《King of the magical Britain》an interesting conversation


Harry sat behind his desk, thinking again what and how he should do the things he wants to change. Tomorrow is the trail, which takes one thing out of his list since his godfather will be free and he will have Lord Black behind him. From his list the easiest for now would be the orphan if his story would go to the papers and had someone who would second his bill in the Wizagmot. Maybe Tomorr would help me since he knows first hand how the muggle orphanage is, he also has seats and Lucius can probably help there. I could look and if its big enough use the land were the Black Manor stood to build a new building I'm sure Sirius wouldn't mind. It would be even good for the Black family reputation if we tell the people the donate the land. After a moment he noticed the letter on his desk with the Slytherin Crest. Opening it he stared reading.

Dear Harry,

You were right in suspecting a how did you put it? an old goat in having a helping hand in my path to insanity. I had a few things in my system that shouldn't be there and if I had it I'm curious if you were a victim to it too?

I'm not know as a kind man but for you, I will tell you a few of my original goals. First I want a whole separation between our and the muggle world. I wanted the muggleborns to be taken to our world on an early age. The Old ways should be practiced since we need to thank Mother Magic for our gift and give back the magic to the Earth trough rituals. Hogwarts needs a change too, Magical Creatures need equal rights and finally Magic is Magic, it should not be forbidden, restricted in some ways, yes.


I'm always getting passionate about these topics, but I'm sure you won't mind. You told me you want change as well, what kind? and how do you wish me to help? I'm honestly flattered that you see me as a magical genius . I want to speak more with you and therefore I gave you together with letter a notebook that's conected with mine, so we can speak freely.

i'm awaiting you.


Harry looked at the green notebook and took it, he could feel the magic in it but not in the same way as the Diary from his second year. Taking a quill he hesitance for only a moment and then wrote.


Good Afternoon Harry, you got my letter?

Yes. It was very informative. Our goals are very similar. I could feel you passion on the topic trough you writing it was very refreshing, i did not meet many people passionate about something.

Yes, that happens more rarely now. If they are very similar you want these thinks as well? What about Dark Magic? Old Way's? I know yo are not as golden but I did not think you would agree with me.

You don't know me that well then, but to be fair I did not know myself as well. I did have potion and compulsions on me, but they are gone and I can be myself. Old Ways are not something that should be forgotten, this are our ways, we are not Muggles after all. Honoring Mother Magic is important, since it was almost forgotten you can see the consequences of it, less magical children, less rare blood line gifts etc. It's very sad that wizards are taking everything for granted. As for the Dark Magic as you said I never understood it because magic is magic, you can't control it you can ask it for something, that's how it works. Forbidding some Magics is only helping magic to die. I want to prevent it. I know you do to, why now do it together? If we not agree on something I'm sure we can compromise or make a solid argument. What do you think?


We need to talk more and talk out goals more trough but for now a truce should be enough. After I know more I will decide but I have a feeling i won't be able to decline. Somehow I feel like you won't let me. You are of course right about the magic. You started already think some of you plans? I think I could be of help if to just tell you that you plan has merit or flaws.

Yes, I was in the middle of planning when I noticed you letter. I want to build an magical orphanage as fast as possible. So I thought I could use the land were once Black Manor stood for a new building, it would also help the Black family reputation. But I would need support in the Wizagmot to made it possible. I thought that it would be easier if my childhood story was in the paper. What do you think?

You childhood story? Were you not spoiled be you relatives? Were you not treated like a Prince? Maybe we do have more in common that I first thought. But the idea has merit. I could tell my own story as well, that before my grandparents in Albania adopted me I was in a muggle orphanage, it would help the public know me and our cause. I'm sure Severus would speak in his seat as well in favor as a teacher and from his own childhood. We would need staff that cares about children and knows how to take care of them. But that can be planned when we are Ministry approved.

My childhood was similar to yours, if not a bit worse. I was treated like a house elf, since I was 4 I did chores by 7 I knew how to take care of the whole household. My room was the cupboard under the stairs, I was locked there whenever there were guest or even when my chores when done, when I was punished I was locked there for the days without food or bathroom. When my accident magic started my punishments became physical, since then I was punishment for everything wrong in their lives. It got of course worse since starting Hogwarts. I pleaded to stay every summer but the old goat always said I made it up or exaggerate. It's getting late, I'm going to bed, we will speck soon again. good night..

good night little snake

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