《Adopted by McQueen (humanized) Book One》Chapter 1


I woke up in my bed and got up to get ready. I walked downstairs to see all the kids of the orphanage at the table eating breakfast. I sat down and started eating as well. Today's breakfast was stale bread and syrup. It wasn't the best, but it was good to keep us full until lunch.

After breakfast, I went back to my room and turned on the TV. I turned it to the racing channel. All the racers were racing for the Piston Cup. My favorite racer was Lightning McQueen. He was cool.

So far he was in 5th place on lap 250. There was 400 laps in this race, so he had time to catch up. My door was suddenly banged on.


I sighed as I cut off the TV. I put on my apron and headed downstairs. I looked at the 40 empty seats and 40 messes left on the table.

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!" She yelled shoving a bucket of water and a wash rag in my hands, "THIS TABLE ISN'T GONNA CLEAN ITSELF!"

She walked away after giving me an evil glare. I looked at the ground in sadness. I cleaned up after breakfast, with no help. It takes me hours to finish. I could only carry 5 plates at a time to the sink.

8 times I walked from the table to the sink. I would wipe the table off first. Since it was the easiest. Then I would clean every plate and made sure it was spotless. If a plate had such as one crumb on it, I would get a beaten and spend time in the dark room. I shivered at the thought.

After 2 and a half hours later, I was finally done. I went back up to my room and turned on my TV. The race was over and McQueen was on the TV.


"McQueen how do you feel about tying with The King and Chick Hicks?" Kori asked.

"It's good. I actually thought I lost for a minute. I'm glad I got to tie with them on the final race." He answered.

"What are your future goals for this season?" She asked.

"To win the Piston Cup of course." Lightning chuckled rubbing the back of his neck, "but besides the season, I want a kid."

"But. . .you're not married." Kori told McQueen.

"Then I'll adopt. That easy. I could use some company other than my driver Mack." He said.

He leaned towards her ear and whispered, "He's really loud."

I laughed.

"Which orphanage do you plan on going to?" Kori asked.

"I've tried many, but none of the kids are what I'm looking for. My last option is Creek of Angles Orphanage." He answered.

I gasped, that's my orphanage.

"When will you visit the orphanage?" Kori asked.

"Tomorrow hopefully." McQueen answered, "I've been looking forward to have a kid with me at my races."

I looked at my wall where I had a poster of McQueen saying "KACHOW!" on it. I started thinking, he could be my hero to help me escape this place.

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