《!!!ON HIATUS!!!! My angry man Jotaro x female reader》Joseph the Great Annoying Grandpa.



"Yes papa- Y/N! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Jotaro and I were gonna do some homework," patting Mr. Joestars back signalling for him to let you down to breathe, you continued after taking a deep breath. "And I was thinking about maybe playing some cards all together or something if we finish early." You said quietly, you thought his grandfather was quite intimidating, just because of the face he was making.

It was like a mixture of excitement, curiousness and possibly anger? You couldn't tell, there were other emotions in there but you didn't want to glance up at him again. Your hand found its way to Jotaros and gripped it to comfort yourself.

"Yeah. But we have a lot of work to do, so we might not have time to play card games." Jotaro stated. He obviously did not want to deal with his grandfather at the moment, and could tell you were getting a little uncomfortable.

"Oh nonsense. I'm sure it'd would be fine for a few minutes for me to at least get to know your girlfriend! And shes quite a beautiful girl too!" Jotaros grandfather grabbed your hand and smiled at you.

You tried to hold back your cough, and covered your slightly blushing cheeks, you thought of yourself as his girlfriend, but someone saying it outloud made you realize that you both were indeed dating. "Oh well, um sir.. My name is Y/N, its a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Y/N! I'm Mr. Joestar, but you can call me Joseph or Grandpa aswell!"

"I feel most comfortable calling you Mr. Joestar.."

"Alright, Mr. Joestar it is."

"Alright, talk to ya later Jiji." Jotaro and you walked to his room, and you started setting up your table.

"So I was thinking that we could start with the Calc and the move onto our Language Arts-"

Suddenly Jotaro grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss. You smiled and leaned into the kiss, smiling as you did so. "Sorry my grandpas so annoying, I could tell you were getting uncomfortable."

Jotaros hands relaxed around your waist, you ran your fingers through his hair slowly until his hat fell off and it landed on your head. You smiled and pulled away from Jotaro.

"You look cute in my hat."

You made a funky face trying to look as uncute as possible. -You made the reverse fuckboy face, which made him snort-

You pulled Jotaro close again by his jacket and kissed him tenderly. You both moved into eachother still smiling when you heard the door creek open. You turned to the door and saw Mr. Joestar with a camera. He snapped a photo, then smiled. "Yuhh get into itt." Mr. Joestar stated, then ran out.

"Shitty old man! Get back here!" Jotaro chased after him and you squatted down on the ground with your eyes open and face red.

You covered your face wondering how long he'd been there. You heard a loud crash like Jotaro tackled him and you followed the noise. "Give me that damn photo Jiji or I'm gonna wrip your fake hand off!"

You quickly pulled out your stand and it pulled the photo out of Mr. Joestars hand, your stand handed you the photo and disappeared. The photo had you and Jotaro being intimate, you and his lips pulling apart as the photo was taken.

"Mr. Joestar!" You were so embarrased. He caught you two making out and took photos no less!


"What's going on in here?!" Holly ran in and saw Jotaro pinning his grandfather down on the floor, and you were just standing there burying your head in your hands with a photo.

"Ah I can't wait to see the little babies running around!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed.

Jotaro bonked him on the head. "Jiji! Shut the fuck up!" Jotaro then bonked his grandads head again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Ow! Did you have to hit me so hard?" Mr. Joestar exclaimed rubbing his head.

Jotaro didn't bother giving a response and walked back to his room. You stood there for a moment, apologized to Mrs. Kujo then joined Jotaro in his room.

"That shitty old man." Jotaro muttered plopping down on his seat.

You closed the door and walked over to your seat."That was embarrassing.." You sat down next to him and held his hand. "Lets just forget about that and think about our homework.. Then we could go out for Icecream or something."

"Thanks Y/N, that sounds great." Jotaro sighed and started focusing so you did the same.


After what felt like hours you and Jotaro finally completed your homework. The clock by his bed said it was 6 o'clock. You stood up and started stretching which turned into one of those really good stretches that you never want to leave until your muscles go back to normal. Jotaro yawned and put his coat on. You grabbed your bag and pulled out 1100 yen. 'That should be enough for some icecream.' You thought.

You both snuck out without his grandfather seeing and said goodbye to his mother. You let her know you guys would be back soon, around seven sounded good, Mrs. Kujo even offered to wait until you two got back to eat dinner. You felt bad if you'd make her wait and stayed out longer so you made sure that you and Jotaro would start heading back at a good time.

As you both started walking to town you felt Jotaros hand brush against yours and then intertwine a few of his fingers with yours. It was a small action, but made you blush nonetheless. "So um. Your grandfather seems nice."

"Are you joking? He was being so annoying." Jotaro stated sounding annoyed.

"I'm sure he was just excited that you'd brought a girl over and he didn't know how to react." You nervously smiled to reassure him.

Jotaro sighed. "Yeah. I guess. He usually isn't that annoying. When we were in Egypt the most annoying things he did were contantly yell 'Oh my God!' And 'Holy Shit!' It was so constant I could tell when he'd say it."

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you. What happened during Egypt? I know a bit about the Dio thing, but not much else." You glanced over at him, he looked deep in thought.

"Well, the group, which my grandfather nicknamed the Stardust Crusaders, which at the time consisted of Me, Avdol, a magician I think or maybe he was a fortune teller? Kakyoin and my grandfather. We first tried flying to Egypt, but we were attacked by a stand user whose stand was a bug..." Jotaro told you a majority of the story getting to the Monke with the stand before you both got to the Icecream place.

"Jotaro, what kind of Icecream do you want?"

"I'm fine with a Vanilla sugar cone." He started to fish for his wallet when you stopped him.

"Nuh uh, I'm paying, put that back in your pocket."


You ordered the icecream and payed the fee telling the guy to keep the change. You gave Jotaro his icecream and smiled at him. He gave a small smirk back at you. You and him sat down at a bench, quietly eating your icecreams. "You know, I'd never think you'd be a (favorite icream flavor) kind of gal."

"Well, Its good. Do you wanna try it?" You moved your hand over to his face as an offering.

"Nah, I wouldn't want to catch your cooties."

You pretended to be hurt and put on a dramatic front. "Gasp! My own boyfriend doesn't like my cooties? Ridiculous, Utterly RIdiculous!"

Jotaro smiled. "I'm kidding." Jotaro then leaned over and took a bite out of your icecream.


"YOU FUCKING BIT MY ICECREAM! WITH YOUR TEETH AND EVERYTHING!" Jotaro laughed at you. "HOW DO YOUR TEETH NOT HURT? GOD I'D GET BRAINFREEZE!" You started imagining that and shuddered. "BLEH!"

Jotaro smiled and finished his icecream. "You make me really happy Y/N."

"I-I do..?" You ask starting to get nervous wondering where this would go.

"Yeah. Usually when a girl hangs around me this long she would've already gotten onto my 'annoying bitch list' but you. You are the acception. You my son, are the one with all the figgy pudding."

"O-oh..." you didn't know how to respond to that, and so you did the first thing that came to mind. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then stood up. "Lets head back.."

You and Jotaro held hands on the walk back to his house and talked about minute things. You got stung by a bee on your walk back. Jotaro worried about you a little but when you assured him you were fine he let it go. The sting made the area around it swell.

You and Jotaro walked inside the house and his grandfather almost immediately pounced on Jotaro. "HOW WAS YOUR DATE? What did you guys get? Are there any leftovers?"

"We only went to get icecream Mr. Joestar. We already finished it ages ago." Joseph looked a little sad but perked up almost immediately anyways.

While Jotaro was dealing with his clingy grandfather you walked over to Mrs. Kujo. "Scuse' me Mrs. Kujo, but I was wondering if you had anything that could make the swelling go down on this sting around here?"

"Oh dear! What happened?" Mrs. Kujo started worrying over you and flustered around while you followed her.

"Oh, I got stung by a bee. I didn't even try and provoke it." You rubbed the area around it a bit but it was really tender and hurt when you'd touch it.

"Oh, poor baby. Here." Mrs. Kujo grabbed an icepack and hand towel to wrap it in. "Put this around the sting and it should start to feel better."

"Thanks Mrs. Kujo."

"If you want dear you can call me Seiko too. My friends call me that, but if you'd perfer Mrs. Kujo thats fine, or Holly."

"Oh, I'll just call you Mrs. Kujo, I was raised that it would be disrespectful to call an adult by their first name."

"I see. Papa! Could you come here for a moment?"

"Sure thing Holly!" You could hear some loud footsteps approaching so you took that as your que that the conversation was over.

Quickly running away from the stomping feet you run to the closest door. And you were met with the laundry room. You saw a pair of blue underwear with purple stars in them. A matching pair of purple starfish and blue whales. 'Wonder which ones are Jotaros.' You snickered at yourself and then walked out the next door. You came into what you guessed was a guest bedroom and kept wandering until you found the outside. Walking back to Jotaros room you bumped into someone.

"Hey! Who are you?" You looked up at the man scolding you. He looked familiar, with black hair, glasses and ocean blue eyes you recognized from somewhere. You saw he was carrying a suitcase and what looked to be a musical instrument case.

"Oh, I'm um. A friend of Jotaros. Who are you?" You said nervously.

"I'm his father." The man sighed. "I've been on tour with my band for the past year and a half. I've been so busy. I can't even talk to my own wife or son."

"Oh! Your Jotaros dad? You guys kinda look similar.. Black hair and blue eyes."

The man sighed. "Yes. I get told my son doesn't look like me alot." He paused sighed again, rubbing his very dark tired eyes. "Lets go inside and surprise them."

As soon as Holly saw her husband she sprang towards him giving him multiple kisses and telling Jotaro frantically come in here. Jotaro dropped his coat when he saw his father was back, and Mr. Kujo dropped his suitcase at the big muscular man that was standing before him.

You walked over to a spot away from them so they could welcome him home. You felt a stinging in your leg, that bee sting was acting up and you had missplaced the icepack. You starting looking around for the icepack.

Bumping into Jotaros grandfather, you saw he was chewing on something. "Whatcha eating?"

"Crackers, want some?"

"Sure. Oh have you seen an icepack just laying around somewhere?"

He paused for a moment to think then replied. "Nope."

"Alright, thanks for the crackers. Oh, Mr. Kujo is back, you might want to say hello."

You walked off to look for the pack again. Quickly finding it on the floor near the laundry room you walked back. Jotaro and his father were having a moment that would tug at a persons heartstrings. Breaking down his rough exterior Jotaro started to sniffle. He had missed his father dearly, and him being gone for so long thinking that he'd never come back, Jotaro became the delinquent he was.

Standing awkwardly holding the icepack on your sting, you heard Jotaro sniff and start to move towards you. "Dad, this is my girlfriend. Y/N L/N."

You smiled and gave him your hand. "Hello sir, its nice to meet you... Um. Nice weather we're having huh?"

He smiled. "Yes, I'd suppose the weather is nice. Its nice to meet you too Y/N, you can call me Mr. Kujo."

"Ok, I will!" You smiled, you were having a happy time, Mrs. Kujo brought out a cheese platter to enjoy and you all played cards and ate a wonderful dinner. It was getting late, you wouldn't want to walk home so late. Hoping it would be ok to stay the night, you asked Mrs. Kujo first, her agreeing happily to letting you stay the night. You called your grandmother and left her a message that you were gonna be staying the night at Jotaros house. She agreed, saying it was too late and dangerous to walk home.

You still had your uniform on, so taking off the top leaving your tanktop and skirt you folded it up. Going to Jotaro you asked to borrow one of his shorts, he let you borrow a Nirvana shirt he had and you left to change into it. Taking off your tanktop and putting the gray and red Nirvana shirt over top made you giggle, the shirt ended where your skirt did too.

You found pillows and blankets and set up camp in the living room. You brushed your teeth with Jotaro, giving him some sweet goodnight kisses and hugs, Jotaro said he'd come into the living room once his mom and dad would go to bed so you two could cuddle and spend time uninterrupted together.

You said sure, and left to your 'bed' in the living room. You played war with your hands making little puppet dudes and made them fight, you swooshed one making it go flying then another flying back and punching the other. You were reverting back to your childhood, remembering how you'd focus only on your hands and the little sound affects you'd make with your mouth ignoring your parents constant arguing and fighting. Only when you'd hear something break or shatter would you stop and listen, fearing your father would come to take it out on you next. Unbeknownst to you, Jotaro was sitting next to you watching tears fall down your cheeks with your eyes showing only deep dread and sadness.

Jotaro pulled you out of your trance with his finger touching yout cheek to wipe away your tears. "Y/N, is there something wrong? You've been crying for a while.." Jotaros voice sounded so sincere, you glanced down and your shirt which had small pools of tears forming on your chest.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine, don't know why that was happening.." You leaned onto Jotaros shoulder, rubbing your stinging leg trying to move past that.

"If you want to talk about anything, I'll be right here Y/N.." Jotaro kissed your head and you both laid down on your make-shift bed, using his chest as a pillow you got comfortable.

"Thank you Jotaro... If you need anything either, don't be afraid to tell me or ask. I'l always be here for you." And with that you started drifting off to dream land. Leaving Jotaro a blushing mess.

'Was that a declaration of love? Does Y/N want to be with me forever?' Thoughts like these started roaming through Jotaros mind, making him realize he'd fallen in love with you too. But maybe it was too soon for that.

Jotaro gave you a soft side hug whispering words of love over your head. You had been long sinced passed out, being tired from the long day. Jotaro fell asleep holding you to his chest, wishing that everyday would end like this. With Y/N in his arms, and the reassurance of her loving him, Jotaro fell asleep peacefully with only his girlfriend in mind.


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