《King of the magical Britain》Severus and Tomorr had a talk


Tomorr was sitting at his desk staring at the writing but not seeing it. How could nobody noticed anything? Teachers should, Snape with his own childhood should. And to think we would be so similar even with our goals. Harry Potter you are an enigma, that I will make mine.

Calling for Snape Tomorr waited a few minutes when the spy walked in, gesturing for him to sit, he could see the shock and curious glint. "As you can see Severus I obtained my old body and my mind. Now I have change of plans and will remove the Mark from your arm but I want you do be honest with me on which side were you? and how did you miss that Harry Potter was abused?" Snape lost his composure hearing the last line. "I -I" He did not know what to say so he took a moment of time to look trough his memories of that boy and he came to the conclusion "it was so obvious" he whispered, seeing his still Lord looking at him he cleared his throat and spoke " I was blinded with the hatred towards his father and I had hate potion keyed to him in my body. Now looking at my memories it was obvious, how little he ate, how he flinched away and in which state were his clothes or how he did not trust adults. Dumbledoor always promised everybody that he was in good home and spoiled. As to my loyalty you could say it is to the boy. When Lily died I thought you did not do as promised so as desperate attempt to protect the boy I went to the Headmaster, he told me to swear an unbreakable vow to protect Harry. He also told me to treat him as I did to remind him to be humble. Now I see it as as not getting close since I would have eventually saw him as mine Nephew. But I discovered that he played me as well. When my mother died he was my Magical Guardian for a year in that time he hid my Prince heritage for me telling me it was unavailable since my mother was disowned and telling the Goblins i would come and ask about it when I'm ready. Now I took it back and change my last name to Prince."


Tomorr was not as shocked to hear the old goat meddled again. Who knows how many other children have they heritage stolen or hidden before them. Maybe we could make blood test mandatory for every first year that is not at the orphanage? And then maybe we could see from where the muggleborns come from. "Harry ans I talked, since he was the one I had to thank for my sanity. Surprisingly we want the same changes in our world, so we will work together. our first goal is to open magical orphanage and I thought that we may use your help in this as a teacher and you own childhood, all three of us are similar in that aspect, we need support in the Wizagmont to do that, after Black is set free we will have his vow as well. I would like for us and Lucius to be friends." Tomorr looked at Severus and waited for his opinion. Severus was speechless, his Lord wanted to be his friend, what a thought. Thinking everything trough he nodded his had " I will try to be you friend if you sanity is there and I will help with the orphanage as well, many of my students would benefit from it. we just need to made sure that the Headmaster does not have any say in it." Tomorr smiled at him and asked for his left arm. Severus was rather skeptical but did anyways, after some pain the Mark was gone and then a question came in mind "what I am supposed to tell the old goat about the vanishing of my Mark when he notices?" That was an important question that Tomorr did not think about. Taking all possibilities into account and the nature of the mark he came up with a solution. "when asked you can tell him that Voldemort did some very dark ritual that gone wrong and now his magic is slowly leaving him therefore the Mark of these little or not loyal are disappearing. And you suspect he will be gone after a while and even thought he is not admitting it he get's weaker." Severus nodded and thought it was a very good excuse and a way to get rid of the alter ago. after a few minutes of mindless chatter Severus bid his new friend good bay and returned to his new home in Prince Manor. Tomorr took off to bed.

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