《The Omega Uchiha》Chapter 1 - The Uchiha family reunion


Today was an important day for the richest and most famous family in Japan- The 65th birthday of Madara Uchiha: current chairman of the multibillion company Sharingan International which was a family run business passed down from one Uchiha to another. Every generation of Uchiha was given a mandatory invitation to celebrate this momentous occasion issued personally by Madara himself who had an important announcement to make.

The Uchiha mansion was surrounded by paparazzi looking to get pictures and interviews from some of the most private yet adorned figures in Japan who would for the first time in years all be gathered in the same vacinity. The Uchiha family were not often spotted together making this a much anticipated event for the media. As the honoured guests arrived at the mansion which covered ten thousand acres of land they were met with the flashing lights of cameras and an ambush of questions.

"The Uchiha family is revered for being an all alpha family" a reporter shouted as he followed one of Madaras grandsons who was walking towards the gate of the mansion -Itachi Uchiha.

"Yes... your point"Itachi replied with an amused look on his face.

"Well I was just wondering how that's biologically possible. Even in majority alpha households betas and omegas are always produced. Many people suspect the Uchiha family of foul play, some even say your family underwent genetic modification. What are your thoughts on this sir?"

Itachi chuckled.

'Ridiculous' he replied "I have no thoughts on mere speculation, those who would question the legitimacy of the Uchiha alpha line are most certainly insects who no doubt live poor meaningless lives and..."

Itachi was abruptly cut off by his younger brother Sasuke who had just arrived.

"Haha please ignore my brother he doesn't mean a word of what he said. He's er.. very drunk. Yes... unfortunately he was recently diagnosed as an alchoholic, he's in and out of rehab you know so sometimes he just rambles on and says these crazy things he doesn't mean. My apologies, please excuse us" Sasuke said as he walked away dragging with him a raging Itachi.


"How dare you lie! And as if that's not enough you present me as a babbling alchoholic? Do you have any idea what this will do to my brand?"scoffed Itachi.

'Trust me when I say Ive done you a favour- that's if anyone buys that bogus crap anyways. It's better to be presented as an alchoholic than an ignorant snob. Atleast alchoholism is curable" Sasuke retorted as he walked away frustrated at his never changing older brother and his entitled attitude. He wanted to be mad at Itachi for mouthing off and being outraged at the idea that there could be an omega or beta in the Uchiha family but he felt as though in a way he had no right to since he had lied to everyone including family about his secondary gender. Nobody knew he was an omega - surely he had no right to be mad he thought to himself.

As Sasuke and Itachi were the last members to arrive the gates to the mansion were soon shut and Madara began his exclusive birthday dinner. The younger children were sent to a different room as the 15 adults gathered round the large table of the dining room. At first everyone caught up and pretended to care how each other were doing, the line of questioning was typical and mundane as always they were centred around company rankings and business success. Sasuke was so uninterested in this type of conversation but this is how it always went after-all this family was so consumed with wealth and status they'd completely abondoned general family customs like asking 'how have you been' instead of 'how has your company been holding up.' Just when Sasuke was about to excuse himself to the toilet to break away from the empty atmosphere Madara clanked his knife onto his glass.


Everyone's attention turned to Madara.

"Thank you all for coming to visit an old man like me on his 65th birthday. I appreciate you all my children and grandchildren, however my birthday is not the reason I summoned you all here today."Madara informed his family as they gave each other knowing stares. It was obvious what was coming next.

"I have decided it's time I stepped down as chairman of Sharingan international and have decided on who I will name my successor." The room became so silent it appeared still. The atmosphere was tense as everyone wondered who will inherit the company.

"My granchild... Sasuke Uchiha."Everyone was in complete shock. Madaras children were fuming, even Sasukes parents couldn't help but feel slighted after all it was unorthodox to skip a whole generation when handing down the baton. Sasuke himself was shocked.

"Grandpa... I ... I don't know what to say"Sasuke admitted.

"Wait... I'm not finished"responded Madara.

"Although I do admire how you have built yourself up from the ground and see the effort you have put into your own company Uchiha technology to achieve success at the young age of 22, truthfully I have a friend who I'm indebted to who would like his sons company to merge with yours as he feels they would be a great fit together. We have set up a meeting between you and his son. Sasuke ... if you manage to accomplish a successful merger then the company is yours"Madara explained.

"Ok" replied Sasuke. He didn't know how he felt. A part of him felt grateful whilst another part apathetic. Truthfully he didn't care about inheriting the family business and saw it as more as a burden than an advantage, it would only weaken his standing in the family by making everyone else envious of him which he completely didn't want however refusing the company was off the table. He had a soft spot for his grandpa who he didn't want to disappoint. His goal right now was to focus on preparing for the merger meeting which had been set up without his consent or any regard for his thoughts on the matter.

After the announcement the mood dropped and one by one everybody looked for excuses to leave after hearing the unsettling news that Sasuke the youngest grandchild was set to inherit the company if he completes a task as simple as a merger with a predetermined positive outcome.

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