《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 10


~~two weeks later~~

Ever since Greyson and I opened up to each other we've been way more comfortable around one another.

Greyson would joke around alot and he would throw in a bunch of witty and narcissistic remarks-more than I'd like.

Like now while we're eating dinner he sits across from me, and he won't stop looking up and winking, and or waggling his eyebrows.

I throw a piece of my bread at him that was sitting next to my pasta. He's lucky this piece doesn't have any sauce on it.

The bread flies across the table, and he catches it with ease without even looking up from his plate. Damn you werewolf superpowers. "Try harder next time little one." He smirks up to me before looking back down to his meal smugly taking a forkful of spaghetti.

"Then stop doing that!" I laugh gesturing my hands wildly.

He raises an eyebrow after patting his face clean of all pasta sauce. He looks at me seriously for a few minutes, just searching through my eyes. I can't help but get mesmerized by the blue orbs.

But once he see's me ogling him, he winks.

"Ugh!" I throw my hands up in defeat.

He takes a sip of the water in front of him before he smirks over to me, "Don't be hard on yourself Willa. I know you just can't resist the urge to stare at me. I am sexy after all."

I scoff loudly, very loudly. "Please. Try again." I try playing it off.

Greyson taps the end of his knife on the tip of his chin, "So you're not attracted to me?" He smirks challenging me.

Pushing my pasta out of the way I rest my elbows on the table, placing my head upon my hands. "Not. A. Bit." I challenge back.

He smirks, slowly scooting back his chair. My face remains stoic and unreadable.

But suddenly he disappears in a blur of speed, nowhere to be seen in front of me. My expression quickly falters as I look confusingly to the empty leather chair sitting in front of me.

Before I can react my chair gets spun around quickly so I'm facing what once was behind me.

What I see before me is Greyson towering above, his eyes a stormy blue.

I'm swooning right now, but it's not like I can show him that. "Stand up," he tells me.

Doing what he says, I slowly stand up. My face set on emotionless.

But still standing I only make up half of his height. He still towers over me.

Suddenly he puts his hands on my waist, ignoring the tingling sensation I get I look him coldly in the eyes. Slowly he snakes them down, past my hips, finally stopping mid thigh. "We'll see about that," he whispers lowly in my ear before he grabs my thighs harshly hoisting me up in the air.

I refuse to yelp, I refuse to make any emotion at all as I wrap my legs around him.

Only to stay stable.

He then rests me on the dining room table, that can fit 20 or more guests at. Which I don't even know why we didn't just eat in the kitchen.

Though he moves to stand in between my legs as I cross my arms giving him zero satisfaction.

Raising an eyebrow suspiciously, he shrugs as if acknowledging his defeat. A smile tugs up at the corners of my lips.


But what surprises me is that he suddenly lurches forward connecting his lips to my neck. His fingers ring onto my waist as he pulls me closer to his body.

I have no idea where this came from, but it feels so right.

Though at this moment, I'm doing damn well containing myself. You know, even though there's an actual Greek god leeching onto my neck at this very second.

I look up to the ceiling keeping in all the gasps that keep trying to make their way out of my lips.

Greyson moves down my neck, right at the base of where my shoulders and neck connects. Aka: my weakness. My eyes start to flutter shut, but I pry them open staring at the chandelier above my head.

I will not give him the satisfaction. I will not let his ego inflate anymore.

Suddenly one of his hands disappear from my waist, I find myself wondering where the warmth of it went. But I find it once it connects with my wrist.

He starts nibbling slightly on my sweet spot, and I'm just about to bust. Until Greyson puts my hand right onto his bare abs hidden underneath his shirt.

I'm startled on how great they felt beneath my fingertips, how I just wanted him to take his shirt off so my eyes can relish in the sight my fingers are enjoying.

So with the last bit of self control I had hanging, I shred it. Placing both of my hands willingly onto his abs. My eyes finally fluttered closed, as a pant escapes my lips.

And once I finally get to relish in the moment, everything vanishes.

The pleasure of his lips against my skin, the toned abs from my fingertips.

I open my eyes distraught from the disappearance, and what I see in front of me is a smug looking Greyson.

Looks like him and Jax aren't that different after all.

Game on Greyson, game on.

I can't help but turn as red as a tomato, at the effects this guy has on me. How I'm beginning to like him so quickly even after everything we've been through. Even after my pledge to never fall for a guy again.

But I feel myself being pulled to Greyson. I can sense he's different than Jack, that he won't hurt me like Jack.

I just hope I can trust my self conscious.

Suddenly there's an awkward clearing of a throat coming from the entryway of the dining room. Both Greyson and I's heads snap in the direction.

What I see is Koda, his different colored eyes looking between us frantically. "First off," he starts judgingly. "There are bedrooms for a reason. Secondly, you have a call from the Lunar pack Grey. They want to meet for a quick meeting."

I blush hiding my face in my palms. Koda just saw what happened. He saw.

"Let's see you say the first reason when you have a mate," Greyson scoffs before I hear him walk towards me.

He strings his finger through my hair making me look up to him. "I'll be back hopefully in an hour or so." He tells me softly, I nod.

Greyson leans forward and places a light kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes at the warmness of his lips.

It's weird how he can change from, sexy Greek god, to a caring, lovable, softy.

He hums softly as he pulls away, and I stop myself from pouting as he starts to walk out.


Koda gives me a small smile as he follows Greyson out of the room.

What am I supposed to do now?

I groan hopping of the table, roaming around the house trying to find something to do.

My bare feet slap against the wooden floor as I make my way up the steps.

For the past two weeks I've spent every waking second with Greyson. Sure he's had to make his occasional business calls since he's the Alpha and all. But he hasn't left the house since the day I got attacked by a different wolf.

Greyson said that it was a rogue werewolf that needed something-anything to eat. Even if it meant killing someone to get it.

I sigh walking into my room, which I now know it's Greyson's room. But he insists on sleeping on the couch.

Twiddling the hem of my black tank top in my fingers I walk around the room mindlessly. I trace the little wooden desk sitting in the corner of the room.

Letting my curiosity get the best of me I open the top drawer.

Alright I know I'm kind of invading privacy and all, but I have nothing else to do!

What I find inside is a large sketch book, delicately I pick up the book slowly flipping through the pages.

All the drawings are in pencil and or charcoal. One is of a black and white sunset across water. Another is a wolf looking up to the moon.

Then as I flip another page, I find myself.

All these drawing are vivid and amazing. But then I come across the portrait of myself. It's more realistic than all the others. He got the light freckles ranging all around my nose, even the small birthmark I have on my jaw. It's absolutely amazing.

I never knew he drew in the first place.

Smiling like an idiot I place the sketchbook back into the drawer as if I never got it out in the first place.

Next, I walk into the bathroom. Peering at myself in the mirror I see the bruises almost completely faded. Sure I still have faint purple marks on my right side, but they're almost gone. I still have a scar beneath my eye, which I'm sure will never disappear. But I look like a badass, so it's whatever.

I tie my hair up into a high ponytail, letting it fall over my shoulder.

Read a book, you haven't in awhile. My consciousness speaks up.

Standing in front of the bookshelf I start looking through the many options sitting before me.

All of the books are old, with torn covers. But it adds character to the room, and they all look interesting.

Honestly I think a lot of these are about ancient werewolf lore.

Or it's just my imagination expecting that, that's what it should be.

Suddenly hands touch my shoulders, and I jump slightly. But then I remember it's probably just Greyson getting back early from traveling.

But then I think, this doesn't feel like Greyson's touch. I feel no warmth, just coldness.

Quickly the hands grasp down harder and I can feel sharp nails growing into my bare skin. I try to shriek out, but I'm spun quickly around facing whoever stands behind me.

They grab my throat harshly, squeezing it so I can't get a word out. Dark brown eyes stare me down, "You bitch. You messed everything up." Jared grounds out.

I gasp for air frantically trying to get him to let go of my throat, to let my airway finally receive oxygen. "First I got debunked from the highest ranking warrior. Now no one talks to me because I abused the 'Luna.'"He uses air quotations with his free hand as he starts lifting me up by my neck.

None of this is my fault! Why is he doing this? This was all his fault, all his fault for taking my questioning too far.

Meanwhile I stand on my tiptoes trying to keep myself planted to the ground. "You're too weak to be my Luna. You have none of my respect. You're just a puny little human. Worthless waste of a body if I do say so myself." Now he finally picks me up off the ground with just his one hand upon my neck.

I try gasping for air as black dots start to cloud my vision at my loss of oxygen.

No, I don't want to die. I've made friends, true friends. Faye, Koda, Sebastian. And then there's Greyson, I can't leave him.

I feel my arms go limp by my sides, my feet dangling in the air as if I was a dead person in Jared's hand. "But today is not your day I'm afraid." He speaks lowly.

Suddenly I'm being tossed to the other side of the room, I fly like a rag doll.

As I land I don't even feel the pain. I feel numb all over.

Immediately I start having a coughing fit, taking in large breaths of air. I almost suffocated to death, by Jared. I mean I haven't even seen him since the day after Greyson punched him in the face.

Holding onto my throat I softly caress it, until Jared's deadly eyes pop up in my vision. He kneels in front of my propped up position. "Just know that we're going to have more of these...moments together. Think of yourself as my own personal boxing bag. If you tell anyone about this-especially your Alpha mate-consider Faye dead, as well as yourself." He smiles satanically, patting my shoulder.

I swallow thickly, rage bubbling in my stomach. I cringe slightly as my spit gulps down my throat, it feels as if a million needles were shoved down my esophagus.

Glaring up to him I slowly state, "Go..t-to..hell." I seem to rasp out.

Jared clenches his jaw tightly, clearly irritated. Suddenly his eyes become black with rage, and with one swift movement he slaps me right across the face. My last bruises were about to disappear, now i'm sure a new one has formed.

My head whips to the side, hurting my neck even more. "Listen here Luna," he disgustingly states it. "I know rogues, strictly assassins that can take out Greyson, along with Faye, and yourself. Don't test me little girl." He spits storming towards the door. Right before he closes it he smirks towards me, "You have three months until I come back from Uncle's. Plan for another date like this once I get back, Uncle hates me." He shuts the door closed behind him, and I'm left alone.

All alone, with monstrous and panicked thoughts.

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