
The rules are very simple:

. What does that mean? Basically your story needs to contain Royal High Characters, you can certainly add new ones, But you can write about anything really ! The world of Royal High is your playing field !

Just some suggestions:

You could write about Leila and Zach ?

Or our ongoing power couple Leila and Xavier...?

You could write about Zach and Xavier...maybe you're story could depict them making up, or maybe what happened to their relationship to make them go astray from each other etc. etc.

What about our favourite Princesssss Honey bubu !!

Skinner and a possible love interest....hmmmmm :-) ?

What about our Royal High kids? Little Justy boy, Thomas, Nico, Taylor, Pearl, Alicia, Oliya, Ms. Judy, Mr. Preston, Mr Happy face the list goes on and on.


1. It should be in English

2. No explicit / porno type of scenes (intimacy is great ! but just not an erotic novel if you get what I mean)

3. No bullying / bashing of any other contenders allowed

4. Minimum word count: 200 words please (there's no maximum)

5. Deadline: 25th June 2020 :-)

6. Judging: I will be judge, and read every piece myself

7. It can be 1 chapter or even more (just note: I'll be reading only the first 2 chapters if it's more, Unless I can't stop reading it J but you will DEFINETLY know about that !!)

8. As stated at the beginning it's a FANFIC, so it needs to contain a minimum of 2 Royal High Characters :-)

Sooooo what's in it for YOU? Well below are the following prizes up for grabs :

· I will read your full story, or whatever work you are busy with and give you feedback, critiques, input on your working piece.

· I will read your full story, or whatever works you are busy with and give you feedback, critiques, input on your working piece.

· I will give you a shout out (either somewhere during the story I.e. in plot or in some other creative way) in upcoming Book 2 of Royal High

· I will read your full story, or whatever works you are busy with and give you feedback, critiques, input on your working piece.

· I will dedicate a chapter to you.

· I will add one of your books to my public reading list


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