《King of the magical Britain》Begin of a new friendship?


5th, August

Tomorr Slade was eating breakfast at his table when suddenly two owls came his way one of them he recognized as the Potter's owl.

Giving them both some bacon and the second owl some gallons for the newspaper he put the letter to read after the Daily Prophet. Spreading the paper out he noticed a big announcement on the front page.

Dear Readers if the Daily Prophet,

since yesterday our newspaper has a new owner and with him a new work policy.

Firstly we would like to apologize to every person that was slandered and/or offended by our articles.

Our new owner that doesn't wish to be make public, brings with him changes and new set of rules for our reporters.

The first change is the Name from Daily Prophet to Daily News. Then all Quick-Quote-Quills are forbidden to use, but that's not all we must write only the truth and solid facts as well as have permission for using someone else image, name or words. The form also changed slightly we have now pages for political, academical, gossip and sports news.

We hope our dear readers will like the changes and our new form.

Thank you for your support!

Tomorr had to wonder who the owner was that had the idea to finally made a reasonable newspaper. Somehow he had the feeling he knows how. Taking the letter now he check it for any curses, jinxes etc. detecting it clear he broke the seal.

Dear Tomorr Slade Slytherin,

I thought I should start addressing you with you new name.

I was surprised to receive a letter from you but I was more surprised at you thanking me taking away you safety net even if not the best. Not free will? Why do I have a feeling a certain old goat had something to do with it?!


I have to confess I'm curious what you true goals are. You wouldn't be so kind and tell me? Maybe our views aren't that far away from each other, you see I agree with you that this world needs a change and I decided to make these changes but I won't be able to make them alone and who better to help then a magical genius?

Why I gave you a second chance? Hmm there a few reasons One of them being I don't believe anyone to be born evil. The other, Dumbledore showed me memories about your childhood, we are more alike then you think. I understand you younger self.

What's going on? Hmm read the Daily News? Also if we talk more I will tell you more.



Tomorr put the letter down and thought it over. So he was right Harry was the new owner. Talk more huh? My help? This could be interesting taking it with him he went to his study to write an answer and work on some more paperwork. Tomorr also needed o call Snape to himself and ask what the old goat and his order of the chickens is up to. He also needed to set Wormtail up an maybe Snape could help him with that.

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