《The Omega Uchiha》Chapter 20


Naruto's pov

Christmas was just around the corner which meant that as always I had come to Sakura for help however this year was particularly different since not only did I have kids but me and Sasuke were in competition to see who would get the best gift for them and I was determined to win.

"Sorry but I can't help you " Sakura reiterated.

"Seriously?!" I whined.

"I promised Sasuke I wouldn't help, you gotta figure this one out on your own" Sakura tormented. She was enjoying watching me agonise all too much.

"Ino?" I pleaded hoping she could help me out instead.

"I don't have a maternal bone in my body so don't even bother asking me" she exhaled.

Given that I had no talent in the field of gift giving, I had no option but to contact Itachi. The mere thought of breathing the same air as him for longer than a second made me sick but if I was to have any chance of winning I'd need his help.

I called his phone 5 times until Itachi finally picked up on the sixth.

"What do you want?" He gnarled.

"Meet me at south side mall in 15 minutes" I instructed without any explanation before prematurely cutting the call. I then left Sakura and Inos house and soon arrived at the mall where I found Itachi waiting at the entrance.

"You motherfucker, the nerve on you to summon me here like I have no li-" he complained.

"We're buying Christmas gifts" I bluntly interrupted. Itachi was furious, I was just suprised he even showed up.

"You don't know what to get the kids do you?" He mocked. To preserve my dignity as a father I refrained from responding.

"Hahaha... there's some new child friendly console games out that Seto would like and just get Azia a bunch of clothes, books and colouring stuff." He told me easily.

"Obviously I've already got all those things. Those are basic Itachi. Your here because I need to go the extra mile" I responded.

"The GF02 lightspeed scooter, there's limited stock so we better hurry" he suggested.


"Lightspeed scooter? You sure that's safe?" I asked worried.

"Yeah ...I heard its max speed is as fast as a modern day cars" Itachi responded.

"Ok that doesn't sound safe... we can't buy that!" I interjected.

"Listen you need to push that overprotective parenting bullshit aside if you want to claim victory. I'm sure Sasuke thinks the exact same thing which is why he can never purchase a gift this awesome. That's why if you buy this, you've won." I hate to admit it but he'd made a brilliant point. Against my better judgement I followed Itachis advice and purchased two of the newest lightspeed scooter.

Itachi helped me put the scooters into the boot of my car.

"Thanks for the help, I can't wait to see the look on Sasuke's face" I expressed my gratitude.

"Speaking of Sasuke... Not to be rude or anything but you need to tell him to lay off the carbs, he's fat as a fucker and I mean this in the least offensive way possible" Itachi cursed. Leave it to Itachi to ruin what could've been a perfectly successful trip to the mall.

"He's pregnant not fat and even if not I don't see how Sasuke's weight is any of your concern" I responded angrily.

"You knocked him up again? Do you guys not know how to use protection?"

"Goodbye Itachi, seeing you has been unpleasant as always." I concluded as I was not in any mood to entertain his stupidity.

"Hahaha, seriously though Naruto, I'm happy Sasuke has you" Itachi said gently. I was touched by his approval although not enough to forgive him for insulting Sasuke.

"Get lost!" I responded before climbing into my car and zooming off.

Before I knew it, Christmas had already arrived.

"Mommy, daddy wake up it's Christmasss!!" Screamed Azia whilst jumping on top of us.

"Ow that hurts!" Sasuke told Azia who was jumping on his stomach.

"Presents!!!" Seto demanded.

"Seriously? No merry Christmas or anything you just want presents?" I judged.

"Okay okay!" Sasuke conceded and we went downstairs to unravel the presents underneath the Christmas tree.


Just as I suspected he would, Sasuke had gone with the type of boring and generic presents that a cautious mom would gift their toddlers. He bought Seto new games for his console and Azia a bunch of designer clothes. The worst present of all though was the latest smartphones he gave them each which to me seemed overboard and inappropriate.

"How do you expect two year olds to use those ?" I asked him out of genuine curiosity.

"They're turning 3 soon and about to start kindergarten," Sasuke responded defensively.

"Hmm, I think it's a perfect idea to send our kids to a new school with thousand dollar phones screaming 'bully me I'm a spoilt brat', your so smart baby" I mocked before rubbing his stomach and kissing his forehead. Seto and Azia were so unimpressed by Sasuke's gifts but managed to mumble thank yous so he wouldn't be offended.

"Whatever" he snapped as the look of defeat lingered in his eyes. As much as I expected to win, I didn't expect Sasuke to fail so tremendously.

The kids then unveiled the scooters I purchased causing them to wail from excitement at an incredibly high volume.

"Ahhh thank you so much dad, I've wanted this for so longgg! Your the best!" Azia said, hugging me. I returned her hug whilst mouthing 'I win' to an irritated Sasuke.

"This is so cool dad!" Seto followed with vigour and a large grin.

"Anything for my precious kids" I responded feeling pleased way too pleased with myself.

"Imagine endangering the life of your kids to win a petty contest." Sasuke scoffed disgusted at the fact I'd purchased something so potentially dangerous. I couldn't help the fact that I was competitive and would go to any length to win.

"It's safe as long as they're being supervised." I attempted to diminish the detriment of my actions.

"Pathetic..." he responded which for some reason made me laugh. It was both funny and cute to see how strongly Sasuke felt about a pair of electric scooters when he'd gone and bought our kids smartphones. Wasn't that just as bad?

"What did you guys get for each other?" Seto asked. Sasukes cheeks turned red as he reached under the tree and handed me my gift.

It was a small rectangular box. I was curious to know exactly what was inside.

"It might not be much... but I didn't really know what to get for you since, speaking materialistically, you already have everything you want. So um yeah... just open the box I guess" Sasuke said shyly.

I opened the box and read out a note that said

'Naruto, I love you.

Will you be my boyfriend'

"DONT READ IT OUT LOUDDD!!!" Sasuke squirmed.

"That's so cringe," Seto commented, pessimistic as always.

"Hahahahaha, this is definitely the best Christmas present I've ever received. Forgive me but I cant answer your question just yet" I told Sasuke. I was thankful for this sweet gesture of a love confession which showed me Sasuke was finally ready for commitment. I now had the green light to commence operation proposal as soon as possible.

"Um yeah I understand... take as long as you need" Sasuke responded with a disappointed look on his face. I stroked his cheek.

"Don't overthink it" I told him as I could see I had made him sad by my response, maybe he saw it as a rejection which would sting after he'd mustered up the courage to finally admit his feelings and attempt to change the dynamic of our relationship.

We spent the rest of the festive day at Minatos house with several of his friends as well as Sakura, Ino, Tsunade and Itachi. Sasuke also invited one of his friends from university days who had no one to spend christmas with called Deidara who seemed to take a liking to Itachi.

It was a joyous event where we played games, feasted, told stories, exchanged gifts and enjoyed each others company.

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