《Adopted by McQueen (humanized) Book One》Chapter 12


McQueen walked to the motel with Chloe asleep in his arms. He places her in the bed and covered her with blankets. He looked at her face; it was peaceful and relaxed. He kissed her forehead and sighed. He now knew why she kept having nightmares.

Mrs Nelson had scarred her emotionally and physically. And all the families who adopted her before only abused her and worse things. She was scared that he'd take her back one day. It broke him to think about it. He wiped a tear that was rolling down his cheek.

He walked outside and slowly shut the door. He got on the machine and started working on the road. The others notice his sudden mood change.

"Something's wring." Ramone said.

"Forse Chloe ha ferito i suoi sentimenti per qualcasa o stava trattenendo alcune emozioni che dovevano essere rilascuate." Guido proposed. (Maybe Chloe hurt his feelings for something or she was holding back some emotions that needed to be released)

"That makes no sense, Guido." Luigi told him.

"I'll go talk to him." Mater said.

Mater walked to McQueen and smiled. McQueen didn't turn to acknowledge him. He just stared at his feet with a frown.

"Hey buddy." Mater said, "what's got ya downer than a rock in a pond?"

"Just worried about Chloe is all." McQueen spoke.

"Well......" Mater started, "I got something fun we can do tonight."

"No Mater I gotta finish this road, get outta here, and take care of my daughter." McQueen replied.

"Alright Mister I cant turn on dirt. You probably couldn't handle it anyway." Mater smirked and turned away.

"Whoa hold on Mater. I'm Lightning McQueen." He said, "I can handle anything."

"Mater I'm not doin' this." McQueen whispered.


"Oh come on you'll love it." He chuckled, "cow tippin's fun."

"I've never done this."

"It's easy. Ya tip me' over or yell in their ear. But don't let Frank get ya." Mater explained as he headed down the hill.

"Wait Mater!" McQueen yelled in a whisper as he followed him.

They stopped in front of a sleeping cow. McQueen looked terrifyingly confused.

"Watch this." Mater chuckled.

Mater walked to the cow and screamed in its ear. The cow mooed in fear, fell down, and squirmed. Mater laughed and walked back to McQueen.

"That's fun right there." Mater laughed, "how it's your turn."

"Mater this is stupid."

"Baby." Mater spoke.

"I'm not a baby." Lightning replied.

Mater started making chicken noises. Lightning got annoyed really fast.

"Alright I'll do something." He told him.

He walked to a cow and looked at her peace it slept. He turned to Mater with a look of uncertainty. Mater smiled and nodded. McQueen then shoved the cow. Not only did the cow fall over, but the other cows did too. They were lined up like dominos.

They mooed and squirmed. Lightning and Mater laughed. They then heard a low huff behind the bushes.

"That's Frank." Mater said and started running.

McQueen stayed in his place until Frank the bull jumped out. He roared (or whatever) at McQueen with angry eyes. McQueen screamed and started running as well.

"He's gonna get ya!" Mater laughed.

They jumped over the fence and stopped. Frank couldn't get out to get them. They laughed.

Chloe woke up and looked around. McQueen was nowhere. She stood up and walked outside. She walked in Sally's office.

"Sally?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

Sally looked up and saw Chloe, "what are you doing up, Chloe?"


"Daddy's not here." She answered.

Sally picked her up, "I think he's with Mater."

Chloe rested her head on Sally's shoulder. Sally then heard voices. She looked out the window and saw McQueen and Mater. Soon Mater went back to his place and McQueen walked to his motel room. Sally walked to him with Chloe in her arms.

"Hey." She spoke.

McQueen screamed in fright but immediately covered his mouth when he saw Chloe asleep.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." McQueen said, "when did Chloe get up?"

"Like 5 minutes ago." Sally answered, "she was wondering where you were."

She gently handed Chloe to McQueen, "so I overheard you talking to Mater about a helicopter ride."

"You did?"

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"That you'll give him a ride." Sally answered.

"Who knows I mean 1st I gotta get out of here." McQueen replied.

"You know.....Mater trusts you." Sally said.


"Goodnight." Sally said and walked away.

"Hey, thank you." McQueen spoke.

Sally stopped and looked at him, "what did you say?"

"Thank you for giving us a place to stay and taking care of my daughter while I work on the road. It means a lot. Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight." Sally smiled.

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