《King of the magical Britain》Old Black Manor Land


Harry was sitting in the library reading an old tom about the old ways when his two godfather's came in. "Prongslet we can go to look at the land but let me first tell you about my Gringotts visit." Harry marked the page he was reading and gave his godfather his full attention. Sirius took the seat opposite of Harry and Remus right next to him "I have Longbeard the task of making me rich and gave him and Gringotts some profit. Then I changed the family motto from always pure to always pure of the heart, finally I brought Andy and her family back to begin Black and gave her what was rightfully her before she was disowned. I don't know what I will do with Narcissa and her son as well as Bella but I know that I will be calling an Black family meeting in a few days. So wanna go?" Harry was quite proud of his godfather and told him so. After getting ready they took the portkey and landed somewhere outside of London. It was green everywhere and peacefully quite. Sirius being the only one able to see the wards came forward and touch them with his hand gaining access and giving permission for his two guests to enter. "We will need to change the wards since I already gave temporary ownership of these land to you Harry and after it's build it will belong to the orphanage. Come inside." Walking in they saw a huge peace of land with ruins in the middle, looking around they saw the land near the Manor to be burned as well and the nature surrounding it in dare need of help. Harry was walking around and inspecting not only those ruins but also the trees and bushes "well we will need to get rid of the ruins and before we start build anything we will need someone who knows Herbology and willingly to help us. I even think I know who to ask. Do you think elves and goblins would be able to help us build the building or would we need to hire wizards to do it?" Remus was once again that answered "goblins are well know for they talent with forging of weapons but also buildings and wards, I'm sure we can negotiate the prize for it. As for the house elf why not ask one of them?" Harry nodded and called for Diddi pop and the old elf stood before him. "What can Diddi do for the young master?" "Diddi I have a question for you, you see this land we want to build an orphanage here but first we need to make the land usable again, how could an House elf help in it?" Diddi took a few moment to think about what they magic was able to do and answered "we House elf's can do many things with our magic. We could banish the ruins and help with the stones and decorate the building. Some elf's would be able to help with the nature, help grow green grass and pretty flowers." Harry nodded "could you please search for ten free or for sale elf's. We would bind them to these land or more specific to the orphanage. We would need and older experience elf to be the head, five young ones to learn and four specialists in one thing or another. Alright?" Diddi nodded and poped away. Looking around they decided there was no use for them to be there any longer, securing the wards they left for the Potter Manor.


During the dinner Harry talked about what he will do " well i will contact Neville and tell him about the land and ask about his plans, we have a month until school and I'm sure he would be happy to do something new with his talent. Then i will go tomorrow to Gringotts and ask them about they service. Also I need to contact the other person that helps me with the orphanage and start search for people that would work there." Here Remus looked up and asked who it may be. " well it's Tomorr Slytherin I'm sure I mentioned him to you somewhere." Sirius looked thoughtful about it but couldn't remember, for know he dropped the subject. The rest of the night they spend talking about they future.

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