《help wanted - Harry Styles au》Chapter 40


I am officially 10 weeks pregnant. My stomach is only showing just a tiny bit, but definitely enough for me and Harry to see the difference. They symptoms have started to kick in, nausea, mood swings, extreme fatigue- the whole nine yards.

Harry has been nothing but helpful and encouraging through this entire process. Never once has he snapped at me for my mood swings, constantly asking if I'm doing okay. And every time I wake up in the middle of the night to throw up, he's right there holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back.

Harry was in the office today and both the kids were at daycare, which left me with the whole day to catch up on school and clean around the house. I glanced at the grocery list that was hung on the fridge, debating if I should go ahead and take care of it now or later. I'm sure Harry would insist that we go together, but the house was already clean and I had nothing else to do.

I grabbed the list from the fridge and stuck it in my pocket before gathering the rest of my things and heading out. The air was crisp, the trees were almost bare and goosebumps rose on my skin as soon as I stepped out of the house.

2:47 PM

Just enough time for me to be back home before Harry and the kids.

The grocery store was pretty empty for the most part, not many people do their grocery shopping on a Tuesday afternoon I suppose. I liked it this way, nobody to bump into, no awkwardly standing behind someone when they take too long in front of the product you need.

I was in and out of the store within 30 minutes, a record time if you ask me. If I were to go with Harry and the kids, we'd be there for at least an hour and a half. Guaranteed.

On the way home I stopped by a bakery, a little surprise for the kids and Harry sounds good.

"Hi, two blueberry muffins, two cannolis, and a chai tea latte please." I said to the cashier, she nodded her head and punched in my order. I sat by the window, and pulled out my phone.

We'll be home soon, love you xx

I smiled at Harry's text, I let him know that I was out of the house but I'd be home soon. I glanced out the window and that's when I saw it. A car parked across the street, the same car that was in front of my neighbors the week Harry was gone.

Surely it was a coincidence, right?

"Anastasia! You're order's ready." My attention snapped away from the car. I took one last glance at it before shaking my head, stop overthinking everything.

I thanked the cashier for the order and left, walking briskly to the car. Something didn't feel right.

"Doll." I stopped in my tracks, Scott stood leaned against the hood of the car. My breathe hitched in my throat and my fists clenched around the cup in my hand.

"Dylan." I spat. "You can't be here. You're literally breaking the law right now." I glared at him, he chuckled and stood up straight, taking one big stride towards me. I took a step back, not wanting to be anywhere near this man.


"You really thought that I would just go away?" He asked, a sick smile on his face. I stood my ground, not letting my face show any signs of weakness or discomfort.

"What do you want from me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why now? We've been broken up for years! Why now?! Why do you suddenly care what I'm doing with my life??" I shouted, he took another step towards me, shoving his hand over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch." He spat, his face only centimeters away from mine. Any confidence I had, was now washed away. My chest tightened and I know my eyes showed nothing but fear.

"Don't want draw attention to us, now do we??" He growled under his breathe. "Answer me." He shouted, I shook under his grip. I shook my head and he released his hold on me.

"We've been separated for a few years and a bitch forgets how to talk to me." He laughed. "That's alright, you'll remember soon enough." I glared at him, angry that he never answered my question. What the fuck does he want from me.

"What do you want." I spat out once again.

"I want, what you have. What you never gave me." He grinned, tilting his head.

"I gave you everything. Everything you ever wanted, I gave you." I said, he controlled me for years. How could he possibly say that I didn't do something for him.

"Uh, uh uh.. There is one thing. One thing that you're giving to this Harry guy." He smirked, eyes glancing from my face to my stomach. My eyes widened, I took another step back.

"You will not touch me or this child." I spat. "You need to leave me alone." I said taking a step away, trying to walk around him and to the car. He instantly stopped me, grabbing my arm. I let out a shout, not caring if anyone heard, I threw the scolding hot latte at his face.

He instantly let go and knelt down in pain, hands instantly rubbing his face while he shouted curses at me.

"You bitch! You're gonna pay for that." He shouted out, "You're gonna pay." He laughed out loud.

I took my chance and bolted to the car, getting in and locking the door immediately. Before he could even get up from the ground, I was out of the parking lot.

My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, chest rising and falling rapidly.

Calm down Ana. Deep breathes. Deep breathes.

I drove home as fast as I could, extremely relieved to see Harry's car in the garage already. I grabbed all the bags from the trunk, not wanting to take two trips and rushed into the house.

I could hear Harry and the kids in the kitchen, as soon as I got through the door, I set the bags on the floor and took a moment to breathe. The last thing I wanted was for the kids to see me all worked up. I sat on the ground and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes and trying to calm my breathing that was still at a high pace.

"Ana? Is that you?" I heard Harry call from the kitchen. I took a deep breathe, come on Anastasia. Get it together. I shook off all the worry from my face, trying to look calm and collected.


"Hey, you okay?" Harry peaked at me, as soon as I locked eyes with him, my poker face fell. My lips turned into a frown and I closed my eyes, dropping my head into my hands. I couldn't lie to Harry.

"What happened?" Harry grabbed my hands, pulling me to my feet, pushing the bags of groceries aside.

"Scott, he- he-" I felt Harry's arms tense around me.

"What. What did that fucker do?" Harry's voice was low, only ever this angry when it came to Scott.

"I think he's been watching me.. He stopped me at the bakery, tried to scare me." I pushed away from Harry, wanting to catch a breathe. Harry kept me at arms length, not letting me push him completely.

"Tell me exactly what happened, Anastasia. Please." He pleaded, I nodded and took another deep breathe.

"I was walking to my car, he was leaning on the hood waiting for me.." I scrunched my nose thinking about what just happened. "Told me I couldn't get rid of him that easily.. and then." I closed my eyes, angry at what happened next.

"What, Anastasia. What happened next?" Harry pushed me to continue.

"He said he wants the baby." I said. My voice was even, my arms stopped shaking as I looked into Harry's eyes once again. His face dropped, mouth agape slightly.

"He did what?" Harry's voice was barely audible, but I knew he felt what I was feeling. Fear. I nodded my head slowly. Harry pulled me back into his chest, his arms wrapped around me once again. "We're gonna be okay, he can't get to us. He won't touch you, he won't touch the baby." Harry tried his best to comfort me, but the truth is he was just as terrified as me and we both knew it.

Neither one of us had any idea what Scott was capable of. Just when we think it's over or just when we think we've seen the worst of it, he does something else.

Is this what our life is now? Living in constant fear of my ex?

"We have to talk to Louis and Niall." Harry said, picking up the bags off the floor and taking them to the kitchen. "He broke the restraining order, that's reason enough to have him arrested." Harry mumbled, grabbing his phone off the table and walking out of the kitchen.

I sighed, kissing Pen and Danny on the forehead.

"You guys wanna help me put away the groceries?" I asked them, not wanting them to question Harry's sudden change of mood. Pen nodded and got out of her seat to help me, Danny wasn't much help but he tried his best.

As soon as I was in my office I grabbed a book from my shelve and threw it across the room, screaming in anger.

Why can't he just leave us alone?

I dropped onto the chair, tugging the roots of my hair, there has to be something I can do. If I can't protect Anastasia, who knows what he's gonna do to her or to our baby. I called up Louis and Niall and filled them in on what just happened, they all agreed that we'd meet up for dinner tomorrow to discuss what needs to be done at this time.

Niall's convinced we can find him and get him behind bars for harassment and violating his restraining order. After the call ended, I know I should've gotten out of the office and spent time with the kids and Ana. But I couldn't I sat in my chair, staring at my screen. I was eating myself alive, how could I have been so careless as to let my guard down.

I glanced at the picture frames that were displayed on my desk, my eyes landing on the small picture of Dani and Pen when Pen was first born. I picked up the picture and sighed.

"What do I do, Danielle..? How do I fix this?" I whispered, she'd want me to do everything in my power to keep this family safe. I kissed the picture before placing it back down onto the desk. I walked out the room, but instead of heading to the kitchen with everyone else, I went to our bedroom and into the closet. I needed to let it out.

I stepped into the room and flicked the lights on, with everything that's been going on lately this room hasn't been used very much by myself or Anastasia. I sat down on the small couch and picked up the guitar off the stand, tuning it before letting my fingers strum the chords.

There's nothing I could say to you

Nothing I could ever do to make you see

What you mean to me All the pain, the tears I cried

Still you never said goodbye and now I know

How far you'd goAnd if I let you down

I'll turn it all around

This time I'll never let you go

The words fell out of my mouth with ease, I've been holding in so much tension in myself. I have been so focused on making sure Anastasia and the kids were okay, I haven't even stopped to check my own emotions. Music was the best way I could do that.

All my life, I'll be with you forever

To get you through the day

And make everything OK

I thought that I had everything

I didn't know what life could bring

But now I see, honestly

You're the one thing I got right

The only one I let inside

Now I can breathe, cause you're here with me

I stopped strumming, sitting in this moment. Anastasia came into my life and tore down my walls, she made me vulnerable.. gave me reason to smile, to laugh, to keep pushing on. She's brought life and joy back into this household not only for me, but for the kids as well.

It wasn't fair for Anastasia to go through what she went through, and now she's dealing with even more crap. It wasn't fair.

I put the guitar back and made my way to the living room where I could hear the laughter of the children. Anastasia and the kids were sprawled across the rug, playing with the kids race track. Anastasia made car revving noises, which is what caused the kids to erupt into a fit of laughter. Once they caught sight of me, Ana didn't say anything, she just scooted over and pat the empty spot next to her.

With a grin on my face, I took my rightful spot next to her, grabbing a car from the floor and mimicking Ana's sounds, causing the three of them to fall in a fit of laughter.

This. This was right. This is what we were fighting for, a life of laughter and joy.

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