《King of the magical Britain》A talk with the twins


talking - Fred speaking

Harry was in his study again thinking how to go about his plans when his wards alerted him of visitors. going into the hall where all portkey come he was sandwiched between two redheaded twins. looking up he greeted them both with a smile. "Hello my demons, how about we go to the living room and talk?" they let him go and followed him, Harry asked one of the elf's for some refreshments and looked at the twins.

Finally George started "well Harrkinks we are happy to see to in good health and looking pretty" "yes, Harrkinks what happen you are now a pretty boy, but we wanted to talk about our family with you, you see" " Fred and I discovered a few moths ago that they only pretend to care about you and are doing everything that old goat is telling them to do. We didn't " " know how to tell you that and wanted to discover more, so we did, that Ginny is obsessed with being made Lady Potter and will use any means for it to happen."

Harry took a moment to sip his tea and smiled a bit sadly a the twins, " Thank you for telling me Fred&Gred, I did in fact discover many thinks these last few days. I'm actually filthy rich, my parents left a Will, because of it we can now free Sirius also I was never to go to the Dursley's." Here both twins did a sour face knowing the home situation there was more wrong that they little brother let on, but gestured for him to continue. "well I also had a block on my magic and a few compulsions and potion in my system" right there both twins gave a loud "WHAT?" and hugged Harry again. " calm down they are gone now but that isn't all, Dumbledore, you mother as well as Ron,Ginny and Hermione took money from my vault and they did a marriage cintract between me and Ginny, but fortunately that contract was not legal or valid." Harry took another sip from his tea and waited for the twins reaction, he did not wait long. Fred stared " Harrkins we did not know about this, how could" " they do something so disgusting as to pretend and steal and then biding you without you permission to that little slut" " she is our sister but we know what she does at school, we dont want to" " be they familty anymore, what do we do?".


Harry nodded and took a few minutes to think about they options and what else he needed to tell them, then he remembered his title as King and took a moment to think how they will react Knowing them they will bow and call me your Highness. "Alright demons you need to go to Gringotts and ask them about an inheritance test, if you don't have any other surname you can take I will adopt you to the Potter family as brothers, we can make it only magically or by blood as well. But before you go I need to tell you something else I found about during my test, apparently I'm the only living member of the Valkoinen family this the next King of the magical Britain."

Harry looked at the twins and laughed, they were gaping at him like fish speechless, this was a moment for a pensive, it is not everyday that someone makes them like this. After a few minutes both twins as predicted got on their knees and saying together "we will serve you always our Highness, how could we not know such news" Harry laughed again, the twins always knew how to bring out his smile. " come get up, I know it was a shock for me too, but it is my birthright and I'm going to accept it even if I don't know yet what to do with it". Talking another hour with the twins they decided to leave and go to Gringotts to see what they can do and to sigh the contract so they can start they joke shop. And Harry returned to his study and his previous task of thinking.

Both twins went to a free Teller and bowed "May you blade be sharp and you grip be strong Master Teller, we would like an inheritance test and we need to see Lord Ragnarock about an contract with his client." The Teller was a bit shocked that again some Wizards new how to greet them but he let them to Ragnarock's office telling him what they wanted.


The twins going in, repeated they greeting and told him what they wanted. Ragnarock saw right away that this were friends of Harry, so he gave them first the dagger for the test and told them what to do. George took it first then Fred and both waited until the parchment glowed and mix of orange and grey and black writing appeared.



George was quite shocked and looked at his twins seeing him reading his parchment as well.



After shaking off the shocked they looked at the Goblin and asked for explanation. Ragnarock taking the test stared " Well Messieurs, the Prewett line is know for having twins almost every generation, this they made the Lordship only available for twins with the Prewett blood. You both are a Co-Lord with each other, you have a twin bond as well with practic you could communicate trough telepathy. Now would you like to accept the lordship and afterwards sign the contract?" Both twins looked at each other and then and Ragnarock and George spoke " we would like to disown or mother and the two youngest siblins as our family and would like to take the name Prewett." Fred nodded nect to him.

15 minutes later Both twins were the Prewett twins with they Lordship and were quite reach since the accounts were just there and taking interests, they uncles were quite the businessmen. Both twins were quite happy with they day and decided to celebrate it.

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