. As for the hating comment, well Petunia was always the jealous type. She always told me I was freak like my mother and how I should have died with her.


RS: the Headmaster should not have been responsible, what about you parents Will's?

Nobody should tell these thinks to a child! Did they treat you as they should? And what about accidentally magic?

HP: The Will's were sealed mere hours after their Deaths. Well I always felt uncomfortable talking about my childhood, but I read that talking about it could be freeing. Accidentally Magic was forbidden in their home or even the word "magic" was forbidden. I was always punished for my "freakishness" as they call it.

RS: but first burst of magic should be celebrated! What sort of punishment?

HP: not in their Home. That varies, sometime it would be a beating, sometime I would sleep in my cupboard without food or going out for a few days and sometimes more chores.

RS: your cupboard?

HP: well yes, that was my room until my Hogwarts letter arrived, since it was addressed to Harry James Potter, cupboard under the stairs. They thought someone was watching so they gave my cousins second bedroom but with addition like the bars on the widow and lockers on the door.

RS: I'm very sorry, for the childhood you have and for the additional distress that my previous articles caused you. I'm also very distributed that nobody noticed. Why did you decide to let me interview you?

HP: I accept you apology although I can't promise I will forget it. Nobody noticed anything because they only see what they want and not what's in front of them.

I decided to speak about it because I made a friend Tomorr who had similar experience. I thought if there is the two of us then how many more? Why does nobody do a thing? I thought speaking about it in the press may the public make to think and the victims of similar abuse come forward.


RS: you friend Tomorr wouldn't be the new Lord?

HP: maybe, we met when the Tri-Tournament was here and he came to watch. Then I and even he didn't know about his heritage.

RS: well thank you for the interview and may Lady magic bless you.

As you see may dear readers children of our word are suffering and we aren't doing or noticing anything, why is that?

How come the Potter's Will's were sealed? Why didn't any teacher at Hogwarts notice the signs of abuse on our young Lord?

I will search answers to these questions just you wait.

May Lady magic bless you

Rita Skeeter

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