《Caring For You [Yoongi X Reader]》Marriage


Jackson led me down this long hall.

We stopped at the last door.

I asked him who his friend was.

Why would he want to meet Me?

Does he know the situation?

Certainly not..

This stranger would do the right thing, right?

Jackson opened the door, tugging me along my wrist.

The room was very bright, compared to the dark and cramped hallway.

My eyes adjusted to the light, and I observed the room.

It was a simple room, like the one before.

But instead of a bedroom it seemed like a living room. It did have a somewhat big window on the far wall, opposite of the door in which we entered.

There was two couches, and one had a man sitting in the center.

Jackson pulled me along, sitting me on the couch across the man, who I assumed was this Mark guy.

He didn't look crazy.

He looked normal.

"Mark, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.." Jackson introduced.


I smiled, and gave a small bow.

Prick, I'm not your girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you. Your as pretty as Jackson said you were." He smiled.

"Chill, she's mine. Haha." Jackson teased, but with a tiny bit of jealousy on his voice.

"Of course..Hey, Jackson can you grab me a drink?" Mark asked, suddenly thirsty. He pinched his throat, showcasing his thirst.

"Oh of course. Water okay?" Jackson said, releasing his grip from my hand, leaving the couch.

"Yes thank you bro" He grinned.

Jackson leaned over the couch to whisper something in my ear.

"Don't move an inch.."He threatened, but sent a smile at Mark.

I nodded and nervously put my hands on my lap.

Jackson left the room, and I heard a click.

He locked it?

But his friend is in here?

I was lost in thought, when suddenly Mark was waving his hand in my face.

"Y/N, listen to me. We have to be quick..Im here to help you."


"Wait- huh? Do you know?" I asked, shocked and confused.

"I know..now hurry. Before Jackson comes back."

I nodded.

He stood, me following him.

He walked over to the window on the far side of the room.

There was a lock on the top of the window, but since Mark was talk he could reach it, turning it.

"Okay, come here, I have to lift you-"

"What are you doing...mark..Y/N?"

We both froze.

We turned around, facing him.

My eyes widened.

"Jackson, what are you doing with a gun." Mark asked, stepping in front of me.

"Why were you opening the window? Hm? Did you want to leave? Why would you want to leave me? Your mine, don't you know??" His spoke, as if he was scolding a child.

"Jackson, she just wanted some fresh air." He lied.

"Lies..lies..LIES! I know you don't like me, either of you. I know what your doing mark...You thought you could take Y/N from me.." He aimed the gun at mark.

"No! Jackson. It's okay, he is telling the truth. I just wanted to look outside. Please." I walked over to jackson, standing in front of him.

Y/N stood in front of me.

"No! Jackson. It's okay, he is telling the truth. I just wanted to look outside. Please." She pleaded. She looked so sad.

I dropped the gun, I couldn't resist her face.

I caressed her face, observing all her faces once again.

She was so stunning.

"Y/N,Darling...will- um, will you marry me?"

"No, she will not"

We arrived at the place.

Mark told us to sit tight, and he'd will try to get Y/N. He would distract jackson, and then get her out, so not confrontation would happen. He didn't want to lose jackson, but he was sympathetic to our situation.

I was opposed to the idea, I wanted to save her. She was my girl.


I told him if he didn't do it in less than 15 minutes, and I didn't care if I hurt Jackson.

We waited at the entrance, behind a small ledge.

I watched my clock.

But then, I heard a voice, telling.

"LIES!" I couldn't hear the rest, it wasn't audible.

It had been 15 minutes, and the shouting didn't put my heart at ease. We went to the front door, which was unlocked. Mark had rigged it, probably learned how from his old crime days. Useful.

We entered the home, scanning around for Y/N.

I was about to pass a room when I heard voices.

"No! Jackson. It's okay, he is telling the truth. I just wanted to look outside. Please." I heard Y/N, she sounded scared.

My poor Y/N..

I heard something drop.

I slowly opened the door.

Jackson, and Y/N.

He was touching her.

He is dead.

"Y/N,Darling...will- um, will you marry me?"


"No, she will not" I lunged at jackson, bringing him down to the floor.

He had hit his head, leaving him unconscious.

I punched him over and over, until people pulled me off of him.

It was Mark and Namjoon.

"I told you, once you get here, I'm on his side. Now leave, before he wakes up." He spoke, with a bit of sadness.

"You don't have to be his friend, Mark." Namjoon told him.

"I'm all he has. He needs someone." He spoke, "Leave now.."

I took hold of Y/N, and picked her up. All of us ran out of the house.

I put Y/N in the passenger side, and everyone else piled in the back. I got in the drivers side, and sped off to my house.

"Y/N, are you Okay? Do you need medical attention? Did he do anything to you??" I spoke to her, trying to look at her, but only able to spare of a few seconds since I was driving.

"..sweets?" I asked again.

She was silent, looking down.

I stopped the car.

I took hold of her hands, and rubbed them.

"Y/N, it's all okay.. I'm here. I'll never leave you. I promise.. " I tried comforting here.

She slowly looked up, then I saw her face completely. She was crying.

I pulled her to me, hugging her.

"Namjoon, will you drive?" I asked him.

I needed to comfort her. She needed me, and I wasn't there. I hate myself for not being there. She didn't deserve this. It was my fault. He had something against me.

He agreed and drove off, while I held Y/N in my lap.

~back at my place~

Y/N had fallen asleep, so I carried her inside my house, and set her in my bed.

"Y'all guys can crash here, thank you so much. I could never repay you." I smiled at them.

"Thanks to you guys, I got the love of my life back"

They all smiled.

"She's a brave girl, make sure to be easy on her for a while. She went through a lot. Don't tease her okay?" Taehyung laughed.

"Yeah, I'll kick your ass if you give her a hard time." Jimin added.

I chuckled.

"Don't worry. I won't give her any trouble."

I'm glad they cared.

About Y/N.

And about me.

They were there for me.

I could never repay them for what they did.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin.

Thank you guys.

TaeTae tagged a photo of Rap_genius93 and Choco.fanatic.

TaeTae: Safe & Sound

dancemonster: As it should be.

Rap_genius93: Thanks guys.

Jibooty: We love you both.

Kookie: We are a family.

Rap_genius93: Forever.

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