《!!!ON HIATUS!!!! My angry man Jotaro x female reader》What now?


During the weekend y/n spent her days outside as little as possible. She spent her time in her house cleaning and baking. Doing many different things to distract her and make sure she didn't go outside. She called her new friend to make sure she was ok as well.

"Y/N, I'm gonna go on a walk." Y\N heard her grandmother say. She dropped her butter knife.

"I'll come with you! Grandpa you'll come too right?!"

Your grandfather glared at you. "I'm reading!"

You were so nervous your grandmother noticed. "Y/N, what's bothering you honey?"

"I might've... seen my dad."

Your grandma dropped the scarf she was holding. "Y/N. Are you absolutely sure."

"W-well, I only caught glimpses from him but... I could tell by the feeling it gave me. I shivered and felt sick, I was sweating and I felt like everything would just come crashing down any minute..."

"Y/N. Did your father see you with anyone else."

"...." Y/N shifted. She started biting her lower lip and then started tapping her foot. "Jotaro."

Your grandmother sighed slightly in relief. "Your father must've seen him and realized he would be hard to fight because, well look at the boy!" Your grandmother cupped your cheek and hugged you. "I'm glad your alright. I'm sure Jotaro will be fine if your father does anything. The boy is quite muscular.. and tall." Your grandmother smiled.

"I'm going to school again tomorrow. Should I be worried at all?"

"Well. I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you were cautious.."

"What if we cut Y/Ns hair and make her wear makeup to school?" Your grandfather chimed in. He was actually paying attention to your conversation?

"Thats actually not a bad Idea..." (if you have hair thats like a pikie cut or its already short enough then just ignore the next paragraph)

You went up to your room, closed the curtains and turned on the lights then set up a contraption of Mirrors and pulled out your stand and handed her Scissors. "Could you cut my hair?" She nodded and proceeded to cut it. Your felt your hair get shorter and shorter. She finished and your hair was cut about five inches shorter than it was if your hair is long, about three inches shorter than what it was if your hair was in the middle ground, and cut to your chin if it was short, or unchanged if your hair is in a pikie cut (you just bleached your hair then) your hair curled around your face, it looked beautiful. Your stand took care of the hair on the floor.

You fluffed your hair and made a dirpy face. You blew a kiss at yourself in the mirror then cringed at what you just did. "What am I doing I'm not popular." You laughed and got up from your desk. Going back downstairs your grandmother smiled at your new hairstyle.

"Oh honey you look beautiful! Though I am going to miss your old hair, it is still very pretty!"

"I didn't change it that much, but I have to say it does look really good." You just couldn't stop looking at your new hairstyle.

You felt a chill next morning so you threw on a thin Jacket that would keep you warm. You pulled up the collar and rubbed the sleep away from your eyes. You decided to walk to school since you hadn't in a while. It wouldn't take you long and you could run into Jotaro this way.


You pulled out your walkman and vibed to a new tape you had bought months ago that you had yet to listen to. Your feet tapped along with the beat of the music and you eventually made it to school. You walked down towards the stairs and clutched the railing tightly.

Two of Jotaros fangirls walked past you without noticing who you were. Your new hairstyle must've made it harder for them to tell who you were without looking at your face. You decided to listen into their converstaion, you paused the music and listened in. "Shes so annoying always leaching on Jotaros attention, she just hogs him all the time!" And with that you had heard enough of that bitch.

You continued your music and walked down rhe stairs quicker. You plopped to the bottom and walked into the school. You walked to your locker and heard footsteps. You unlocked your locker and placed the shoes you were wearing and changed them with the shoes in your locker.

"Hey." You felt a pointy nail tap your shoulder. You turned off your Walkman, put it in your locker and shut it.

"Hello." You turned around. There was about four girls surrounding you. "Need something ladies?"

"Yes. We would appreciate it if you would back off of Jotaro. He doesn't actually like you, its so obvious that hes just keeping you around because your a persistent little shit."

You sighed, rolled your eyes and leaned into your locker. "Oh? I am? I'm sorry. I'll leave him alone from now on, thanks for letting me know." You started to walk off to your class but one of them grabbed your bag.

"Hey slut. We aren't done talking."

You wripped your bag out of their grimy dirty hands and glared at them. "No. I'm pretty sure we are." Either they were idiots or so obsessed with Jotaro that they didn't even notice the aura you were giving off.

One of them pulled you in. "You better scram away from Jotaro and we better not find you by him again or-"

"Or what? You'll beat the shit out of me? There might be four of you against just me but I could easily kick all of your asses. Your just stuck up, obsessed shitheads. So I'd suggest you shut your second asshole and let me get to class."

The girl went to punch you in the face but you blocked the punch and shoved her away. Another girl tried to sweep at your leg but you jumped in time and she hit her leg on the nearby wall. Another girl two of them snuck behind you and held your arms back letting the girl you shoved off to get in a few punches to your gut and three to your face. You tried kicking her away but she just moved. You remembered your stand and called it out, Venus pulled them off of your shoulders and you proceeded to stomp on the two girls feet and right hooked the other in the nose. They started yelling at what a bitch you were and that you would be sued for assult, when it was actually in self defense. You grabbed your bag from the floor and hurried to the bathroom.

You looked at your face, your cheek was starting to bruise. You hadn't noticed before on all that was going on but she was wearing a ring and cut your cheek. You pulled out your stand and healed the cut. A girl walked out the stall and watched your cheek heal in the mirror. She was scared and freaked out to say the least. She quickly washed her hands and left the bathroom.


You walked to class and saw Jotaro sitting at his desk, there was a girl sitting on the desk, clearly bothering him. You walked into class rubbing your cheek as it was still sore and then you stopped. This girl just kissed him without a second thought! As if this day wasn't bad enough for you, now when you kiss him again he's gonna have the cooties of this skank!

Jotaro pushed the girl away and wiped off her kiss. The girl licked her lips and smiled, then noticed you. Her smile grew even wider, she walked to her desk and the teacher walked in. You felt rage build up in you and you could tell from Jotaros body language, that he was angry too. You sat down at your desk and glared at the back of her head for the rest of class.

The teacher dismissed the class and you followed that girl out of the classroom. You tapped her shoulder as soon as you caught up with her. "Excuse me."

"Yes? What do you need?" The girl said in a tone that just made your nose scrunch. You finally got a good look at her. She wasn't hideous but she wasn't pretty either.

"Well. You kissed my boyfriend."

"Jotaros your boyfriend? Really? Hm.. well, not for long honey."

You felt enraged. Your fists clenched and you felt like punching her square in the face. She smiled wickedly and left. You went to your next class and all you could think about was the fact that she knew you were his girlfriend but still did it anyways.

Finally it was lunch. You walked to where you and Jotaro always had lunch together. You bumped into Nikko on the way. "Hey! Its been a while Y/N!"

"Its only been like four days since we've seen eachother though!" You said.

"I know, but I still missed you anyways!"

"Well, I'm glad to know someone misses me." You joked.

"So, last night you were telling me about a video game that you really liked, what was it again?"

"F-Mega is currently my favorite! But I also like the originals like Mario."

"Oh! I have a friend that enjoys F-Mega! I think you two would get along very well!"

"Oh! Whos your friend?"

"Technically he's Jotaros, but his name is Kakyoin, I was actually going to visit him when we met!"

"Oh! Thats awesome! Not a lot of the people I hang out with like videogames so I'd love to meet your friend!" Nikko clapped her hands and smiled.

"Nikko, we found a table!" One of her friends grabbed her arm, Nikko smiled at you and waved goodbye. "See you later Y/N!"

"Bye Nikko!" You waved bye to her then walked to your usual spot with Jotaro.

You walked up the stairs and looked around, you didn't see Jotaro up there yet nor did you smell cigarette smoke. You suddenly felt a large familliar arms wrap under your arm pits and hoist you up on top of the roof of the stairwell. "Jotaro!" You squeaked. "I couldn't find you, this is where you've perched?"

"Yeah. I wanted to try something new. Theres a nice very up here when I stand."

"It doesn't make a difference if you sit up here though cause your so tall huh?"

"Yeah." Jotaro let out a small nose laugh and smiled. "You changed your hair."

"Oh." You nervously smiled and started playing with it. "I decided to change it. It had been like it was for a little too long I felt. Do you think it looks good?"

"I like it. You still look cute." Jotaro kissed your cheek. Your brain stopped thinking for a minute.

"O-oh, uh. Thanks!" You rummaged through your bag and found your soda.

You both then pulled out your lunches and you smiled. Jotaro finally brought a lunch to school, and you understood why he didn't usually bring one. His lunch was huge. It was as if a whole chicken was in his bag, but it didn't matter, he still ate it faster than you could eat half of your lunch.

"Holy fuck." You stared at him in awe as he punched his chest and he let out a huge belch, it was so loud that you could hear it from the ground floor. You started laughing.

"Wait wait I wanna try one!" You waited and then a belch came up, this one was really quiet compared to Jotaros but he still accepted your high-five.

You turned back to your lunch and began eating again. "So, my shitty grandfather is coming to town to check up on me and my mom, would you like to meet my grandfather?"

You swallowed a huge chunk of food you hadn't chewed very much from the surprise and punched your chest to get it down, it didn't go down, you drank water and finally it went down, you sighed. "Sure! I'd love to meet him, is he nice?'

"Yeah. You'd like him. I think. But he'd start to annoy you after like five minutes. Imagine having to indure 50 days with him. Annoying as hell."

"Aren't most grandparents like that though?"

"I suppose." Jotaro pulled out a cigarette pack and his lighter.

"Wanna see a cool trick?" Jotaro asked. You nodded.

He lit the cigarette, flicked the burning side into his mouth then grabbed your soda, drank most of it then revealed that the cigarette was still burning. You weren't even mad he drank your soda you were too surprised at his talent. "Holy shit! How did you not burn your mouth!?"

"A secret I'll never tell." He winked and smirked at you. You smiled and he flicked the cigarette off the roof even though it was still lit.

"Why'd you throw the cigarette off? Didn't you want to smoke it?"

"Meh. I just wanted to show you the trick."

"Alrighty!" You smiled and kissed his cheek, then leaned on his shoulder and finished your lunch.

~~~~Skater boy time skip~~~~

School ended and you and Jotaro walked to his house. You both decided to do some homework and you suggested playing a card game with his mom when you both were finished.

You both walked to his house and you saw a familiar car in the driveway. "Oh! I've seen this car! It was in your driveway when I first moved in! It even has the same speedwagon foundation logo on it!"

"Wonder what its doing here."

You took off your shoes and walked inside his house. You heared an unfamiliar scruffy male voice coming from one of the rooms. "Holly, you don't have to make me anything, I'm fine, I had a lunch on the plane that was pretty filling."

"Alright alright papa." You heard mire shuffling and then a door slid open and out came a man as tall as Jotaro. He ducked out from under the doorframe and when he turned he immediately noticed you both.

"Aw shit. I didn't think he was coming today." Jotaro cursed and pulled on his hat.

The man gasped. "OH MY GOD!!! JOTARO BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!!!" The man who looked like he was in his early sixties ran up to you and picked you up with ease. "SHES SO TINY!!!" Jotaros grandfather spun you around then placed you down. You were spinning a bit.

"I'm Joseph, Jotaros grandfather!" Joseph smiled and waited for your response.

"Hello Mr. Kujo!" You smiled at him.

"No, no I'm Mr. Joestar, his dad is Mr. Kujo. But you cna call me Grandpa Joseph!"

"Alrighty I will!" You smiled at Joseph and he hugged you again.

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