《7 Minutes in Heaven | YOONMIN FF》8


"But I don't want to go inside." Taehyung was pouting and that was getting on both Jungkook and Jimin's nerves. Jimin turned around. He had enough.

"Well guess what Taehyung. You are going to accompany me and your boyfriend inside and maybe have a drink or two. Then, you are going to have fun because come on, you are with me and Jungkook at a party so it would be impossible for you not to have fun." Jungkook's face lit up and he nodded rapidly in agreement. He was usually teases for being the boring one so he tried to agree with Taehyung so that tag which was so unfairly on him, could be passed to his boyfriend.

"Jimin if you make me drink, you will have to deal with drunk Taehyung and you would t want that. Plus, I'm driving you guys home so I can't drink."

"Tsk, fine...and I thought Jungkook was the boring one..." Jimin glanced at Jungkook, who was staring at the doorknob seeming eager to touch and twist it so that the door can open.

"Let's go in." Jungkook opened the door and found that the place was already filled with a ton of people. Instantly, Lisa showed up to greet them.

"Hey! Glad you could make it! Everyone has drinks so feel free to help yourself! wait...are you Jimin?" Lisa pointed to the smallest in height of the trio.

"Yes that would be me...how do you know about me?" Lisa was one of the most popular kids alongside Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi so it would be odd for her to know someone like Jimin who was not popular.

"Namjoon's boyfriend mentioned something about a guy named Jimin coming with two of his other friends...he said he was the smallest of the group..." Both Jungkook and Taehyung turned around trying to contain their faces from view and tried to avoid laughing. Jimin turned red and hit both of them on their back with his elbow and tried to act normal.


"Oh...yeah I'm the smallest...speaking of Namjoo's boyfriend, do you happen to know where they are?" Lisa looked around until her eyes spotted Namjoon with Jin.

"They are right over there talking to some of Namjoon's friends." The couple were with some of Namjoon's friends who were laughing at Namjoon's jokes while Jin was grabbing onto his arm.

"Ah...okay thanks. Nice meeting you!" Jimin waved goodbye as he started walking over with his little tail of friends towards the group and Lisa waved goodbye back.


Yoongi was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling doing nothing, trying to fall asleep which was impossible because of the music and people talking downstairs. He had given up but after a while, he was finally becoming drowsy so he took this chance to sleep, his breath slowing down, eyes closing when he heard a knock on the door which made him open his eyes immediately.

"What? Come in." Yoongi groaned as he sat up to see the person who would walk through the door. Hoseok was the one to walk through.

"Dude what are you doing in here? You are supposed to be downstairs drinking and dancing."

"I was trying to sleep but it seems that it is an impossible task to do here. Plus, I did not want to come in the first place so you shouldn't expect to see me downstairs. I was going to go downstairs but at the last moment, I changed my mind and laid back down." Yoongi went back to laying on the bed, this time his face facing the bed.

"Well start changing that mind again because we need you downstairs, we are going to play a game."

"A game?" Beside humans, that was another thing that Yoongi disliked.


"Yes, a game. I'll be waiting for you downstairs so get your ass up from that bed, and hurry up." Hoseok left the room, and Yoongi slowly sat up once more, having the will to stand up and drag his feet to the door. There was no point in staying inside the room anymore. If he didn't, Hoseok would tell Namjoon and he would come and carry him if he had to, and he wanted to avoid that type of interaction.

"Tsk, people..games...party...why do these things even exist?" Yoongi muttered to himself as he opened the door and slowly went down the stairs. Hoseok went over to him and brought him to the huge group that everyone in the party formed. He sat down and scanned the faces they all seemed dull and repetitive until he spotted one that he found familiar. He had seen that boy looking at him from across the street last time when he was walking home with Hoseok. The boy was cute and he didn't seem boring.


Jimin and the other two met up with Jin and they were introduced to Namjoon, who seemed very friendly. They were talking when Lisa announced that they were all going to play a game and told them to gather around. They all sat in big circle Jin, Jungkook, Taehying, and Namjoon were talking to each other but Jimin was busy scanning the faces.

No Yoongi.

Jin noticed Jimin. "He is here but he just isn't in this room." Jimin was a little disappointed but relieved at the same time. Jimin nodded and joined the conversation when Lisa started talking.

"Okay guys, we are all going to play a game that I'm sure you will all find fun. We will be playing- oh, Yoongi you joined! take a seat!" Jimin instantly looked around when he heard that name. There he was...Min Yoongi. One of the most popular kids at school. Yoongi made eye contact with him and Jimin looked away.

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