《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 25


Groggily I open my eyes after feeling a body stir next to me. Blinking at the ceiling a few times I turn my head seeing Greyson already looking at me.

"Hi," I smile rubbing my eyes.

His arms tighten around my waist as he pecks my lips quickly. "Hi."

Grey's hand suddenly moves a strand of hair from my face tucking it back behind my ear.

I smile softly cocking my head to the side once I see his mark in the new sunlight.

I move my hand up slowly until my finger tips graze across his tan skin that's stained with a crescent moon.

Grey shivers before closing his eyes, "Now I understand how you feel when I touch your mark." He breathes out.

I smirk nodding my head, "Kind of a weakness huh?" I giggle taking my hand off of his neck.

He hums nodding his head.

After sitting in bed for a little we make it down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. As we get down there Faye is in front of the stove in a long, silk, pink robe.

If that robe doesn't scream Faye, I don't know what does.

"It smells amazing in here," I take in a large whiff.

She turns to us as she hears us walk through the doorway. Her long black hair pulled into a ponytail swaying with the movement. "Good morning!" She says cheerfully. "I'm making omelets for everyone. Go ahead and take a seat."

Wow I love this women.

"You're a blessing," I tell her gratefully as she smiles widely at me before turning back around to the stove.

Grey and I walk side by side to the table in the corner of the kitchen. It's rounded so everyone can see each other, it's good for the nights the clique and I hangout.

Speaking of the clique, where is everyone? I mean I understand if Seb isn't here yet. Probably catching up on rest from not getting to bed last night.

Sighing I go to sit in the chair next to Greyson, though my wrist is quickly pulled. I fall backwards landing directly in Grey's lap. He chuckles when I look up to him. Giving him a glare.

He chuckles again tightening his grip around my waist. Though I just roll my eyes leaning deeper into him.


Suddenly I hear footsteps walking towards us.

As I look up I see Faye with two plates in her hands. She has a knowing smile on her lips. "Here you go love bird one and two." She says setting the omelets in front of us.

As soon as the scent drifts my way, my legs quickly swing over Greyson's lap. Sitting at the end of his legs I dig into my breakfast. I didn't know I was this hungry until now.

I dig through that omelet so quickly I had no time to actually taste it.

Sat before me is an empty plate, the plate next to mine is Greyson's omelet. He's barely eaten a bite. I never finish my meal before him.

Now that I think of it, I don't feel full at all. My stomach still grumbles greedily.

I need more to eat.

"Faye, could you by chance make me another one?" I say quite embarrassed at my sudden appetite.

She turns towards me with a small smile. "I'm already one step ahead of you." To that my eyebrow raises questioning.

Suddenly Greyson leans forward wrapping his arms around my middle, resting his chin on my shoulder from behind. "You just shifted, your appetite is going to be a bit big for the next few days." He laughs kissing my cheek.

After almost three omelets I was finally full.

Patting my stomach I lean my back against Greyson's front. "That was so good," I mumble closing my eyes as my head falls back on his shoulder.

"You're not wrong," he laughs as he readjusts my body so I'm curled against his chest, as I lay across his lap. Grey supports my back so I can bury my head in his neck.

Humming quietly onto his skin, I'm so comfortable I could fall asleep once again.

But as soon as I get nestled into Grey, two sets of loud footsteps enter the kitchen.

Greyson's arms tighten around me as I lift my head up to see Koda and Seb entering.

In an instant Faye sets omelets in front of the two boys who have both just woken up.

Taking a seat at our table without acknowledging us, I study them.

Seb's hair sticks up everywhere as he shovels down his food. While Koda still looks like he can fall asleep at any second as he scratches his morning shadow.


"If they're not working out. They're not morning people," Grey links me.

This makes me smile, "Ah people of my own kind." I link back.

This earns me a scoff from Grey as he suddenly pinches my side. I jolt to the side from the sudden shock.

The Seb and Koda both roll their eyes.

But then I suddenly see Seb smirk as his attention is pulled to Greyson. His eyes runs past Grey's face on his neck.

"That mark really brings out your eyes Grey," he smirks.

My eyes widen since I haven't had the chance to tell anyone yet. Panicking I hear Faye choke on her food to the right of me.

"What?!" Koda and Faye then say in unison.

My face goes red, eyes wide as I look to the three others in front of me. "I heard you two got a bit frisky last night," Seb continues.

I growl loudly glaring at him. "Sebastian, shut up." I challenge him only earning a smirk from him.

Koda snickers slapping Seb on the back of his head. I smirk giving Koda a silent thank you as I watch Seb rub the back of his head.

As I huff out a large breath Koda suddenly speaks up, "Did you get Rayan home alright?" He says mindlessly picking at his food.

I've never been a person of anger, and hatred. But that girl? I hate.

"Yeah, after I threatened her that I'd tell her uncle about how much of a bitch she acted towards a mundane-" Mundane my ass, Amara testifies letting a small growl escape through my lips. Seb looks up to me and smiles slightly, "-at the time."

A smile flickers quickly before I look down to my lap, a wolf. That's something I'm going to have to get used to.

My fingers twist together, but then Koda speaks up. "When's her initiation?" He says rather seriously which is followed by a loud slap. "Faye! What the fuck was that for? I just asked when her initiation was!" Which is then followed by yet another slap, but much louder. "Faye!" Koda yells.

As my head snaps up to the two of them Faye stares Koda down giving him the death look. If looks could kill Koda would be deep under ground by now.

But then my head wraps around one word he said, "Initiation?" I ask.

First I turn to Koda since he's the one who said it in the first place. He opens his mouth, but Faye is quick and holds up a hand threatening to hit him again. So he shuts his mouth.

Next I go to Faye, though she just simply shakes her head.

Then I go to Sebastian, as he see's my eyes land on him his go wide. He then shoves the remaining omelet in his mouth so his "mouth was too full to talk."

Lastly I turn to Greyson.

Greyson shakes his head bowing it so he doesn't have to look in my eyes. He takes a deep breath knowing he's the last one left.

"Initiation happens when a member of the pack turns 16." He sighs running a hand through his dark hair. Slowly his eyes connect with mine, "It's when the young wolf has to fight against the Alpha at the time, and finalize their part in the pack."

My eyebrows furrow, "But I'm not 16."

"Yeah I know, but every wolf has to. It's a pack tradition." He shrugs tucking some of my hair behind my ear. "For the next couple of weeks I've decided Sebastian is going to work with you and prepare you for the duel."

"I am?" Seb suddenly speaks up, finally swallowing all of his food he shoved in his mouth.

Greyson grunts annoyed and nods his head at him.

"So this is real fighting, real injuries?" I ask quietly. I can't even imagine Greyson actually swinging at me.

Greyson sees the worry In my eyes and holds my head between his palms. "I don't want to hurt you little one." He starts quietly. "And I'll try my best to not."

"Every wolf does this Willa, and I mean every wolf." Faye says. "I had to go against my Father and he's the biggest softy out there. He didn't want to hurt his own children. But it's a part of the pack life. It's something we all have to do." She tells me reassuringly, though it doesn't really help.

I don't know what could help at this point.

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