《7 Minutes in Heaven | YOONMIN FF》5


"Wait so you now have a boyfriend who is one of the 3 most popular kids at school?" Jungkook had arrived when Jimin and Jin came back and filled him in on what had recently happened.

"Correct." Both Jin and Jimin were smiling and urged Jungkook to share his opinion on what had just been said.

"And Yoongi and Na-I mean your boyfriend, are roommates?" Both boys nodded in response. Jungkook smirked.

"That's better for you Jimin isn't it?" Jimin hit Jungkook arm.

"Jungkook! No!" Jungkook laughed and Jin joined in too.

"well to be honest, my opinion on this would be that Jin should be with Namjoon but let's get one thing straight...if he harms you or hurts you in any way, I will kill him. Got it?"

"N-no he wouldn't hurt me so don't worry." Jin managed to put on a smile.

Namjoon wouldn't hurt him right? It's not like he's playing with his feelings.

"Hey guys how about we watch a movie? We haven't watched one altogether in a long time." Jimin knew that for all three of them to be at home at the same time was rare. Someone always had plans so he wanted to take advantage of moments like these when the three of them were present.

"How about...the Conjuring?" Jin and Jungkook's face went blank.

"A scary movie? Really?" The rest questioned.

"Aw...don't tell me you're scared~" Jimin whispered as he walked over to the light switch and turned it off.

The boys disagreed with that statement and Jin quickly left to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for them during the movie. At first, everyone was attentive and intrigued by the movie. At times, they would flinch and grab onto each other but they managed to go through it.



Everyone except Jimin was fast asleep and snoring. Jimin was the only one who had managed to stay awake to finish the movie. He was fighting against sleep and was determined to stay awake to see how the rest of the movie ended. Jimin's eyes widened when he saw that there was shadow behind Ed.

"Noooo Ed! Turn around!" Jimin whispered as he he tried to warn Ed as if he could hear him from across the screen. At that moment, his phone buzzed.

"Now who cold it be?" He thought out loud to himself as he picked up the phone. As he looked at it, his first reaction was to squint his eyes because the screen brightness was too high. Once he adjusted, he found that Taehyung had sent him a message.

Are you still awake? Kookie didn't respond so I thought you might be.

Yeah I still am. We decided to watch the Conjuring but Jin and Kookie already fell asleep -_-

So you're the only one awake?


Anyway, what's up?

I just wanted to ask if you knew about the party that is happening his weekend




Well, the party is next Saturday and it is going to be hosted at Lisa's house. Everyone is invited so make sure you go.

Um...why wouldn't I go?

I love parties so expect me there 😆

I knew you would want to go 😂

Anyway, tell the others for me

I'll see you tmr goodnight don't let the demons get youuuu

Read 2:03am

By the time the conversation finished, the movie was at its ending so Jimin decided to turn the TV off and sleep among the other two who each had their head on one of Jimin's shoulder. Jimin couldn't be more excited for the party next week. He loved partying and dancing. It was one of his favorite things.


"Hey Yoongi?" Namjoon questioned as Yoongi lay on the couch staring at the ceiling thinking about how he hated people and socializing.

"Hm?" The older hummed as he sat up and faced Namjoon.

"Did you know that Lisa is throwing a party next week?"

"Yes I did but I'm not planning on going." Namjoon sat on the couch with Yoongi and began his techniques to persuade Yoongi into going.

"Why not? You could meet new people." Yoongi scoffed as he heard those words.

"You our of all people know that I don't like people and hate being with them in one place."

"I'm not talking about making friends, I'm talking about finding someone that you would attract to. Maybe you cops find someone there who you could be happy with. It can be either a guy or a girl you never know since you're bisexual and all. Plus, I want you to meet my boyfriend there."

"You have a boyfriend? Since when?" Namjoon chuckled and rubbed his eyes due to his tiredness.

"Last night I found someone that I instantly fell for and he felt the same way, so we both decided to get together!" Yoongi now knew the reason that Namjoon had asked him to not come back to the apartment last night. He crashed at Hoseok's because if he went somewhere else to spend the night, then the kids would go gossiping and the whole school would have information that was false.

"So will you come?" Namjoon asked as he stood up and started to walk to his room slowly and backwards so that he could hear the response from Yoongi.

Yoongi thought about it. He wasn't really interested in finding a certain someone that he could spend his life with because no one here was ever really that interesting. But at the same time, he wanted to go for Namjoon because he seemed excited about introducing him to his new boyfriend because he as well, was often not dating anyone because they weren't up to his expectations.

"Okay...but I'll only go because I want to meet your boyfriend got it?" The younger slowly nodded.

"Thanks Yoongi I appreciate it...goodnight." With that, Namjoon went in his room and closed the door. Yoongi decided that it was time for him to sleep as well.

"Tsk, find someone special..." he muttered as he entered his room and closed the door.

I honestly thought this book was terrible but thank you all for reading this

Thank you again ily all ❤️

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