《King of the magical Britain》The trail


6th, August

Today was one important day for one Sirius Black. Today was his start of freedom, well if nobody gets in the way.

Today Harry Potter was nervous and full of hope for his godfather .

Today Amelia Bones was determined to go to the bottom of this case as it should be done 15 years ago.

Today the Auror's received a special gift right when they wanted to start they work.

At precisely 9am. Amelia Bones looked at her door when a black dog went in and transformed into a man. "Good Morning Mrs. Bones. I here 9 am. sharp. Ready for my long awaited trail." Amelia was a but surprised but now she finally knew how he escaped Azkaban.

Standing she answered "very well Lord Black. Please follow me to the court. You Heir gave as permission to use the truth serum, do you contest as well?" Sirius nodded his head and followed.

Inside the court were all the Lord's and Lady's, the Minister as well as the Chief Warlock although he didn't looked very pleased.

Sitting in the chair in the middle Sirius took notice of the lawyer Harry hired in the Defence seat and observer as Mrs. Bones took her place in the middle next to the minister and bang her Hammer. "Please all quite down. We will now begin the trail of one Sirius Orion Black, Lord of the most Ancient and most Noble House of Black. You are accused of betraying the Potter Family to Lord Voldemort on 31th October 1981 and murder of one Peter Petiegrew and 12 Muggles. How do you plead?" All the people were shocked when the lawyer answer "my client pleads not guilty" Amelia nodded and told the court about the use of the truth serum. 3 drops of Veritaserum later and the questioning began.


"Lord Black did you betray the Potter?"


"Were you the secret keeper?"

"I was the deco. Peter was the actual Secret keeper"

"Who knew about the actual secret keeper?"

"Just me, James, Lily and Albus Dumbledore since he was the Binder"

"Were you ever a follower of Lord Voldemort?"

"No, I would never"

"Did you kill Petiegrew and 12 Muggles?"

"No, he cut his own finger, changed into a rat and run"

"Why did you shout it was your fault when you were captured?"

" it was! I thought It would be a good idea for Peter be the keeper cause everyone knew how close I was to James, if I didn't came with the idea they would have lived"

"Thank you I don't have anymore questions. Now I have more evidence then that statement. Here Lord's and Lady's I have a copy of the Potter's last Will. The Auror revived today morning a gift in the form of one Peter Petiegrew alive and with the Dark Mark visible. With all the evidence, we vow now."

During the questioning you could here people gasp and whisper how they made a mistake like that. And the outrage at the fact that Dumbledore could prevent this misunderstanding and an innocent man from 12 years of hell. After a short moment Amelia has the verdict. „Lord Black you are herby declared innocent of all charges. We would like to sincerely apologize for the mistake the ministry made even if it doesn't made up for the years of hell. The ministry will take over all bills for you health and mind healers. You will as well receive 1000 galleons for each year you spend in Azkaban. Now Albus Dumbledore we decided that you silence in the matter was a grave mistake and vow you out of you position as the chief warlock. It was you duty to inform us about this case."


Bang, all around the whispers began and the reporters flee to write articles as fast as possible. Dumbledore wanted to change the mind over the verdict but without progress. Sirius and his lawyer made his way outside were he new Harry and Remus waited for him.

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