《Power Moves - Exodus》Chapter 13: Cut Throat


The week had gone by pretty fast. Say what she will about how she disliked Zach for all his cruelty, and his cockiness, but being accommodated under the Williams residence, definitely had its perks.

For one, she had Miss Loide to help her iron out every single detail of her life for her – quite literally. She suspected it was probably Zach who had a discussion with his staff, after their whole ordeal with the purchasing of pads. When she had come back to her room on Monday after school she found an entire section in her bathroom was filled with ladies toiletries that could basically last her for the entire year.

+Then there was her school uniform, of which she had only one. However on the Monday, she found in her walk-in wardrobe an entire section of uniforms for her, with obvious modifications that fit her like a glove. And most importantly it was the food. The food was plentiful, with different chefs and different cuisines assigned to each day.

She was surprised to be informed that in the evenings Zach was 'practicing' for his Thursday sessions. However what specifically was his schedule on Thursdays no one would speak on that.

This basically meant that most days of the week Leila was eating alone, which she didn't mind at all. Room Service was her favorite go to thing nowadays, where she could just laze around in her larger than life room. For the first time in her life, Leila was really free. Free to do whatever it is that she wanted to do. How strange that she should find her new freedom no less in Zach William's house.

The other subtle difference Leila had noticed was Royal High School itself. It wasn't as though her status had changed, she was poor when she arrived and she still remained poor when she got thrust into Zach William's house. However, there was a difference in how she was being perceived at Royal High. Instead of being on the receiving end of sneering laughs and looks for her basic school bag and lack of any designer items in her locker.

The girls seemed almost weary of Leila now...as though being associated to Zach had now elevated her status somehow. Thomas too eluded to this same concept at their lockers, where she was waiting for him.

"you know.......I bet if you stopped sitting on the beggars table, and moved to another table.....I don't think anyone would object.." he said enthusiastically. Leila laughed "right..and why would I want to move from our table? When it has the best seats in the hall !" she laughed joking with him.

"Any update on Justin yet..?" she asked after a minute. Thomas face sunk in a little bit "he's still recovering.....but it will take a while till his back on his feet.."

"oh...and what were his parents told?" She asked

"basically that he had some sort of freak accident while playing at school ...you know his parents aren't really well educated...they are simple people, who came out to the city to live their big city dreams...they bought the whole story...they were even thankful to the Williams foundation for footing the hospital bill ! Just imagine !" he said sourly.


Leila felt sick to her stomach when she remembered how Justin got to the state his in.

She heard a deep masculine voice clear his throat from behind. Thomas turned around, "Don't you have a class you're getting late for Thomas?" the authoritative voice called out. Thomas had his head slightly bowed "see you Leila" he mumbled quietly as he left. Leila turned around irritated looking at the owner of the voice .

Xavier Johnston, standing and leaning on Leila's locker. She frowned at him, and then turned her back to him, getting her books back into her locker "And don't you have a class you're getting late to.." she said irritated.

"Classes only start when I arrive.." he said quietly, Leila turned to him raising her eyebrows, he was blocking her way

"How is your new house mate..?" he asked staring at her intently

"Why don't you ask him yourself..?" she said, watching his expression turn dark. "...right...you guys are no longer friends...." She said dryly, "you know...I don't know exactly what happened between the 2 of you..but it's clear..you were born to be together..." she said feeling as though she were talking about some deep relationship...the thought made her smile to herself.

Xavier laughed out handsomely, bringing into view his beautiful bright perfect white teeth "born to be together?" he asked

"yep...clearly...you both meant a lot to each other at one point in your life....I mean there are even photos of the 2 of you as kids at some places in the William's house...there's a lot of history there...I hope one day you will reconcile.." she said miserably

"we will never reconcile.." Xavier said strangely, looking off into some distance space..his expression hard to read.

"You don't want to or he doesn't want to..?" she asked

"both of us.." he said.

Leila sighed "right..."

Xavier smiled curiously "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this stuff..." more to himself then to her.

"because beauty is a dangerous weapon my friend.." came a playful voice from behind them, Leila turned to see Nico and Taylor both walking towards them. Nico smiling at them in high spirits

"Or maybe because he wishes someone would secretly stop him and Zach .." Taylor said. Leila rolled her eyes, "Why don't you two try then.." she said

"Who me?" Nico said, with a mock shocked expression on his face " oh no ...I'm way to afraid of Big bad Zachy Qaucky..." he said in a child like voice, making Leila, Xavier and Taylor laugh.

She entered the glass building of their PE class seeing most of the people already in the PE outfits. Zach standing by the wall , smoking a cigarette, and talking with Brendon. Pearl, Alicia and Oliya were looking at something on Pearl's phone snickering.

Thomas was talking to another beggar, Frank. He saw Leila enter with Xavier, Taylor and Nico. His body immediately stiffening.

Mr Preston came in last, panting and gasping for air, his face red and sweaty already "l-let me catch my br-just hold up..." he said, panting


"The most ironic part of Royal high, is that we have this big fatso as our Gym teacher.." Nico said, staring at Mr Preston huffing and puffing.

"yeah ...but I gotta give the man his props...he sure knows his stuff.." Taylor said

"yes, but would you go to a dentist with rotten teeth? Would you go to a plastic surgeon with an ugly wife...? You get me..?" Nico asked shocked making Taylor and Xavier laugh.

Alicia felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she took it out of her pocket I wanna kiss you so bad right now. message from Mr Happy face. She giggled to herself, as she walked a little bit away from Pearl and Oliya, smiling as she typed a reply to her Mr Happy Face, you should learn to control your hormones ! she replied

When can we see each other again, I swear I'm going to go crazy message from Mr Happy face

Let's meet up just before lunch...the usual spot? Alicia replied back.

I'll be waiting message from Mr Happy face


And finally, Thursday had arrived again. How good it feels to finally be free.... Zach thought to himself as he washed off all the body cover up muck he had to wear every day. Sigh it was such a relief, he watched the water turn to brown as he was scrubbing it off of him. That was one of the pains of having this many tattoos and having to hide them all to still blend in at Royal High.

Also one of the main reasons why he and Xavier had custom made school uniforms. Most people assumed the custom made uniforms of Xavier and Zach were for a more status related reason, however it had a more practical application. Because when it was a good fit, the clothes didn't move as much. However the waterproof cover up was an absolutely essential precaution....

At least he had it better then Xavier, Zach thought to himself smiling, as he washing himself. Xavier had the tattoos partially on his face and all over his neck. And it was very crucial that they were both allowed to be hidden in plain sight.

Perhaps that was where their love for tattooing began...it began way back then with their own initiation as C40s...and when their initiation was done....they both agreed that they should incorporate it into their own initiations at Royal high.

Royal high was a normal high school..(except for the bratty overly wealthy teenagers of course) ...just like it should be...but it also served as another purpose....a very important purpose...it was a breeding ground for identifying other potential C40's....kind of like having the perfect combination of the 'have's' and the 'have-nots'... mixing them up and seeing who truly exhibited talent...survival....the hunger....and most importantly...endurance.

Royal High School served as sort of a preliminary evaluation criteria...for the C40 scouts. For that same reason, the beggars were always male....with one exception...one beautiful exception.

Zach would have to ponder on that to really understand. Why was Leila put in Royal high school? Did they want her to be a C40 one day? HER? How would she survive?

Zach and Xavier almost didn't survive, and they were exceptionally fit ...and strong...and their endurance had been tested ...literally till breaking point...

Zach got out of the shower , looking at himself in his larger than life illuminated bathroom mirror...smiling...at the reflection...because it was the real him reflecting back. His whole torso was covered with intricate tattoos. He put on a pair of designer custom made sleek black trousers, not bothering to put on shirt, for today, he didn't need to hide. He stared down at his digital clock...it read 18:50 in green lighting.

He opened up his phone to check the CCTV footage of Leila's room, there she was popped on the bed, watching TV. Just as she should be....he could feel the rush of adrenaline pulsing through his veins..the excitement building up...They were about to arrive.


Xavier got into his Aston Martin, relieved to have been able to wash that garbage off of his face. The only day in the week he truly looked forward to. He looked at himself in the mirror, there all over his neck and on side of his face, were his tattoos. He remembered his C40 initiation days every time he looked at his face...and that was exactly the point.

Xavier thought of himself as more or less of a casual guy when it came to clothes, but Cut Throat on the other hand, had a strict preference for suits, today he wore a crisp black custom made designer slim suit.

Unlike Xavier's clothes that were personalized with the words 'Xavier Johnston' tailored onto almost all the clothes he owned, Cut Throat's clothes had to be able to ensure that the identity of the wearer could be hidden. He put his black gloves on, he stretched his hands out in front of him, feeling the leather expanding against his skin.

Today he was feeling more enthusiastic then normal Thursdays because he was informed that he had another batch of newcomers.

And more than anything else ...Cut Throat really liked newcomers, because he liked to see fresh raw new talent.

Yes their training was hardcore...so hardcore that it could make even someone like Leila become a C40...he sighed to himself when her name popped into his mind, what the hell was Zach thinking accommodating her there when he knew what went on in his house !

He didn't want his thoughts to wonder to her, he didn't need the distraction, he needed to concentrate today.

He had to leave the Xavier Johnston brand behind for now, and all other problems that belonged in his realm...because Cut Throat didn't have anybody to worry about.

He put on a black mask on his face, that covered his mouth, and he pressed hard on the accelerator, speeding his way to the Williams house.

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