《!!!ON HIATUS!!!! My angry man Jotaro x female reader》Jotaro is a shy boy


It had been a few weeks since you started dating Jotaro, he wasn't as intimate with you as normal boyfriends were and you liked it that way. Sure, when you wanted hugs or kisses he would refuse until you were both in a more private area. He wasn't much of a PDA fan.

But he still loved you.

He never said it, but you could tell he did, by the way he acted differently around you. Usually around girls he was distant and he would snap at them when his patience broke, but around you, he was sweet, he tolerated you more than other girls, which definitely made you enemies with many of those girls, you had overheard one of their plans to try and push you down those stairs, but it never happened.

Jotaro did love you, and he knew it when he first kissed you. You felt a huge wave of affection rise in you when he first kissed you, and every time after that, you always wanted his lips on yours, and you got your wish.

You and Jotaro shared many kisses but it never went further than that, you always wanted it to go a little further, like when you had shared your first heated kisses. You weren't going to force him though, but you wanted him, you fantasized about him at night when you couldn't fall asleep.. Yup. You were in love, and you were drowing in affection, whenever you'd see him your heart would flutter, you hoped he would feel the same..

I was sitting in my room reading about marine life, Dolphins vs. Sharks. They always fascinated me since I was a boy. My mother and father used to take me to the aquarium. I forgot about those memories.. My minda started trailing off and soon my mind was flooded with y/n.. Her beautiful h/c hair.. Her gorgeous eyes I could get lost in... Her soft skin... "Shit."

I slammed my book shut, pushed my chair in, grabbed my jacket and went outside. "I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it!" I was walking to the hospital, not towards y/n's house, I needed advice, if Kakyoin was still in his coma then I guess Polnareff is my best bet.


Jotaro walked through the front doors, put some hand sanitizer on and walked to the front desk. "Hello." The woman at the front desk jumped a tad from his voice, it was very quiet that day the sudden voice was startling.

"O-oh, hello sir!" She fumbled around, she was cute, her long brunette hair in a ponytail, with some large black glasses and freckles all over her face.

"I'm eighteen, don't call me sir... I'd like to visit Noriaki Kakyoin... please." He said please under his breath. The front desk woman was staring at him lost in a trance, he snapped his fingers to grab her attention.

"Oh-! Sorry, I was um, I was day dreaming, who do you want to visit?" She adjusted her glasses and fumbled around some papers.

"Noriaki Kakyoin."

"Right right...Alright, um... He should be finishing his dinner soon, he's scheduled for a surgery tomorow at noon."

"Mmmkay. Thanks. Will I need a mask, or is he ok?"

"Better safe than sorry." She pulled out a box of masks from her drawer and handed him the box. She also pushed a hand sanitizer towards him.

Putting on his mask and sanitizing his hands Jotaro headed to Kakyoins room.

"Ah, thank you, but really, I can eat it by myself." Jotaro overheard Kakyoin saying, probably to a nurse.

"No no, I insist. I came by to see how you were doing, this is part of the job description!" Jotaro heard y/n's sweet voice ring out. Kakyoin chuckled a little and finally agreed.

'What the hell is y/n doing here?! I need to talk with Kakyoin right jow! Damn it!' I knocked on the door.

"It's unlocked!" Y/N said softly as to not hurt Kakyoins ears.

I opened the door to see y/n spoon feeding Kakyoin Jello, there was an empty ramen bowl next to the Jello. "Oh-! Jotaro! H-hi!"

"Hey." 'Shit. Now that she's here I can't ask Kakyoin for help.'

"Your probably wondering why y/n is here."

"I am."


Jotaro stood in the door frame with his head resting against the top. Y/N was sitting on the edge of Kakyoins bed and Kakyoin was slowly eating his Jello. "I've been here a few hours. Actually. I should head home.." y/n put the Jello softly in Kakyoins lap handing him the silver spoon, then stood up and they shook hands, she smiled, hopping up to kiss Jotaros cheek and left.


"So.. what brought you here Jotaro?"

"I need help."

"Well I can't exactly get out of this bed, last time it happened a few stitches came out. A lot actually.."

"Y/N has a stand somehow. She could possibly fix you with her stand.. But that's not why I'm here. I want to ask y/n out on a date."

"Really? She has a stand?!" He completely glossed over the fact that he wanted relationship advice.

"Ugh. Yeah, she named it Venus." Jotaro pulls his hat down.

"If its any consolation, she wanted to know all about you and our trip to Egypt. She wanted to know as much about you as possible." Jotaro blushed a bit and pulled his hat so far down it fell off. Kakyoin saw his blushed face and smiled at him.

"You really like her huh?"

"I do.."

"Well I don't know what to do, I didn't have any friends for seventeen years." Jotaros eyes widened.

"You have many friends Kakyoin.."

"I know, those fifty days made me realize that.."

Jotaro smiled at Kakyoin and schooched his chair closer to his bed. "Want me to feed you like y/n was?"

"Sure Jotaro." And then Jotaro proceeded to scoop out all the Jello out of the whole Jello container and forced it into Kakyoin's mouth.

"Jotaro! That's too-!!!" Kakyoin hollered as Jotaro shoved it in there, it was stuck and if he swallowed it he would choak. They were in a predicament.

Kakyoin tried to use heirophant to get it out but it just got shoved in deeper. He stared to choak so what did Jotaro do? He starfingered Kakyoin's mouth. The Jello flew down his throat and he coughed, grabbed his stomach and threw up into the bin next to him.

"Oh Kakyoin.. I'm sorry." Jotaro patted his shoulder and Kakyoin grabbed his stomach.

"It's alright Jotaro-I'm just-having a hard time eating often-" Kakyoin threw up again and again until he passed out. Jotaro sat next to him reading Kakyoins book outloud to a passed out Kakyoin.

A hour or so passed and Jotaro decided to leave. He grabbed his things and headed home. Maybe it was time to call Polnareff. Or Grandpa Joseph. "Nah, I'll call Polnareff."

"What did you say dear?" Hollys voice rang out, Jotaro hadn't noticed he had said that outloud, and that he was home.

"Nothing mom." He walked to the phone and called Joseph for Polnareffs number, then he was transferred to Polnareff, it took a little while but soon Polnareff picked up the phone.

"Salut! Who is this?"


"Jotaro! How are you bud? Hows recovery been?"

"I should be asking you that Polnareff. But I'm doing fine. What about you?"

"I'm doing great! I met this really cute nurse. We've been taking it casual for a few weeks. I'm really excited!"

Jotaro chuckled. "Thats great Polnareff, but um.. I need some advice."

"What kind of advice Jotaro?"

"There's this girl, and she's always on my mind. Living in my head rent free. 24/7." Jotaro smiled and thought about y/n... His mind trailed off and after a moment he heard Polnareff trying to get his attention back.

"Hello??? Jotaro, are you still there?!"

"Oh, sorry Polnareff, um. What were you saying?"

"Just thinking that it's good that you got over your girls thing. You know? I mean I would've loved the attention you got from those girls during our trip. So. This girl must be pretty spectacular if she's always on your mind, huh?" Polnareff chuckled on his side of the line.

"You could say that." Jotaro twirled the wire around his finger.

"Well, what do you need my advice on?"

"I want to ask her out on a date."

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