《!!!ON HIATUS!!!! My angry man Jotaro x female reader》WHAT THE FUCK


You woke up, in your bed? 'I thought I was in my car? When did I go to bed?' you thought and sat up, then you felt tremendous pain in your neck. "OW! HOLY SHIT-!" You hadn't felt this kind of pain since you pulled a muscle in your neck and you felt like you broke your neck. Your neck was bandaged, the bandages were pink, probably washed many times, and you tried to get out of bed, the pain was going away but there was some residual pain, and you knew it would stay for a while. There was a glass of water on your nightstand and aspirin. You took it then looked at the time. It was 2 am!?

There was also a note on your nightstand. It reads:

"y/n we found you passed out in your car, bleeding from your neck, If you hadn't face planted into the air horn we wouldn't have found you, and you wouldn't be alive right now. Your grandfather are going to have you stay home for a few days while your neck heals, and when you wake up, please come downstairs if you can, if not, you can stay up there, we will see you in the morning. Hope you feel better pumpkin,

Grandma Louis"

'Thanks grandma.' You put the note down and tried to stand, then you fell flat on the ground. Good thing you were stubborn about keeping your floor clean and you landed on a mixed pile of clothes and blankets. Then you felt two hands wrap around your waist. They were large, and they lifted you back up, they felt like Jotaro's hands. But what was he doing in your house at 2 am?! You spun your arm around ready to elbow them in the nose, but no one was there. 'Weird.'

Deciding to go back to sleep, even though you weren't tired you climbed back into bed. Then you felt that urge. That urge you don't want to feel right after you get into bed. Reluctantly getting up from your comfy bed you walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later you come back to your room, you weren't very awake and could've gone back asleep but you couldn't. Now you were awake. Only six more hours until your alarm goes off.

You walked slowly down the stairs holding on tight to the railing, and eventually making it down the stairs you walked to the medicine cabinet and took some benadryl, usually it helps you fall asleep and you went back up to your room. It took a while, but eventually you were up to your bed, but no longer tired. you angrily sat down at your desk and pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil. You dropped it, and bent down to get it, but it was gone, and you felt the presence of a figure behind you. They seemed extremely large, you had no chance of defeating them. Carefully and slowly you turned around, and instead of seeing a man with evil intent in his eyes behind you, there was a woman.

She was wearing a light blue dress, it started to fade the longer it got, and this woman had gold colored skin. She had dark navy blue hair, it was slightly decorated in stars, and was as long as she was tall. She had no eyes, or mouth. She stood tall enough to almost double your height. You looked at her, and she simply handed you the pencil and sat down on your bed.

"H-hello?" you stuttered out, extremely scared.


She looked at you, and then a mouth appeared. "Hello." She responded, she looked around your room, and yawned, then picked you up, and put you in bed.

"B-but-I'm not tired." You tried telling this creature, but they didn't respond, then kissed your head, pulled up your sheets and you blacked out.

You stood up, and stretched, you had woken up a minute before your alarm would go off. So, you laid there and waited for it to go off. The alarm clock went off, and you immediately silenced it. Walking over to your mirror, you looked at your legs, they were usually busted up, and had cuts all over them, but for some odd reason, they were all healed and your legs looked normal, you put on your school uniform and went up, then down the stairs, and it didn't take you a million years to do so. "How the hell?"

"What did you say dear?" your grandmother asked, surprised you were up and ready to go to school.

"I said-For some reason my legs are all healed, my wrists too. I don't know how."

"That is weird. How is your neck?" Grandma Louis stood up, and walked over to you. You must've looked confused, and she explained. "You face planted into the wheel, and we found you bleeding from your neck. Do you not remember anything from yesterday?" She examined your neck, and it was perfectly fine.

"Do you feel up to going to school?"

"Yes Grammy, I feel fine." You walked over to the kitchen to grab a bagel, said goodbye to your grandma then left for school. As you walked to your car this woman appeared again. Your surrounded by kids so screaming 'What the fuck' Wouldn't be a good idea, so instead you internally screamed it, then clenched your hands.

"Wh-who are you?" You asked, but they didn't respond and opened the door for you. You stepped inside and closed the door, then they disappeared. Starting up your car, you started to pull out of the driveway, then by magic your car perfectly pulled out and you were on the road in seconds. It usually took a while to do this. Was this person behind it? You looked in the re-view mirror and saw she was smiling at you, then appeared suddenly in the passenger seat next to you. 'She shrunk. Cool.'

You started driving to school and got there in no time. You got there with time to spare, so you decided to run around with this woman. You got out of the car and started running as fast as you could, she caught up in seconds. "How?!"

Eventually you had ran your heart out and you felt like you would die of thirst. She appeared with a bottle of water for you, and you drank it down in seconds using big gulps. "Ah. Thank you." You walked into class and she was still following you. It was fun, you were still afraid of her, and felt like she would kill you at any moment. When you wanted her to go away she did, and it was nice. You sat down in your normal seat and started class.

"Lunch time!" You were excited that you could go up the stairs easily, and had fun doing it. It was a small thing but you kinda missed it. You sat down and started eating, and messing around with the lady. "You really are pretty. What is your name?" She shook her head no, and started dancing around.


"Hmmm...What about.... Venus? You are very pretty, she's the Greek Goddess of beauty and love. And you've been treating me so nicely." She smiled and nodded. 'She likes her name! Yay' You also smiled and continues eating. Soon Venus disappeared and Jotaro was standing at the door frame. He glared at you. You looked at him, your mouth full, you looked like Mulan when Mu-shoo stuffed her face with rice and eggs.

"Hello Jotaro." He didn't say a word and kept looking at you. He sat down next to you and just kept staring at you. You swallowed.

"It's nice outside today." You looked up and leaned back. "Oh, I almost forgot, here. Your math book." You handed him back his book and then went back to leaning against the wire.

"Who is Venus?" Jotaro asked. And you just sat there. Staring at your feet.

'Oh shit he overheard me talking to myself. Shit. Shit. Shit.. What do I tell him?!' "U-um.." you remembered that you had your game boy with you. "A character in my game! yeah, there's a girl named Venus, and I usually talk to myself a lot..." 'Hopefully he buys that white trash lie. Oh god. he's gonna think I'm insane...' You pulled out your game boy and showed it to him. He looked at you for a minute. Then took the excuse.

You let out a relieved sigh and leaned back against the gates. You ate lunch then left the roof. You started down the stairs and making sure Jotaro couldn't see you anymore, you pulled out Venus and started dancing around with her. You moon-walked and sang some Don't stop me now by Queen. Just because. You were having fun, and walked to class, nobody stared at Venus. 'They don't think she exists.' You thought. 'Interesting.' Venus left once you got to class and you enjoyed drawing all throughout class. Your hands were fixed, and so were your ankles.

You moved your ankles around and stared out the window for a long time. You wanted to see what was beyond the woods for you had never been back there, and before you knew it, Venus was out, and she danced through the window and went outside, you were somehow able to see through her eyes, even though it looked like she didn't have eyes, they were somewhere. There wasn't really anything in the woods.

So, you made Venus go to the roof, and Jotaro was there, he was smoking and staring at things, he hadn't noticed Venus yet, so from where she was positioned, she watched Jotaro. Ten minutes passed and you were still watching him. Then he spoke. "So, you thought you could sneak up on me, and kill me with your stand?"

'What?!' You thought, then forced Venus to come back. And Jotaro's own personal friend came out, he was large, Venus was at a similar height, but not as tall, nor as bulky as Jotaro's friend. You forced Venus to disappear so Jotaro couldn't follow her back to you. For some reason, you thought he was going to kill you if he knew who Venus belonged to. A betrayal of some sort. And with that you were back in your seat.

I was walking to the roof, where I would spend the rest of the school day, when I heard someone, It was y/n. She was either talking to herself or to someone. "You really are pretty. What is your name?"

'Who is she talking to? A guy? Wait, I shouldn't care, I don't. She's just my friend. A friend who hangs out with me at lunch.' "Hmmm...What about.... Venus? You are very pretty, she's the Greek Goddess of beauty and love. And you've been treating me so nicely." 'Venus? Is she playing a game or does she have a stand? Is she an enemy stand user? Is that why she's been hanging around me all the time?' I walked up the stairs and went outside the doors. She was eating her lunch, and her mouth was full of food.

"Hello Jotaro." I stared at her. She didn't seem like she was going to attack me, but I had to be careful around her now. 'If she tries anything, she's dead.' I didn't respond, and sat down, not extremely close to her, but next to her on the bench. "It's nice outside today." She looked up and leaned back. "Oh, I almost forgot, here. Your math book." She handed me back my math book, I took it, and sat it down beside me. I stared at her, trying to read her, trying to see what she would do next.

I finally asked: "Who is Venus?" She looked a little scared, then stuttered out; "U-um.." She pulled out her game boy and showed it to me "A character in my game! yeah, there's a girl named Venus, and I usually talk to myself a lot..."

'That's a bullshitted lie. And she thinks I'll buy it? She really is stupid.' I sat there and pretended like I thought that was the truth. She ate lunch, and left. She was walking normally. 'Maybe her stand heals things?' Then I heard her singing, it was Don't stop me now. And she was doing fine. But she got the song stuck in my head. 'Fuck.'

A few hours passed and I was still hanging out on the roof, I was smoking and staring at things. Then I sensed it. I looked over the roof and saw a stand. 'Was this the thing y/n was really talking to?' I stared at it, and watched it go into the woods. "Why is she going in there? There isn't anything back there unless, there's someone she's going to attack in there. Damn it. I shouldn't care. I don't." I walked back to where I was sitting, and continued smoking. I felt like I was being watched and out of the corner of my eye I saw the stand watching me.

"So, you thought you could sneak up on me, and kill me with your stand?" I made Star Platinum come out, and chased after the stand. It was fast, but not as fast as Star Platinum. Then, all of a sudden, the stand disappeared. 'Damn it.'

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Jotaro Is never going to want to talk to me ever again. He might kill me...Oh god.' I was walking through the halls, hurrying to get to my car. I got to my car and saw that Jotaro leaning against the hood of the car. 'SHIT!' I started to back away from Jotaro and tried to escape him, but he said something, and somehow was right in front of me. I fell over onto the ground and it hurt.

"Who sent you?" Jotaro leaned down and looked extremely scary, he was glaring at you, and it made you want to piss yourself you were so scared.

"Wh-what do you mean?" You stuttered focused on not releasing your bladder right in front of him.

"You know what I mean. Who sent you here to kill me? You did just move here a few weeks ago." Jotaro looked you right in the eye, and watched you start to cry.

"I-I don't know what you mean! I don't want to kill you!" You crossed your legs and started crying into your hands.

"Crying in front of me wont make me go easy on you, you know." Jotaro was pushing this too far.

"I don't know what your talking about-! N-now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drive home and try not to crash into anything." You stood up, but he then grabbed your throat and wouldn't release his grip, he picked you up off the ground and made it almost impossible for you to breathe.

You pulled out Venus and tried to get him to loosen his grip on your neck, but nothing worked. His grip had tightened to the point where you started to see dots. You were bawling your eyes out, and gasping for air. You could suddenly breathe again, but only because Venus was helping you do so. Star Platinum came out and punched Venus multiple times over, and you could feel your bones breaking. Eventually he released his grip on your neck. You were crying extremely hard and started taking deep breaths until you could see normally again.

Venus came to your side, and healed your wounds, she fixed your broken bones, and helped you breath, stand up, then hugged you. Jotaro was ready for a fight, but you didn't want one. "I-have been nothing but nice to you! And you react like this, and almost kill me over what!? My friend!? For your information all she does is help me do things that I need help doing, like fixing my broken bones, and helping me breathe, and let me see outside of this boring school! But-you! took this as a threat and tried to kill me!" You started to walk to your car, and opened the door. He stood there, and his angry glare was slowly going away.

You closed the door, started up the engine and buckled your seat belt. Venus came out, and Jotaro pulled out his stand again. All that Venus did was wipe the tears off your face and help you drive without crashing into anything.

As soon as you got home, you kicked off your shoes and dropped your bag hard on the tile floor, went upstairs to your room, you forced off your clothes and laid down in your underwear on your bed, you were too distracted by tears to change into your pajamas. The pain all around your body disappeared when Venus placed her hands on where you were in pain, and it was relieved immediately. "Thank you Venus." Venus pat your back and ran her fingers through your hair to calm you down. She was like the mother you never had.

You spent the rest of the night in your room and didn't come out. Venus got you food and water when you needed it, but other then that you didn't do much else. "That Jotaro is such an ass! He was out for blood! I swear I am never talking to him again!" You grabbed your pillow and started strangling it, then punched it really hard many times over and over again. You were hitting it so hard that the house started to shake.

Your grandma came in on you beating the shit out of your pillow, in your underwear as well. She simply watched for a moment, then closed the door. You then laid back on your bed, and started crying again. You heard a mans voice. It was deep. Like Jotaro's, but you didn't want to see them, even if it was Jotaro and he came to apologize.

"y/n. Your boyfriend is here. He wants to talk to you." Your grandma said through the door and it was a good thing she didn't open the door, because you threw a pillow, and it hit the door hard.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO HIM, AND HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND GRANDMA!!" You shouted so loud that you were sure Jotaro heard you from downstairs.

Your grandma didn't respond, and you heard her footsteps going down the stairs. You sat back up and held tight onto your pillow. You sat up and stood in the middle of your room, and Venus came out, and she held out a bag for you to punch. You started to beat the shit out of it, and eventually, she dropped the bag and held out pajama's for you to change into. Then there was a knock at the door, and before you could tell them to go away the door opened.

You were still in your underwear.

Jotaro was standing in your doorway ready to apologize for the incident earlier, but instead saw you practically naked.

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