《Power Moves - Exodus》Chapter 0 & Chapter 1
*Authors Note*
Unfortunately, i couldn't find a way of adding an earlier chapter :-( , only editing an existing one. So I added chapter 0 here, and chapter 1 proceeds thereafter. Hope you enjoy x0x0
Yours Truly, AN88888888.
"I am proposing we merge the men's prison with women" Princess said, as he started writing on the whiteboard in front of him. He had done various concept analyses, and was confident that this was the fastest and most effective way to cause the disruption they would need.
The C40 special ops youth militia were seated in a boardroom, strategizing on their implementation plan. Princess, their operation strategist, was dressed in a pink suit from head to toe, striking in contrast next to the youth militia who were all dressed in black. Their suits all embedded with silver stars onto their shoulders, a clear indication of their ranks.
"That sounds absurd Princess, could we even get authorization for such an operation?" Skinner asked skeptically, staring at their presenter. Clearly he was amongst the oldest of the comrades in the room, his braided hair placed in a neat bun, his youthful face deceiving the vast amount of experience he carried with him.
Princess inhaled deeply "I already did" replying smugly.
The room stayed still while its participants tried to take in what was just said.
"Wait, let me get this straight...we are talking about a categorized code red, men's maximum security prison, and you want to send in female prisoners?" KO asked, sniggering, while the other comrades jeered with excitement.
"If that's the case, I hope this mission is a stay over...would love to do shower time with them." Nico added laughing with excitement.
The other comrades murmured in agreement, Skinner scowled at Nico who winked back at him mischievously.
Princess sighed, rolling his eyes "Comrades, can the blood rush to your heads for a fraction of a second while I hold your concentration?" he asked irritated through gritted teeth.
"Which head?" KO asked playfully, while his other comrades laughed. KO sat in the boardroom with his back slouched on the chair, as though he were in a boring class. His fingers dwindling with a pen, while he drew lewd comics onto a serviette paper in front of him. Not normal behaviour of a high ranking comrade, but the C40 youth militia, did not particularly care for normal.
"It's too risky..." Cut Throat said out loud after a moments pause, the rest of the comrades fell silent immediately. The highest ranking of them all, had spoken. Cut throat was dressed in a slim crisp black suit. The stars embedded on his shoulders glistening amongst the darkened room. His young face remaining passive, not betraying a hint of emotion.
"Yes my thoughts as well, not sure about this one Princess..." Skinner said slowly.
"Don't tell me, you are feeling sorry for the ladies?" Princess retorted, "May I remind you, they too are hard done criminals comrade".
"Be that as it may, they are still no comparison to the male criminals in maximum security cells." Skinner replied
"Fair enough, but neither are the male prisoners any comparison to you comrades." Princess retorted.
There was no response, Princess could see, all jokes aside, the team was having reservations about the proposed plan.
"Princess this is too risky, even for us. How will we control the anarchy that is most likely to follow suit? These men haven't seen women in a very long time..." Cut Throat asked, his throat dry with the potential morbid consequences.
"Can just imagine the excitement" Nico said laughing again,
"Cut Throat, I'll have you know, as per protocol, we have conducted a full risk assessment before even putting a strategic framework of this operation together, besides, you haven't even heard what the actual operation entails" Princess said.
"Okay...what's the operation all about then?" KO asked, while still trying vulgar cartoons onto his serviette.
"Well ...glad that you asked" Princess said excitedly, as though he were just waiting for someone to finally ask, he turned around to start writing on the white board in an over-the -top dramatic fashion.
"Of course there's a catch" he said as a matter of fact, writing a set of numbers onto the white board.
"There always is with you" Skinner said, his eyes sombre staring at the white board.
"You will each be entering maximum security cell with no weapons"
"That is standard protocol" Nico said, while waiting to hear what would be different about this operation.
"And ..." Princess said, while still in the process of writing on the whiteboard
"You only have 4 minutes to do it. 4 minutes precisely. The security has a standard response time, thus you will need to ensure you have engaged your targets and concluded your task within a total of 4 minutes"
Nico let out a loud whistle from the corner of the room, "This is bonkers Princess...even for you"
"Well not really" Princess thought out loud, as though what he were hearing was rather absurd, "Look, we have 4 of you right? And we have 88 targets...." Princess started doing a division calculation on the white board in front of them.
"Well then..." he said, writing 88 in big and dividing it by 4, basically you need to eliminate 11 targets per minute.
"And the ladies? What is the purpose of them?" Cut Throat asked, he could feel adrenaline rushing through his body, he always liked challenges.
"Let's call it a good decoy. Both for the prisoners and the prison guards..." Princess said winking.
"And how will you get them there?" Nico asked puzzled
"Ohhh you can leave the logistics up to me to manage" Princess said with a smug smile
"And who is going to keep them safe?" Cut Throat asked, still not fully convinced, he hated when he was going to have possible collateral.
"I will leave that in the hands of the highly acclaimed, lethal special ops forces ...as in....you know....You guys" Princess said rather sarcastically, as though they were asking a ridiculous question.
Nico shook his head, while KO burst out laughing.
"So wait, we need to be killing 11 targets a minute, all while keeping the ladies safe ?" Nico said highly skeptical about the mission they were on.
"Killing is extremely primitive, it's called engaging the target" Princess said, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Plus 11 targets is a minimum, to be more arithmetically precise, its 11 targets per minute for each one of you"
The comrades gave Princess the stare down,
"Well you are the C40, if you can't do it, I mean who can?" Princess asked shrugging nonchalantly.
Cut Throat, KO, Skinner and Nico walked into the maximum security prison hall, behind one another, analyzing the scene in front of them.
"Alright, gently nod Cut Throat if you can hear this loud and clear," came Princess' voice into their ear piece, with a very slight movement Cut Throat nodded.
"KO do you copy ? Close your hand into a fist" Princess said, KO complied, making as though he wanted to stretch, he stretched his chest out feigning a yawn while closing his fists.
"Skinner, do you copy ? Clench your jaw if you copy"
Skinner complied
"Nico wink if you can hear me", but Nico smiled instead.
Princess groaned into their ear piece, making Nico smiled even broader.
"What you smiling at beautiful" A man said, walking towards Nico, he was a buff elderly guy, his face hard done with obvious marks of suffering, poverty and stab wounds across his face.
"It's a good day to be smiling" Nico said, smiling back at the buff guy.
Princess speaking through his ear piece, "Keep your hold comrade, you do not have authorization to start operation"
Nico sighed, the buff guy chuckled at Nico, the prison was loud, though not with excitement. It was loud as though roaring with sorrow. Sorrow of the untold horrors that occurred within the walls, and horrors that its inhabitants participate in.
Cut Throat was accustomed to Prison's; it was not unusual for the C40 to have operational targets within such institutions. Some were rescue operations, while others were quite the opposite. Through his years of experience he grew quite good at sensing out the environment, as each prison had its own environment that was unique to itself. However, there was always a common factor in all of them –an echo of terror.
The guards kept a firm eye on the new comers, and the buff guy talking to Nico was being watched by the guards on standby.
"You still have some time to buy comrades; I would appreciate it if you would please stay within your assigned timelines..." Princess said into their earpiece, with a hint of impatience.
Cut Throat looked at Nico who winked at him, knowing full well Nico couldn't wait to be given the clear to actually start with their operation. The same could be said for the others.
"Aren't you a handsome kid?" The buff guy came close to Nico, the guards all reacting instinctively their arms reaching for their batons as though in anticipation.
Cut Throat turned to look around, as much as the prisoners were restrained, so were the prison guards. And as much as they were there for the protection of the prisoners, they also wanted some form of entertainment from a boring mundane day, and through his experience he knew, they wouldn't mind entertainment as long as it didn't get them into trouble.
However ironically, what they didn't know was that, as much as the prisoners were caged, so were the C40. And to them, this was their 'fun day out'. The day they took out the restraints, and let them loose. And loose, was what all the comrades wanted to be.
Cut Throat could literally feel the excitement rubbing off of them. He turned to look at Skinner, the oldest of the 4. He was stoic, making no eye contact, but clearly his eyes were already analyzing and mapping out the mess hall framework. He knew Skinner so well, it was as though he could hear him mentally analyzing exit doors, the 'workable floor area' and of course, there was a big clock displaying time in a bright red LED, which would guide them on the 4 minutes they had to execute their task.
"The things I could do to you..." The buff guy said, smiling at Nico in a jeering manner. Except to his surprise, Nico smiled back with a wink "Funny, the same thing I could say to you..." The buff guy's face lit up in a sickening excitement.
"Boy I'm going to have so much fun...Hey Jerry! This one is mine....!" He said, shouting across the hall, the other prisoners looked at the show in anticipation.
"Ladies are incoming..." Princess whispered into his earpiece.
"Can't wait..." Nico whispered under his breath, making the elderly guy turn around, thinking he had spoken to him.
KO groaned at Nico, "what it's the only reason I agreed to do this task, I also haven't seen women in a while" Nico whispered.
Skinner chuckled,
And right on time, the doors of the cafeteria opened, Guards entered the prison, walking with a row of women in the prison uniform, they had black bags on their head. Some of the female prisoners heads turning around, as they too realized they were too many men voices surrounding them.
"Err...Sergeant ...did someone forget to inform us that we were expecting women into the prison mess?" Cut Throat heard one of the guards ask into his radio transmitter.
"Hold Position" Princess whispered cautioning the comrades to not act out of line.
The other guards looked at each other in confusion. Cut Throat could see what Princess meant; it's the most effective method to unbalance the situation in the quickest way possible. He looked up at the clock; it was showed 08h45.
"Comrade hold position. You have 1 minute left" Princess whispered in the ear piece.
"Err...Sergeant can you please respond?" the guard again tried to get a response, as he approached the guards who bought in the female prisoners.
"Officer, Hey! Hey! What the bloody hell is going on...? Who authorized this? You do understand that this a maximum security MENS prison facility?" the officer said, shouting at the guards who bought the ladies into their hall.
The Officer did not respond, casually taking off the black bags across the women's face, revealing their fright and shock at being in a hall with male prisoners. "Look man I don't get paid that much to ask too many questions, I was just given the drop off location and asked to bring the prisoners here man. Something about it being a registered co-ed facility..." the guard replied uninterested into the havoc he was about to cause.
"Are you out of your MIND? STOP!" a fellow guard came running shouting at the top of his lungs, trying to usher the ladies back out of the way they entered.
However, seeing the women, caused mayhem instantaneously. The men started howling, while the guards were in panic mode. The comrades turned around to look at each other impressed, as much as Princess's thinking was usually 'out of the box', it was highly effective.
Cut Throat and Skinner started assessing the situation which was almost electric. The women stared in fear at the site in front of them, even the hard done women who clearly held their allegiance to gangs with obvious marking on their faces looked apprehensive.
"Co-ed facility? Here? This is a code red maximum security facility! You will get these women killed!" The officer shrieked in panic, still trying to escort the woman out of the exit doors.
The prison was on the brink of collapse and everyone could sense it. The Prisoners, the guards and the C40 waited for the go ahead signal.
Cut Throat turned to look at the watch, and as clear as day, he knew what was about to happen, he turned to look at his fellow comrades, Skinner gave him the nod, KO winked and Nico shrugged.
"You have authorization to begin operations comrades..." Princess voice sounded into their ear piece.
And just as he had predicted, Cut Throat knew the lights would go off.
The only light that came now was from the ominous light of the clock that stared at them stating the time was 08h46. They would need to conclude by 09h00.
"Oh Shit! Oh shit oh shit!" Cut Throat heard one of the guards cry, his voice heaving in distress. There was momentary stillness as everyone tried to take in what just happened. With realization settling in, a bunch of the prisoners ran straight to the guards.
Cut Throat turned to look around, his eyes getting accustomed to the dark fast. He saw there were a few prisoners who seemed to have florescent patches onto their overalls, as though they were marked, making them easily identifiable. A slow smile creeping onto his face, he was going to enjoy this.
"Should we just hang out with the ladies, and wait for Cut Throat to finish this?" KO asked jokingly to Skinner. Skinner gave KO a stern look of disapproval, and turned away from him, halfway undressing out of his prisoner overall, taking his jacket between his arms, tightening it around his wrist as though to use as a rope.
"I guess not then..." KO said snickering. KO turned to walk towards the woman prisoners; they looked at him in apprehension, "Good Day ladies." KO did a theatrical bow, "It's me your favourite prisoner......fear not...for I am here to prote-" KO stopped midway
"Whoa..." he said ducking one of the women who came at him, with what looked like a handmade steel rod. He easily with one sweeping move brought the lady onto the floor, and had her arm held tight behind her head. "Whoa whoa whoa...don't get confused lady; I'm really NOT a nice guy." KO said winking. The lady squirmed under his hold,
Her face turning angrily to look up at him, "Alright, like I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted by ugly here...stay still ladies, we won't have a problem. If you move, or do anything that might cause me to be distracted....let's just say...you will definitely regret it..." KO said, his words mixing the danger of a threat, with mischievousness.
"Nico what's the count?" KO shouted, his voice the only steady one amongst the pandemonium that ensued together with the prisoners shouting, the women huddled behind KO
"Damn...I can't tell, they are too busy that side..." Nico said "I got 4...not the targets though...just for fun" he shouted back proudly
"Good for you son..." KO said mocking a salute.
"Gentlemen if you must know the statistics....Cut Throat has engaged 27 targets thus far" Princess said in their ear piece
"Shit...he's good...." KO said impressed
"Skinner is assisting with forming a line of resistance, he has halted around 3 groups coming after the ladies so far...." Princess said
"Only 3 groups? Ah...there is room for improvement..." KO said nodding his head
"Says the one who has 0 engagements...we have about a minute and half left comrades" Princess said dryly into the earpiece
"Hey I gotta protect the ladies, what can I say...it's a tough job, but someone has to do it..." KO said, smiling
The lady prisoners looked at him as it looked as though he were speaking to himself.
"Oh no...don't worry about me...I hear voices in my head...a lot... of voices..." KO turned to look at them winking. Some of the women stared at him in disgust, as though he were mentally unstable. Just as he turned his back to the onslaught, from the corner of his eyes he briefly caught, a clique of prisoners running towards him. He turned back to look at the faces of the women prisoners, some ducked with their hands out in defensive position, while some closed their eyes.
KO turned around and ducked just within a split second as he missed a knife that would have stabbed his back. It was an offensive attack. KO got punched squarely in between his eyes, falling back "Owwww! That hurt idiot!" KO said, rubbing his forehead while the rest of the members of the squad started laughing. He was a bit irritated, without a second of thought, he quickly in one sweeping clean movement, he had jumped the guy, punching him three times in very deliberate and trained motions: one in the forehead, one in the throat and one in the stomach. The man immediately started vomiting.
The other prisoners, looked at the sight in front of them, pouncing on KO at the same time.
"Err...Guys ...some help here ?" KO shouted into the abyss, he couldn't see Cut Throat or Skinner In his line of sight, as he tried to keep the men from causing him serious injury.
He jumped the second guy, but he was much heavier, making it difficult to control his upper body.
"45 seconds left to go..." Princess said dryly into his ear piece, KO was still struggling with the bigger bodied prisoner, he had to give it to him, he was powerful. He flung KO across the floor, KO felt his body hit the smooth surface. The prisoner walked towards him slowly, a glint of perverse enjoyment in his eyes. He stuck out his tongue, taking a blade from under it. The other prisoners were already busy with the women prisoners, who seemed to be fighting back much to their enjoyment.
"Ah...guess I really have to bring my A-game to this now..." KO said unimpressed trying to get up from the floor, when suddenly he saw a young man come and jump onto the big bulky figure, and with one clean measured move he swiftly snapped his neck, the man crumbled onto the floor, as the young man jumped off of him.
"88...." The man whispered.
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