《King of the magical Britain》Plans, plans and Nicknames


At breakfast Harry sat alone since both Sirius and Remus had too much fire whiskey and are probably dead to the world even now. He took his notebook with him curious if Mor answered him yesterday. Looking in he noticed new writings

Yes, I was there. Even I did not see the removal coming, but it is only in out favor.

I spoke with Severus two days ago and he agreed to help us and support us with the Orphans. He said it would be beneficial for many of his student. He also will try to see me as a friend. The old goat meddle into his life as well, apparently he hid Severus lordship to the Prince family from him. Now it will be Prof. Prince instead of Snape. He seems also somehow better I'm sure it had something to do with the removal of my mark. I told him about you childhood so he could open his eyes and see you not your father, he swore to protect you, maybe you should talk to him.

My little snake what else do you plan to do before Hogwarts?!

Little snake?! What's that's suppose to mean?

Yours Little snake? What's that suppose to mean? I will try to talk to him, who knows maybe we will get along. But Mor what do you plan? I told you something now you turn.

Mor? I like it. But you are the only one allowed to call me that. Just like I'm the only one who can call you my little snake, cause even if you don't realize it yet, your are mine.

As for my plans besides helping you, I thought maybe I could start with something small and good for the society and since we are doing the orphanage why not start with the primary schools as well, I could change the Riddle Manor for a school since I'm currently moving to the Slytherin castle. The school would be for children between the age of 5 and 11. We could in the future do a section of the Manor for a school for squibs as to not throw them away. What do you think?


It's an excellent idea! The little kids could be thought Wizarding and magical races Costumes, Etiquette, maths, writing, reading, Herbology, Latin, French or maybe other language, introduction to potion. We could make it be years. 5-8 Writing maths reading Herbology Latin etiquette and 8-11 costumes, second language, introduction and history.

As for the squibs if we look which jobs could be done without magic we could do a section of a school for them from eleven since the primary could be the same they should learn these things as well. But they should learn a bit more of muggle subjects since it would be beneficial to have our own people there in jobs like social service, police,medicine etc. it would make the desperation easier since they know about our work but a part of both.

Little snake this idea has so much merit. We wouldn't need to obliviate so many people, the squibs wouldn't feel left out or useless, they would be a part, but we would need to make the parents remember they should care about them as well. Besides we wouldn't lose magical blood nor knowledge about muggles. They can work in the primary school, orphanage, with animals, shopkeepers, finances, potion assistants or secretary, there are probably more jobs were magic is not necessary.

Now we need to write the bills and in the next wizagmot session after we are sworn in propose it but before that I need to release the articles. As for the squibs we need some research if muggleborns come from that.

I thought about it and we could made it mandatory in the orphan to do the blood tests and convince to do them in the primary school as well, that way we can see if they have magical ancestors. I need to go little snake, but we will speak again.


Bye Mor!

After Harry read they conservation again he still couldn't understand what Mor meant in telling him he was his but pushed that thoughts away and took notes about they plans and ideas. Now he need to write to Rita about the articles and talk with Sirius about the land.

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