《Choosing His Luna (bxb)》Chapter 13- Carnet


Carnet's POV

It was a while later, the doctor had shown me how to put away my ears and tail, and the Alpha and his Beta had escorted me back to my room before taking their leave. They were silent, the Alpha seemed lost in thought, the Beta glancing at the Alpha, a look of worry on his features. #

My parents weren't in the room, they must be still at breakfast.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, running my fingers through my hair, it reminding me of how the Alpha's fingers felt running through and tugging at my curls, I shivered, remembering his large hand, this skin very warm and rough against my scalp. His touch was surprisingly calming, his dominating presence almost feeling like a heavy blanket, surrounding me in safety and warmth, it was soothing.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, knowing my mother would scold me for thinking in such a way. Growing up she'd kept me away from those my age, kept me away from those I could be attracted to. She'd said that my attraction was only for the Alpha, I could only want him, but not, if that makes any sort of sense?

In order for my innocence to stay intact, I couldn't lust after anyone, I wasn't allowed to, but I found it difficult with the Alpha. I wanted him to run his fingers through my hair again, I wanted to feel his dominance blanketing me, I wanted to feel that safety his presence gave.

I jumped when the door to the room opened, feeling guilty about my thoughts when my parents entered. My mother walked over at a quick pace, her nimble fingers and eyes checking me over, worry tightening her features.

"I'm okay mum," I assured but she still continued to look me over, only stopping when she felt satisfied that I was indeed ok.


Dad made his way over a lot slower, his strides were purposeful and confident. His hand settled over my shoulder, squeezing gently, the warmth from his palm bleeding through my sweater and into my skin. "What happened son?" he asked and I fought against biting my lip, knowing that mum would chide me.

"My w-my wolf was stressed." I lowered my head. "I was ignoring what he wanted so he tried to take control," I murmured and heard mum's gasp.

"Did you-did you change?" she hurried out, sounding worried and nervous.

I lifted my head and met her eyes, she knew, she knew what I was, why had she hidden it? Me becoming the Luna meant the world to her, why would she hide something that had a very good chance of making it a possibility?

"Into a red wolf?" I replied with a quirked brow, unable to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Her mouth sat ajar and her skin paled slightly. "Only partially, but why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide it?" I demanded in a voice quite a lot louder than my usual soft one.

"Who knows?" she ignored my question, saying one of her own instead. She seemed fearful, but why? It wasn't something to be ashamed of, in fact, it was the opposite, why did she look so scared about others knowing what I was? I mean the Alpha, if I ended up being his Luna would have found out sooner or later, why the secrecy now?

"The Alpha, his Beta and the doctor, but why does that matter? What are you so afraid of?"

"We lied dear, to the Alpha, we wanted you to be chosen for you, not just because you're a red wolf," she explained. I thought it would have been something bigger, but I guess it's where mum's priorities lie.


"He didn't seem mad." I shrugged. "In fact he..." I trailed off, looking down and to the side, feeling my cheeks warm remembering how the Alpha had climbed on top of me.

"He what Carnet?" my father spoke up and I let out a breath slowly.

"He-a... he... kneeled over me on the doctor's table," I murmured, my voice even quieter than usual.

"Did he do anything?" my father pushed, mum appeared to have lost her voice but I wouldn't look up, I couldn't.

"He... growled... sniffed my neck and... headbutted my shoulder... a-and played with my ears and hair," I answered slowly.

"He dominated you." father murmured quietly.


Oh my god, I was so nervous! It didn't help that my mother decided to have an existential crisis halfway through dressing me for tonight, with my father's help she'd managed to calm down and dress me the rest of the way.

She'd dressed me in white suit trousers that were tailored, they moulded to my waist, thighs and behind. The shirt was also white and silk, it outlined my torso and she left a few of the first buttons undone. I didn't wear shoes or socks, it was a strange tradition, the meaning had been mostly lost through time, some speculated the reasons for it, that the one who was chosen would be given shoes or something, which didn't really make sense but I just knew I would be barefoot. White was also a requirement, to portray our pureness.

My mother had cracked open the body glitter and shimmer power, my cheekbones and other places had been highlighted in subtle gold. Plus her kohl, which had been applied meticulously around my eyes, making them look huge. She'd messed with my hair for longer than usual, every dark brown curl was perfectly placed on my head.

I'd also been scrubbed, poked and plucked to no end in the bathroom and lathered in a sweet-smelling lotion, my skin now baby soft and smooth, hairless except for the hair on my head and my eyebrows. I was afraid to move when she was done, I stood there frozen as she ummed and aahed, fingers about to change something before she retracted her hand sharply.

"He's perfect dear, don't fret so much." my dad wrapped his arms around her from behind and she slowly relaxed in her mate's arms.

"I don't know if he's wearing too much but the lines of the trousers look so good on him, and the shirt, should it be open all the way? Should it have short sleeves? But the silk lays against his skin so well." she fretted to him.

It was decided when there was a knock at the door, the familiar she-wolf who'd brought me to breakfast entering the room. She smiled at me and bowed to my parents slightly. "It's time, I must take him now."

I swallowed down the butterflies trying to escape my stomach, each step towards her feeling like a leap across an ocean. She gently squeezed my hands. "You look stunning." I felt my cheeks flamed at the compliment, her touch soothing to my nerves. She slipped her hands free from mine and I glanced back at my parents one more time before walking out of the room and letting the she-wolf lead me.

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