《Power Moves - Exodus》Chapter 24: Loyalty


The lukewarm water dripping off of his bare chest, Cut Throat felt the slight figure enter the shower, she was besides him. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, he would never have thought he would feel this way having someone in the shower with him. He blindfolded his eyes, he didn't think he would be able to control himself if he were to see her that way....and he was keenly aware that he was becoming more and more impulsive when it came to her, and that was not a good thing. He spent painstaking time trying to get hold of his inner demons, of which Cut Throat had plenty, thus being impulsive was highly disadvantageous to him. He could smell blood he hadn't cleaned off since yesterday. He listened in , the water sounded slightly dense

"You didn't take off your clothes.." He said to her, his eyes turning in her direction

"Better do it, or else i will" he continued

"N-no...i-i-do-dont want to..." she said softly

"You need to apply this all over your body..." he said, his head pointing in the direction of a bottle that stood on the shelf above the shower "It will help reduce your scent..in case they send guard dogs to find us.."

Silence followed , he could feel her thinking and contemplating about what he said, he heard her then struggling to pull on something

"Who...who is lo-looking for us...?" Leila asked gently

"I am not sure exactly who they are..but I know they are coming..."

"...Can you help me with my zip please?"

Cut Throat was caught off guard, for one, he thought she was about to argue. He felt a soft hand gently catch onto his, and lead it till he felt a small metal hatch, he tried pulling it off softly, but she was right... it was stuck. If he put too much force onto it, the zip would break and ruin the beautiful dress. He tried tugging at it, but his hands were too big, and the part of the cloth stuck in it would still not budge. Cut Throat gently bent down his head till his mouth was at the helm of the zip and lightly tugged it, He felt leila gasp, his mouth gently kissing the back of her neck in the process, but the zip managed to let loose.

"Th-th-thanks.." she said, moving from him as she started to take it out.

It was my pleasure my love. Cut Throat thought silently


K.O. Checked his phone again, there was still no reply from him. He checked his last text to him

"Get the fuck out of there , they are on their way !"

He entered the lift and pressed the big red B button, it would take him down to the basement. Getting out, K.O. could see a curly haired boy seated on the chair tied up, blood oozing out of his face

"I'm asking for the last time, little bastard before I really split your face open...why the fuck was she there !" KO said angrily

It was the same room, where they had the selection process of the new C40 recruits. The room was pretty dark , with only one tube light that stood directly in front the chair that Justin was on.

"I...i didnt know ! Really KO you have to believe me ! I was just instructed to hand her the invite !"

"Instructed by whom?"

"Skinner "

"You want me to believe that Skinner asked you to give that advertisement to Leila"



Just then the door opened, and Skinner walked in, "What's going on here K.O. !"

"This little bastard here is saying you instructed him to give the advertisement to Leila , the one that led to her being that at house !"

"I did "

"WHAT !" K.O. said, bewildered, watching Skinner taking off the ropes from Justin, he signaled for someone in the dark to come take him

"Listen , it was an order from Major..and Cut Throat is in big trouble, he has defied a direct order...this doesn't look good..." Skinner said, his eyes looking worried into KO

"Wh...What ! Why? Why did she have a hit on her?"

Skinner took a deep breathe, "Listen good soldiers never-"

"Never ask why..I know I get it, but this is ridiculous ! You know that me and Cut Throat would never harm just anybody...how could you ?" K.O. looked in anguish,

"Is this Zach Williams talking or KO? Get your head in the game !" Skinner said looking worried

"So if we are about to harm just anyone, and not just the so called enemies, or the bad guys, but normal civilians, and women...what makes us any different from the common criminals..?"

"Look I know you are upse-"

"Upset !? Wait till you see Cut Throat! And might I add that they are a lot of C40 who are loyalist to Cut Throat ?"

"Hey ! Shhhh ! watch what you say ! You can't say things like that out loud ! it sounds like treason...." Skinner looked around nervously, this wasn't good, he feared making a move on Leila would bring anarchy into their unit..and from the way things sounded...alliances were shifting ...

"Look where are they?" he asked nervously, it was time to contain the situation

"I don't know ! But you better figure this out before Cut Throat gets here !" K.O. said,

"I think they have already sent people for him and the girl.."

"Well...good luck with that...you of all people know that it won't be that easy.."

"I know...but Major insisted.."

"What will happen to the her?"

"I don't know, but listen ...one piece of advise, forget the girl man...you and Cut Throat been through too much together to allow a girl to get in the way of fulfilling your duties..!" Skinner said, lightly placing a consoling hand onto his fellow comrade

"And what duties are those? Harming women? what's next ..children?" K.O. asked aggressively shoving skinners hands off his shoulder. He left the basement in anger, with Justin still strapped to the chair and Skinner looking at him deeply worried..


The only thing Cut Throat wanted was more time, and that's the one thing he didn't have here with her, it was almost like a ticking time bomb was waiting to happen. He bent down his head, till his nose was on the bridge of her neck, he could feel her tense immediately .....why did she still smell so good, "What are you doing?" Leila asked, panic in her voice

"I'm trying to see if I can smell anything, or if it has been neutralized" He said softly, my goodness, she was tormenting him. He felt her body go very rigid and stiff, It will have to do for now. He switched off the shower , getting out, he held a hand for her so she wouldn't slip, he could feel her hesitate, and then he felt a soft gentle hand unsurely place her hand into his rough scared hands. He took her out gently


"Listen we haven't got much time...I need you to change...find whatever fits you in that cupboard in there, we will have to leave in about 2 minutes.." Cut Throat said, turning away from her, as he started to take his blindfold off, he heard the bathroom door close gently behind her.

He looked himself in the mirror, as he opened up one of the cupboards next to the mirror and whipped out a fresh black mask, he put on his clothes in the bathroom, a black shirt which showed off his athletic physique, black trousers, and a black cap, he started to put on his leather gloves, which he usually put on when he was carrying weapons. He opened up the bottom section of the bathroom where there was an assortment of knives stored, he started taking out one by one, inspecting for wear and tear after which he started to conceal them into various pockets within his attire. After having emptied the lower cupboard, he gently knocked on the door to the other room

"Come in.." came the soft voice of Leila, Cut Throat's eyes almost popped out, she looked like a C40 herself....but a very very sexy C40. He never really fancied women in mens attire, but Leila Adams wore it well...very well. Clearly she had gone through his causal section, she had on one of his old banyans' which her chest filled out beautifully, and black shorts from his much younger days. Ironically she was matching him, with her all black attire and cap to go with.

"Let's go" He said, ushering her out of one of the exit doors, she listened obediently "Stay Very close to me.." she nodded her head in anticipation

Leila gasped when they walked outside, it was almost as if, their cottage was literally in the middle of nowhere, she had never been to such a secluded place before , they were trees, shrubs and bushes surrounding them all around, she turned to look at Cut Throat he definitely looked accustomed to the surroundings. He walked too fast for her, she hurried up to be close to him, but she was struggling, the sandals she found were no match for the surroundings, she tried to keep up with him, the landscape was getting increasingly rocky but her companion didn't break a sweat. Cut throat turned and walked back, reaching out his hand to her. She stared at it hesitantly for a second, before reaching out to it. He lead and she followed him , just as the trees were starting to thin out, he stopped abruptly, she banged into him about to squeal, he grabbed her roughly putting a finger to his mouth, he turned around placing her behind him as he did.

Leila turned around , her untrained eyes and ears couldn't hear or anything see specifically.

But then suddenly, out of the trees, camouflaged men started coming out, dressed in khaki and brown to match exactly with the surroundings, Leila's eyes grew wide in fear. They were many. She turned to look at her companion, to her shock he looked like he was smiling at her "Don't be scared I will protect you..." she still looked at him in fear "You don't believe Me? I LIVE for these "

"Took you long enough" Cut Throat said, as he gently shoved Leila further away from him and the oncoming men

"Didn't want to spoil your time, with your lovely lady friend now did we?"

"Rodger ? Is that You?" Leila could hear the surprise in his voice, she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not

"Why...are you scared?"

"The best adult C40.....versus the best youth C40....scared? nah...i think its about time...though it does suggest to me that they must be pretty scared of me ....if they wanted to bring you here?"

"How about we just call it a day and you come obediently with us Cut Throat...we don't want to harm you...and especially not your lovely friend.." Said a second man's voice. Cut Throat...so that was his name? Leila thought to herself, "You're all surrounded, you have 8 guns pointing at you...and we know you are good...but nobody's that good...come on man...they want to speak to you.."

"Listen brother.....I mean you no harm....but ....if you fight....you leave me no choice..." Cut Throat said quietly

The man called Rodger snickered, "This little bugger thinks he's still calling all the shots? Don't you understand....its eight to one ! And we are all fully loaded with 4 rounds of ammunition...your knives won't work here ! " Rodger said irritably,

"Calm down Rodger, he is one of our best, let's try to sort this out diplomatically" The second male voice said trying to edge further Cut Throat stepped back ever so slightly

"You and your diplomacy Oliver...there's a time and place for everything....my patience is running out...and another thing....I'm calling dips on the girl, she's exactly the type I like to mess with.." Rodger said eyeing Leila in a very indecent manner..

Cut Throat clenched his jaw, as though he was about to pounce on the man named Rodger, Oliver still moved in

"Come on Cut Throat...we aren't asking for too much init? We just want to talk that's all..."

"ohh ...talk we shall...trust me....but why did he send all of you then?"

"Listen ..there are standard operating procedures, come on even you know this .."

"Leave now....and I will spare you..."

"Err...i think you got it the other way mate...like Rodger said you are outnumbered..."

"Okay..do what you have to...just don't hold me accountable for what I will do.." Cut Throat said as a matter of fact way, turning around he approached Leila, while taking something out of his pocket "Do you trust me?" he said in a far more gentle voice then the one he had now speaking to the armed men, Leila shook her head "N-n-noo" she said her voice trembling, Cut Throat smiled, she doesn't disappoint "Good you shouldn't...but for now, I'm going to have to cover your eyes...I don't want you to see this"

Leila closed her eyes as she could feel the black cloth going over her eyes

"Don't Cry......and close your ears if you can......and whatever you do...dont open the blind fold"

"What the fuck is taking so long ? Lets finish the boy !" Leila could hear Rodger saying, she made half an attempt to close her ears, but it was going to be much too difficult for her

She could hear footsteps approaching closer to them, she closed her eyes tighter in anticipation "Oohh I wouldn't do that if i were you.."

Cut Throat said with a youthful giggle

"Wh-what...oh shit...Everyone STOP MOVING !" Came the panicked voice of the man known by Oliver

"Whatchu going on about Oliver.." Rodger said

"L-l-l-look at the bottom ...at you-your feetttt !!"

"What is it ! i can't see a damn thing ! And you're wasting time let's just get the target and get the hell out of he-"


She could hear Cut Throat chuckle in the background somewhere followed by dead silence, she could hear the men scramble, "Oh and what did you say? You have bought 4 rounds of ammunition? Just so you know it's not just any type of explosives, it's made from cutting edge technology, its HIGHLY sensitive, release 1 bullet, and it will pick up the weight loss...and then ...ka boommm !" He said energetically, "Oh and try not to move too much either, it also picks up on weight disposition thus...you need to retain your composure in the exact same posture....but good luck with that !"

"I'm going to KILL YOU !" Rodger roared

"But not Today you won't"

Leila felt a scared hand gently grabbing on to her hand, and leading her, she was still blindfolded. After walking for a while, they stopped abruptly, she could feel his face near to her, and although she was blindfolded she could almost feel his stares piercing through to her.

"My second Principle...never hurt your fellow comrades...even when you don't agree....it's just ...soo......disloyal...and I hate disloyalty" Cut Throat said, as he gently unwrapped the blindfold off Leila. Against her better judgment......she couldn't help but feel a little teensy weensy bit of respect for this young mysterious masked man called as Cut Throat.

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