《!!!ON HIATUS!!!! My angry man Jotaro x female reader》wait a damn minute


"Jotaro.." you paced around your room, he was really the only persin you could ever think about, constantly on your mind, when you were at school, the store, when you were alone..

"Stop thinking about him y/n!! He's just a dumb boy!!" You collasped on your bed and tried to get him off your mind. "Thinking about my career in the future would help! Yeah!"

But instead of thinking of future jobs or where you would want to live, your mind immediately went to you and Jotaro together... you started thinking about marriage and his beautiful jet black hair.. He was too hot it was overwhelming...

"Jesus Jotaro! What are you doing to me!!!!!!" You rolled around on your bed then actually fell off it.

"Y/N? Are you alright dear, I heard something fall!" You heard your grandmother say from downstairs.

"Oh, yeah-I'm fine grandma, I just.. fell. I'm fine!"

"Alright. Just be a little more careful sweetheart!"

"I will!"

You tried everything, but he wouldn't leave your mind. You needed to see him you needed to kiss him and touch him. You threw on a flannel and shorts and started running to his house. You started singing the teenage mutant ninja turtles intro and once you got to his house you hopped onto the drive way and yelled; "Turtle Power!"

Holly looked outside to see who screamed that and saw y/n hopping around, plopping down by the water and poked the koi inside.

"Jotaro dear, theres somebody here for you!"

"Tell them to go away."

Holly walked outside and sat down next to y/n. "O-oh! Hello Mrs. Kujo!" You bowed to her not really understanding Japanese culture.

"Hello..? Who are you?"

"Oh-! I'm y/n!"

"Y/n?" Mrs. Holly racked her brain trying to remember a y/n.

"I'm sorry, I guess we've met before. Would you like to come inside for some breakfast?"

"I'd love to Mrs. Kujo! I must say you're just so sweet! You remind me of my own mother!" You smiled at her but it soon faded, remembering the last time you had seen your mother.



"Yes mom?"

"Did you unpack all of your things?"

"Yeah. I just need to arrange some stuff.." Your mother smiled at you.

"Good. Theres someone here I'd like you to meet!"

"Ooh! Is this the Jun you've been talking about all this time?"

"Maybe... come on, I want you to meet him!"

Your mother had raised you by herself since you were six. Your father was a bad man, who had never told your mother why he lived such a lavish life. The secret? Well, you and your mother never found out. Your father was a horrible man who seemed so kind to your mother. When she married him you were born into the world as a beautiful child that your mother cherished more than anything. Your father. Wanted a son. He wanted you to be everything you weren't. And you had let him down on your first day of being alive.


"Look at her. A girl. So. Innocent." Your father made sure to raise you like he was raised. If he wasn't given enough respect. Or if you didn't do what he said correctly. You'd get a beating. Of course, you had hidden all this from your mother.

And your mother. Hid all that from you. She protected you by making sure you were safe when he would get home. Your father was abusive to your mother, you and your grandparents. Your Popop suddenly went missing and was found dead three weeks afterwards. Your mother or father never spoke a word about who had killed him. But you knew it was your father.

One night while you were supposed to be asleep you overheard your mother and father arguing. Things were being shattered. You tried silencing out the noise as best as you could. Eventually falling asleep, you woke up tucked between a dufflebag and your mother. She had left with you in the middle of the night when your father had passed out. She took as much money from him as she would need.

You and her were running from your father for years. On your sixteenth birthday, ten years safe and protected from your father. You and your mother had just moved to Russia. Unbeknownst to you and your mother, he had tracked you both down and was now living barely six feet from you. He was your downstairs neighbor. You had awoken in the middle of the night to a loud crash coming from the back window. You ran to your mother. She was gathering all the important things. She knew this day would come eventually. You and her snuck out away from him. You traveled by bus to bus eventually making it to India where you took the first flight to Japan. Finally you were back with your gram gram and grandpa. Your mother told you this would be the last place you'd ever have to move to.

She kissed your head. "It's been a long. Lonely ten, almost eleven years." Your mither brokediwn crying and hugged you. "I'm so sorry y/n. I wish I could've been a better mom and protected you better. I wish you weren't always alone."

"Mom. It's ok. I have you, gram gram and grandpa. I'll never be alone."

It had now been seventeen years. Your father was still tracking you down. You and your mother had traveled to California for a big family reunion before you started school in Japan. It would be interesting and boy was it going to be hard. Your mother had been teaching you Japanese for ages waiting for the day when your father would finally forget you two so you could live happily in Japan.

Your mother had given you a map of the school, your new uniform with an alien embroidered know the breast pocket. Your mother always tried her best to keep you happy. As soon as you both let your guard down, it happened.


You were flying back fo Japan and your mother was so excited. "You'll be starting school in just a month! Isn't it exciting y/n?"

"Well... yes. But it's also scary. I haven't been to school since I was ten?"

Your mother hugged you once more. You always loved her hugs. You landed in Japan and you were heading home. You walked by a large house. There were large cars with the initials SWF printed on the sides. "I wonder what's going on there mom."

"I don't know what's going on, maybe once we get home you can go over and see whats going on, get to know the neighbors."

"Yeah, that'll be fun mom!"

After a week from getting back to Japan, your mother had invited her boyfriend over. "Jun! This is my daughter! Y/N!"

You smiled at first then your eyes widened. You recognized his smile. That. Deranged creepy always crooked and broken smile. "D-dad."

Your mother looked at you in shock, then suddenly, 'Jun' pushed a gun to your mothers back. "I've been waiting eleven years for this moment y/m/n."

Within a moment a loud bang rang through the house. You looked at your mothers face. It was twisted in agony and pain. She held her stomach, and coughed up some blood. "MOM!!!" you ran to her side.

"Y-y/n..." your mother tried reaching for your face. Your father pointed the gun at your head.

"Any last words you little shit." You were crying and looked deep into your mothers beautiful e/c eyes. The color was fading to white.

"M-mom..." you held your mother as the life slowly drained from her body.

You looked at him, your eyes bloodshot from the constant tears flowing down your cheeks. "You bastard!!!" You smacked the gun out of his hand, grabbed his wrist and pulled him in, you shoved your foot in his face and tried pulling him down onto the ground.

You pressed his face into the hard wood, you sat on his back and bent his arm as hard as you could the other way. You heard a loud snap. You started bashing his head in with yohr bare fists. He flipped you over towering over you. He pinned you down and pulled out a blade. "I really didn't want to do this the hard way y/n. But your making this way harder than this has to be!"

He pressed the blade into your neck. You kneed him in the nuts. He flinched and pulled the knife back a little. You whacked the knife far out of his reach and knocked him so hard that he fell unconscious. You called an ambulance, and the police to arrest your father and try and save your mother.

The last time you heard your mothers voice was when she was put into the ambulance and the doors shut.

~flashbacku endedu~

"Y/n? Sweetheart are you alright?" Holly looked you in the eyes, you hadn't noticed but you had started crying.

"I-I'm fine Mrs. Kujo.." you wiped the tears away and gave her a hug.

"I... just miss my mother."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"N-no.. I couldn't do that to you.." you held onto her. She hugged you back and for a few minuted you stayed like this. Curled up in her arms, feeling safe. And protected.

"Lets gk inside. I'll make you breakfast ok y/n?" Mrs. Holly smiled at you. "I'm sure a nice breakfast will cheer you up."

You sniffled. "Y-yeah, it would.."

She led you inside. You saw Jotaro eating his breakfast and sipping his coffee. He hadn't noticed you were there. "So who was outside mom?"

"Me." You looked over at Jotaro, he was reading a book about sea life.

Jotaro spat out his coffee. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to see you and..." you trailed off, you looked at his outfit. He was in a gray t-shirt that was all wrinkled and ocean blue underwear. He was still wearing his hat but it was sort of falling off.

"Oh." Within a moment Jotaro was gine. You looked around.

"That's strange." A few moments passed and you saw Jotaro emerge fully clothed.

"Breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes y/n!"

"Oh! Thank you Mrs. Kujo!" She smiled at you and you went to sit down next to Jotaros seat. You picked up his book.

"Wildlife of the deep sea"

Jotaro sat down and snatchdd his book from you. You played with your hair while you waited for breakfast. "Oh! Y/n! I heard that at the end of the semester the seniors are hosting a little dance to celebrate the semester being over. It's like a prom, but only the seniors are allowed."

"I've never been to a prom, or dance party at school for that matter. My mom and I always traveled around a lot so I never experienced that much."

"I see..." Jotaro looked up from his book to see you staring into nothingness.

Jotaro whispered to you, "hey. Y/n... do you want to go to that dance thing with me?"


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