《King of the magical Britain》Talk about the lands


8th, August

Rita Skeeter didn't have as much fun writing articles since the Tri-Tournament. Tomorrow morning there would be two articles, one about Harry Potter's childhood and the other about a new mysterious Lord. She couldn't wait for the chaos.

At 13 pm both Sirius and Remus finally emerged from they bedrooms, although Harry was sure they spend the night in the same bed.

"Hello my beloved Uncles! I have a Hungover potion for you and something light to eat. Come sit down!" Harry told them in a very cheerful voice, his only response were two painted groans.

15 minutes later both adults looked far better and without the headache, "so Prongslet what do you want to do today?" Sirius looked at his godson and still couldn't believe it how big he already was, almost an adult himself. Harry took a few moment to think about it and then decided "first you Padfoot are going to the hospital to see a healer, you will need to take potion to be back in shape again and will make an appointment with a mind healer as well. I know your are sane well as sane as any Black can be, but you stay in that hell hole with only negative memories it had to take a toll on your mind even if don't notice it. Understood?" He looked at Sirius seriously Remus nodding his head next to him, Padfoot looked unhappy but agreed "and afterwards if you aren't too tired I would like for you to go to Gringotts and ask about the black family business, I'm particularly interested if you would be agreeable to donate the land were the old Black Manor once stood to the orphanage I want to build?" Here Harry looked at his godfather hopeful, this land from what he read would be perfect. Sirius took a few minutes to think about it well the land is old and big, probably need work and for me is actually useless. The black family would need a Manor again but I could buy new land for it since it would be new beginning for the family, yes I like that idea, grimmlaud place could be gifted to Dora.


"I don't see any problem with it, afterwards Gringotts if it isn't too late we could visit the land and see what needs work. I would like to buy new land and build a new Manor for the new black family, what you think?" This time it was Remus who answered since he was quite from the beginning of the conversation " I think both of your ideas are excellent. A new black family Manor marking a change in the family, if we help build it with our magic it would me like the tradition dedicates and the wards would be stronger." Here both Sirius and Harry looked a bit surprised both forgot about that particular tradition or in Harry's case didn't have that acknowledge. After half an hour of mindless chatter both adults went as planned and Harry wrote again to Tomorr this time about the articles.

Mor, I wrote the article for Rita, the first that will come out is the one about my childhood since it would be good to have these news before we propose the bill. I also mentioned you, I needed to have some kind of back story why we know each other, so I told her that we met when you came to watch the Tri-Tournament, we bumped into each other after first task and talked a bit about the dragon and since then we exchanged letters, if possible it would be a good idea to forage a two dozen of them in the last two years so that we could say we know each other pretty well, if you don't mind of course.

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