《Adopted by McQueen (humanized) Book One》Chapter 10


Chloe woke up and noticed McQueen was gone. She walked out of the room and saw him on the Bessie machine. She made her way to Flo's and was greeted by everyone.

"Well hey there sugar!" Flo smiled, "you woke up just in time."

She set a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of her. Chloe licked her lips and began eating.

"How did you sleep?" Sally asked.

"Good," Chloe answered.

Everyone then overheard McQueen telling Mater that he needed to get back to California. After the talking, McQueen overheard the radio.

"Still no sign of Lightning McQueen. Meanwhile, Chick Hicks has arrived at the track." The radio announced.

Lightning then freaked out, "Mater, I can go when this road is done, right?"

"That's what he said." Mater replied.

"Alright outta my way. I gotta road to finish." McQueen said.

McQueen then sped the machine across the road and Mater ran to go get Doc. The others watched as the road became worse.

"Sugar come here." Flo said motioning Chloe to come to her.

Chloe did as she was told and the others walked to McQueen.

"There I'm finished." He smiled, "just say thank you and I'll be on my way."

He'll be on his way??? Did he forget about me? Chloe questioned.

"It looks awful." Sally spoke.

"Now it matches the rest of the town."

Chloe gasped at how McQueen's actions took her by surprise.

"The deal was for you to fix the road. Not make it worse. Now scrape it off! Start over again!" Doc yelled.

"Hey grandpa, I'm not a construction worker. I'm a racer."

"oh ho, ho, is that right? How about we have a little race? Me and you."


McQueen laughed, "Me and you? Is this a joke?"

"You win, you and Chloe go and I'll fix the road. If I win, you do the road my way." Doc explained.

"No offense but you would go 0 to 60 in like what 3.5 years?"

"Then I suppose you got nothing to worry about."

"Alright then. Let's race."

McQueen had lost because he ended up in a ditch of cactus. He was now scraping the road and everyone was watching. Chloe on the other hand, was in the motel room having flashbacks playing through her head.

"I don't even remember why I adopted you!"

"Let me massage you Chloe. . ."

"Get your ass over here!"


Chloe held her side as she felt the pain all over again. Tears fell from her eyes.

"I hope he's not like the others. . ."

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