《King of the magical Britain》Sirius first day as a free man


Sirius was clothed in fine black robes with purple pants and a purple dress shirt, next to him was Remus also in new brown robes. Both went to St. Mungo's although Remus was there only for the support he wanted to be there as much as possible for the man that was his mate. Sirius was a bit nervous about the check up since he knew he wasn't in the best shape.

Waiting in an office for the healer to come was a bore. Finally after 20 minutes came in an old regal looking women in white robes "good afternoon gentlemen. My name is Healer Wing. We will begin with a few diagnosis spells and then your new health plans." Going in front of Sirius she waved her wand a three times in three different motions and three parchments poped into the air. Reading it her face became more serious and displeased. Finally looking back she began "firstly we will need to regrow two bones in you left arm, then I will give your a potion regime that you must follow. Every morning before breakfast you will take a nurturing potion, after breakfast two potion for muscle and bones, then before sleep a potion for you nerves. This will be you routine every day for the next three months after that you come a second check up and we will see if we can minimalism the dosage. I would also like to congratulate you Lord Black, you are a Carrier." Both man were speechless at hearing the last news but after a moment Sirius felt joy, he could have children! Nodding at the healer and thanking her, they took the list of potions, the list of his diet and booked a appointment to the best mind healer they had and apparated to Gringotts.


Walking in they bowed to the guards outside, finding a free teller and greeting them as they should they found them self in the office of the black family manager Longbeard. The teller outside was wondering what is happening with the Wizards that's the fourth that greeted them as the costumes says.

"May you blade be sharp and clan strong Manager Longbeard" Sirius and Remus bowed together, the goblin bowed back "may you magic alway flow and will be strong. How can I help you today Lord Black?" gesturing First them to sit down Sirius began. "Well firstly I would like to accept my Lordship, secondly I want an audit of all black accounts and assets. Then I would like to donate the land we're the old Manor stood to my Godson who will be building a magical orphanage there, so I don't know if it be his or rather the orphanage. Afterwards we can talk about the rest." The goblin nodded and took the Ring, Sirius took it, it was a beautiful ring, black with a grim in the middle, putting it on on his right pointing finger it readjusted and Sirius was overcome with a cold filling of acceptance and pride. "Here are all the assets the Black family has. Lord Black you should look at the shares of some of the business you have and sell them since they don't make any profit and are on the line for being legal. Here the list of the properties in which I transferred the land you asked about temporary to your godson ownership for the duration of the work afterwards it will belong to the orphanage." Remus and Sirius both looked at the lists and crossed out the shares that needed to be sellout. Finally looking up "these shares that are crossed out? Please get rid of them. I would like for you Manager Londbeard to take over making profit and take 15% of it for Gringotts and 5% to yourself." Here goblin looked shocked but nodded "next I would like to change the motto of the family from toujours pur to toujours pur de coeur. Also * I Sirius Orion Black Lord of the House of Black reinstate Andromeda Durella Tonks neé Black, her husband Ted Erik Tonks and their daughter Nymphadora Ella Tonks into the family. As I said so it be* now since that it's done I want Andy's rightful dowry given to her and one set up for Nymphadora. For now that all." Longbeard nodded and gave Sirius a few documents to sign and a Gringotts credit card.


Both gentlemen walked away from the bank seeing it being only 4 pm. Sirius decided to shopped for a bit and then got with Harry to the Black land.

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